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So you say that you went over to troll and see what reaction you could stir up on a developers forum, and you think it was 'clever'..?
I didn't say I thought I was "clever" to do what I did. I was proving a point, which I will explain at the end of this post.
Not at all. I'm restating the initial point which was that rather than addressing the problem of people breaking their rules, the FM.net staff prefer to ban anyone who talks about GT5 which isn't against their rules.
Exactly - and that is what I fail to understand about Che's decision to just ban any GT5 talk whatsoever.
Flaming and abuse is against their rules, talking about GT is not.
And yet anyone that does that - even a Forza fan that also likes GT will be banned for merely mentioning GT at all. I agree, it's silly and against their own TOS agreement.
No-one who broke their rules was threatened with a ban. Someone who didn't break their rules was.
Myself and one other [that we know of] were banned just for talking about GT5 over there - and I wasn't even trying to do anything short of having an adult discussion about the two games - but then what I knew would happen occurred and Che did what I hoped he would do.
I insinuated nothing. I did state that it was horrible moderation.
Quoted for truth. 👍
It was. The moderation here at GTPlanet is astoundingly accurate and fair. It also goes in accordance with the TOS provided when signing up here. Che Chou should troll around in here to see how to do his own job better.
I will back up this since this list was NOT made up in intention to "prove which game is better" but in order to showcase the technical and content-wise differences after small amount of info leaked after E3 on both sides.
Using it for any kind of "proving this or that regarding actual quality of any title" is simply dishonorable intention.
Exactly. I was simply using the list as a contention for a good discussion - not to say one game was far superior to the other. If I had wanted to do that, I would have changed all the Forza 3 specs to silly, comically wrong numbers and specs just to troll and incite a flame war - but I made it as accurate as possible just to see if any sort of civilized discussion could occur over there. Sadly, I knew the outcome and Che Chou provided that outcome sooner than I expected.
You really are just arguing for the sake of arguing..
No offense phil-t - but why are you arguing with a moderator anyway?
Okay, back onto my soapbox.
I only posted that discussion over at forzamotors.net to prove two things to myself - and I suppose to everyone else also - and those are:
- Turn 10 is afraid of the Gran Turismo series
- The Forza community is one of the most childish, fanboyish-to-a-fault and rude communities out there
I carefully worded what I wrote in the initial post - pointing out that both games are great and we should discuss both of their strengths and weaknesses. I even titled that thread "GT5 & FM3 - Comparing the two titans of racing games" just to show that it wasn't a trolling post - or even a GT5>FM3/FM3>GT5 type of thread.
Some of the responses were legitimate; going so far as to respond to the contrary of my expectations - some of the members there actually got into the discussion and gave opinions about both games without being nasty or unnecessarily fanboyish or rude. One person even said this:
Racer 6c"I will have to say this, I visited a GT forum earlier today and everything seemed really nice and helpful. If somebody had a question or comment all the "VIP's" didn't spew insults or abuse them. They seemed genuinely nice and helpful, even encouraging. I don't see those traits around here often enough."
[From my dealings here, he must have been talking about GTPlanet, because I enjoy every second of my time spent here and everyone is really nice and helpful. 👍]
Then, Che Chou stepped in and closed the thread. What really struck me as odd, was that he also removed the list I posted from not only my initial post - but from all the successive "quote posts" of it throughout the entire thread!
That makes me think that Turn 10 doesn't want to acknowledge that Gran Turismo 5 will have features that Forza 3 won't, or that are superior to their game.
Che Chou also changed my initial post body to this:
Che Chou"Hi, this is my first trolling attempt at FM.net and my account is now permanently nuked.
How mature and as Famine so illustriously pointed out, he is violating their own TOS and is showcasing horrendous moderation skills by banning the OP who didn't break their rules and not the flamers and haters that did.
seanspeed@forza forums"the fact that your name is 'Metal Gear' and you have no gamerscore(which means likely no 360)
LOL! Actually, I have an XBOX360 - I just don't play online anymore and I don't have a high gamerscore because I don't sit around all day spamming achievements out of the few games I play on it.
How is having a "Metal Gear" identity on a Microsoft site a "giveaway" that I was trolling anyway? "Metal Gear Solid: Rising" is coming out for the XBOX360 - so I really laughed when I saw all that nonsense.
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