Freestyle Design

  • Thread starter Rogue Ssv

What should the next competition be?

  • A modern iteration of the 550A spyder

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Allright, I'm throwing in the "Maia"...


Read more about the car HERE
I cannot stress enough the helpfulness and importance of this.
Credits to :bowdown:exigeracer:bowdown:
Your 2nd drawing is a bit better, but still looks quite flat. use the website. do a few side profiles then go on to the next step. Check out Xigeracer's advice in the 'car drawingz' thread
Hey, some nice pics here!

(can i look behind me yet rogue?)
Um, well you were supposed to look and scream 'aah! Whats that knife--aaaarghh!!!!'
Anyway, thanks, can you enter too?
If someone doesnt enter Ill win.
No screw that, we'll make a poll! Thats more fair!
Lol, well it is his thread i spose.

Big fan of your work dude, i reckon in the 3/4 views you shouldnt draw in the behind rear wheel, it always looks out of place. Instead just shade it, and let it be covered by the shadow's. Just a question too, do you start these drawings any particular way? Do you start with the wheels? Just interested. Ive seen a few different styles, and im really liking what your showin'!


Keep posting please!.
Well, before XigeRacer :bowdown: showed me the tutorial, that means for anything on the first page, I just drew from anywhere. Now I start with the wheels and shoulderlines etc.
Read tutarial and enter contest! Please?
I try not to overdose detail. I like clean lines. Hence why i dont realy draw wheels on muh cars unless theyre needed, like in the second one in which the wheel is actually not aligned with the car, but is instead turned slightly to the right. I think the idea of car design is to give the impression of something, without actually having to draw it.

I do have a scanner by the way. It just didnt pick up the pencil because it was too light for it or something ( cheap-o scanner lol), the digi cam did an aight job though.

Thanks for lookin'

So... how do I make a poll with these pictures?
Guys forward your UrLs to me I guess.
Or make new thread with post at top showing all pics.
I dunno..
I like the clean lines. My drawings are usually pretty sketchy (I do them during lessons) but drawing clean lines gives a better illusion of a 3D object.
Nvm. Figured out how to get URLs.
As many ppl enter as possible please!
YSSMAN, tell me which you want as final entry. Or Ill just do the Bugatti by default.
None of the competitors can vote!!!
No offense to anyone at all, but are you guys going for a realistic look, or just for creativity. Because if it's realism, lots of you have a really bad understanding of perspective and scale. A lot of the drawing here are twisted, stretched, and smashed.

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