Funny/Strange News Stories

Sculpture gives birth to stupid man.

Rescue crews have been called in to free an American exchange student from a giant stone vagina in Germany.

The male student was forced to call in help after becoming lodged feet-first inside the marble sculpture at Tubingen University Institute of Microbiology.

Any hope of the embarrassing incident being kept under wraps was swindled when some 22 firefighters in emergency vehicles arrived at the scene, drawing swathes of onlookers.

"I was there!!! He just wanted to take a funny picture." witness Erick Guzman posted to Imgur.

"The fire department was not really amused, and he was really embarrassed."

It did not take long to free the man from the canal, with his delivery reportedly achieved without any mechanical intervention.

The 13-year-old statue, designed by Peruvian artist Fernando de la Jara, is named "Pi-Chacan", meaning "making love" in a Peruvian Indian dialect.


Of course you don't need an mechanical intervention, a good pull or push is all you really need
Maybe I'm just a tad jaded, but that whole story seems completely false, or at least, seems like a customer publicity stunt to get something for nothing from the airline.

Unless you've never make travel arrangements, and never used the internet, and also never once thought to check your future itinerary, it probably would only happen without a lot of intentional carelessness.

Winding up in Gatwick instead of Heathrow is possible, Reagan National instead of Dulles, or any other large metro area with two major airports...plausible and does occur at times. But this story has more than a whiff of day-old fishmonger laundry.
In London, children's entertainer Rolf Harris has been found guilty of child sex offences. In the Middle East, ISIS encroach further and further into Iraq. And in Israel, the bodies of three teenagers were discovered in the West Bank.

Meanwhile, in Australia:

And yes, that is a picture of the mayor.

I raise you the mayor of Triabunna, Tasmaniashire. I actually wish we had mayors like this, our politics are just as ****ed but at least yours are worth watching on the news. Sometimes.
I always thought that one really basic rule of life is that if you don't want to be made fun of by the public, don't do anything stupid in public. Of course, sometimes stupid and fun go hand-in-hand, so thick skin may be necessary. Especially if a half-pound ball could hit you at somewhere between 40 and 80 miles per hour.
If Japanese authorities discover and misinterpret Sigmund Freud, they'll easily set their culture back 200 years.
Arrested for breaking Japan's obscenity laws. Japan has obscenity laws?
In private the culture is pretty much accepting of anything. There is little that is considered weird if it is in private. In public though there are displays of attitudes that you would find in the 50s and before. It is slowly changing though.
Also don't trust the media. Famous people get away with a lot of things that people would frown upon if it was an average person.

Also I must admit I liked so many Japanese news sites on Facebook that this is actually rather old news to me. :lol:
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Crosses over with the funny video thread, but this was part of a news story sometime during 2007-10.

The Saudi Arabian King turns up. How is he greeted? With the Imperial March.

"King Abdullah may not be the head of an evil empire..." did make me laugh as well.
