Funny/Strange News Stories
NASA has discovered an incredible mile-long, perfectly rectangular iceberg floating in the Antarctic.
They shared a striking image of the giant block, known as a tabular berg, after it was captured off the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, near the Larsen C ice shelf.
Experts reckon the iceberg’s “sharp angles and flat surface indicate that it probably recently calved from the ice shelf.”
NASA also shared a picture of a perfectly triangular block of ice found nearby and taken on the same trip, Operation Icebridge.

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This makes me laugh, though it's also kind of terrifying that this will follow her for a long time.

Student President wanted to paint over mural former students who never got to complete their studies due to dying in the First World War, assuming it was a mural depicting white privilege.
I especially love this part of her apology
never meant the disrespect to anyone past, present and future"
I'm not sure what else could have been intended when you're applying your 2018 political correctness/ identity politics to something that happened a century ago.
I'm trying to find a source that isn't the Mail, Mirror, Record or Sun, but the stabbing that happened at Russia's Bellingshausen Station in the Antarctic of one scientist by another was reportedly motivated by the victim repeatedly telling his assailant the endings of the books he was reading...
I'm trying to find a source that isn't the Mail, Mirror, Record or Sun, but the stabbing that happened at Russia's Bellingshausen Station in the Antarctic of one scientist by another was reportedly motivated by the victim repeatedly telling his assailant the endings of the books he was reading...
It sounds like somebody on one of those tabloids may have egged the pudding as Russian news agency Interfax only mentions "tensions in a confined space". AP
I'm trying to find a source that isn't the Mail, Mirror, Record or Sun, but the stabbing that happened at Russia's Bellingshausen Station in the Antarctic of one scientist by another was reportedly motivated by the victim repeatedly telling his assailant the endings of the books he was reading...

It sounds like somebody on one of those tabloids may have egged the pudding as Russian news agency Interfax only mentions "tensions in a confined space". AP
American Troops Drink Beer Supply of Entire City

Thousands of US soldiers depleted all of the beer in Iceland’s capital over the weekend.

More than 6,000 soldiers were in Reykjavik for four days participating in the Trident Juncture 18 — a NATO-led military exercise. After their drills, the troops reportedly visited the city’s downtown bars, where they finished off the entire beer supply.

According to Icelandic magazine Visir, the brewery Ölgerð Egils Skallagrímssonar had to send emergency cases of beer to the bars.

Bar owners reportedly said they have never experienced a situation similar to this before.

The soldiers first came into the port Wednesday night and left Sunday, but managed to drink the entire time they were visiting, Visir reported.

Since the soldiers departed, the bars have restocked their beer supply.
Halloween themed news. Woman who married ghost wants baby with him. Ace of Base comes to mind.

Why are mentally ill people given a platform and allowed to live their delusions rather than sent to a specialist and cared for/ given treatment?

Alternatively, why are trolls given a platform? Are the media that dumb that they think this is legit news and not somebody stitching them up?

Am I just out of touch with the modern world and should go back to living under my rock of ignorance where I existed blissfully, unaware of the retardation that seems to be celebrated in modern society?

Somebody please confirm that that is a joke article.