G25 Cockpits Lets See them!!

  • Thread starter MoAK
Curtains ? oh no thats just the crummy insulation the builder put in - its down due to some foundation cracks - um yes GT4 offers split screen & the new TV does a great job of displaying it.

-S. Chapman
50 inch Panasonic Plasma 720p TV hooked up to a slim-line PS2 with HDMI cambles - has a logitech 5.1 surround sounds and the subwoofer is placed at the rear of the twin seats to give the a$$ a nice rumblin'.


S. Chapman

How do you hook up a PS2 with HDMI cables? I thought the best the PS2 could do was Component. :confused:
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How do you hook up a PS2 with HDMI cables? I thought the best the PS2 could do was Component. :confused:

Its a Monster Cable pack I bough from the local big-box store - made for PS3 but worked on PS2 - takes the signal and makes it RGB (or whatever the 3 seperate prong setup is) - I plugged it into the back of the TV in the HDMI slot and the picture is completely sharper & crisper than the RCA and S-Video connections.

-S. Chapman
Its a Monster Cable pack I bough from the local big-box store - made for PS3 but worked on PS2 - takes the signal and makes it RGB (or whatever the 3 seperate prong setup is) - I plugged it into the back of the TV in the HDMI slot and the picture is completely sharper & crisper than the RCA and S-Video connections.

-S. Chapman

Hmm. I'm confused... The type of cable with three video cables (Green, Blue and Red) are component cables, not HDMI. HDMI cables' terminal look kinda similar to a USB terminal, except a little bit thinner. Component cables achieve high definition, but unlike HDMI, the signal output isn't digital (Though yes, the image quality improves A LOT compared to S-Video or Composite video).

EDIT: Forgot to mention this earlier, but your setup is awesome, congratulations.
Hmm. I'm confused... The type of cable with three video cables (Green, Blue and Red) are component cables, not HDMI. HDMI cables' terminal look kinda similar to a USB terminal, except a little bit thinner. Component cables achieve high definition, but unlike HDMI, the signal output isn't digital (Though yes, the image quality improves A LOT compared to S-Video or Composite video).

I am new to the realm of Hi-Def - you are probably right - its a PS2/PS3 cable pack (of which I assumed was HDMI).

Just got my G25 yesterday and mounted it up! :)


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Actually I am going to make a much lighter version this summer. Either with wood or a metal. Then I will surely be painting it black or maybe red (I am a Ferrari fan).

I just cut up some scrap wood left from when the last people moved out of the apartment (lazy college kids). I got the chair for 45 at meijer. I was going to go to a salvage yard and get one, but this one is much more comfortable, practically the same price and LIGHT, so its not a pain to move.
You guys have some very unique and creative setups! I wish I enjoyed GT5:P that much to build something like that. The game is just no fun now, and it really needs an update.
Of course! But we have to wait for full game! 8 more months for 2010! So start building a cockpit, save up for decent wheel!

By the way, anyone has any good fast allternative to make PlaySeats EVO pedal base more sturdy?
First ever post on GTPlanet and it is the beginning phase of my setup. I have a Driving Force GT mounted to it at the moment, but my G25 is in the mail and I am super stoked to get it mounted up. I need suggestions on how to add a shifter stand to this though. Any ideas? Comments/suggestions on the overall design, etc? Any feedback is appreciated.

Setup is a PS3 via HDMI to a 1080p 52" Samsung LCD with a Yamaha 5.1 surround sound system around the room.




Just finished my racing sim the other day, what do you think ?

Looks a nice tidy setup. The pedals seem an odd angle though.

How is the one piece bucket seat after playing for a while?

I'm going to build a setup soon an get rid of my dining room chair and wonky table but the bucket seats I like are the bigger reclining type that seem more comfortable but more expensive.

I'll probably try and find a cheap recaro from a car salvage yard.
Thanks for the comments guys, I am hoping to get my G25 setup next week. I will probably have to adjust the angle of the pedals for the G25, but its just a case of loosening a couple of screws and moving the MDF board, I wasn't sure about the angle when I first put it together. They are sitting at about 45degrees at the moment.

The Corbeau Bucket seat is ok, not really as comfortable as my office chair, but I'll get used to it, been using it all weekend so far so good.

I'll post some new pics next weekend when I get my G25 setup and make a brace for the G25 shifter.

Thanks for the comments guys, I am hoping to get my G25 setup next week. I will probably have to adjust the angle of the pedals for the G25, but its just a case of loosening a couple of screws and moving the MDF board, I wasn't sure about the angle when I first put it together. They are sitting at about 45degrees at the moment.

The Corbeau Bucket seat is ok, not really as comfortable as my office chair, but I'll get used to it, been using it all weekend so far so good.

I'll post some new pics next weekend when I get my G25 setup and make a brace for the G25 shifter.


Keep in mind that the G25 pedals are much heavier than the DFGT and the base they sit on are bigger/longer also. I am sure you can modify your rig to accomodate them. If you decide to keep that angle on the pedals, is their a bar at bottom so you can rest your feet on while driving?
My set-up is getting there eventually. I got my computer rigged up and now I just need to get some floor-standing speakers and an amplifier with optical input to finish it off. Hopefully I can hook up my wireless headphones to the amp also. If anyone has any ideas on a good PS3 sound set-up i'd love to hear them!

I should beable to modify the pedal angle and platform to accomodate the G25 pedals without much hassle. There is a bar at the bottom of the platform and also a foot rest at either side of the pedals to rest your left foot when off the clutch pedal.
Hey guys, I use the PlaySeats Evolution chair.

Its nice setup, I like it..

But after few hours of sitting in it .. its not THAT comftable, but still standable..

Before GT5 release, I would love to replace the seat alone and attach some cool racing seat to my Playseats evo frame..

Any suggestions on what seat I could get under 120 USD? Something really comftable and still racy looking.
Hey guys, I use the PlaySeats Evolution chair.

Its nice setup, I like it..

But after few hours of sitting in it .. its not THAT comftable, but still standable..

Before GT5 release, I would love to replace the seat alone and attach some cool racing seat to my Playseats evo frame..

Any suggestions on what seat I could get under 120 USD? Something really comftable and still racy looking.


Not sure what brands are abailable in the USA to you but the "Cobra" brand seem very good for quality and price. The Clubman, or Monaco models are the classic style bucket seat. These would be in the £100 - £130ish so id assume much the same in USA dollars perhaps.

Like here in the UK im sure if you try online auctions and search for "bucket seat" you will find many forsale 2nd hand and new. Add a plank of wood to your Playseat drill holes attach a bucket seat on some universal sliding mounts and your sorted. From experience of owning a Playseat and now a "Game Pod" which uses the Cobra Clubman seat range their is a big difference in the comfort and no more creaking, dont miss the creaking for sure.

If you decide to go a bit further the seats tend to get even more impressive. Im looking something more substantial myself for my own ongoing diy project and particulary like the "Cobra Sebring Pro" but these cost quite a bit more however resemble the kind of quality youd get on the best cockpits out their like the Renn Sport.
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Hey thanks for the INFO. Yeah good idea with universal sliding mounts. I was just thinking JUST wood and make it permitting.

I'll look for all of the Cobra seats you gave me and choose for best price and what looks good too.

Yeah the Playseats cracks when I sit down in it. The design is bit cheap.
I found some APC seats on ebay dirt cheap bought some up, even comes with the sliders. I have made a couple of cockpits with them using 2 inch PVC for the frame and sold them at a local flea market. I got to keep the test mule it works fine but does not look as good as the ones sold. But my point is the seats can be found fairly easily mine are comfortable even after five or six hours at a sitting.
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APC seats are cheap.. for 120-150 I like how it comes with sliders as well..

So many choices.

Me and my bro might go to a junk yard this or next week. We are hoping to find a great seat.. maybe even Porsche one ;), It would be perfect match for my new Porsche wheel.

Still plenty of time before GT5 release.
Who and what are the best cockpits on GTP or posted on other forums, not just good ones i mean extra good stylish ones?

Looking further inspiration for my own d.i.y as going to do something pretty special for GT5
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My brother suggested going into junk yard and pulling out a Power seat with heat in it and making it work lol!! Worlds first Power Seat SIM-Rig? haha
Ahhs, I was looking at EBAY for Porsche wheels, bit expensive and not too many for cheap as I would like.
I bought my Corbeau Forza II Sport Seat new for £130 delivered and I bought a pair of universal adjustable slide runners from the bay for £20. I can adjust my seat back and forward a good couple of inches each way.

Got my G25 yesterday and spend last night adjusting the angle of my pedal platform and installing a shifter mount, the G25 pedals are awesome, much more robust and heavier than my old EX pedals which just look like a toy in comparison. I now can see where the extra money goes into the G25. The wheel is great too, I bit noiseir than I expected but feels really good in GTR Evo and rFactor.

I'll have some new pics later today that I'll post with my G25 installed.
