Nobody answered the question about oral sex either - is THAT sinful?
it is sinful for those true christians.
muslims are allowed to have oral sex and use condoms, at least according to one of the largest muslim association in germany. no anal fun for them either though.
I still say the JLC situation is not Sin, because no matter how you look at it, its a birth defect, and could not be prevented, only somewhat corrected to the best of the abilities at the time.
then homosexuals should not be sinners either, because they are not responsible for their sexuality either.
Just out of curiosity (and I'm not trying to make a comparison between the two, so don't get upset, please):
If a drug addict or alcoholic claims they're not addicted to drugs/alcohol, shouldn't that mean that they know whether or not they are addicted?
And no, I'm not claiming homosexuality is a choice. I want to do more research on the subject before I make my final decision.
i would say the drug addict knows very well that he is addicted, but he also knows that drug addiction is not accepted by society and very unhealthy and he does not want to admit that.
of course drug addiction can also come slowly (alcohol/tobacco/canabis), so the drug addict might not know instantly whether he is addicted or not. but there is one easy way to find out by stopping to consume it. if he can do that without problems, there is no addiction, if he can't, there is one.
homosexuals then, often try to have sex with the opposite sex first, because they do not want to be homosexual, but it does not work out and they are
forced to accept it. so how can you speak of a choice, when they often do not even want to be gay and have to struggle to be even able to admit to themselves?
if it was a choice, a lot homosexuals would choose to become straight.
That's his opinion on the matter; he's not telling you to believe that it is a choice.
no, he tells me it was a fact, when in fact it is not even anything to discuss about because it is no choice.
the only choice there is, is whether you, as a homosexual, live your life as a homosexual or whether you deny your homosexuality.
but those people who are really homosexual (not bisexual) and who decide to lead a heterosexual life (because they are christians for example) are not happy. it happens occasionally that after 10 years of "happy" marriage a couple breaks up because one of the two is homosexual and can't stand it anymore to live a lie.
Vladmir: In reference to the versus that pertain to homosexuality.
Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
There you go. Now of course, since Jesus has died for our sins, you will not and shouldn't be put to death for it. But that doesn't negate the fact that God sees it as sin.
from my little knowledge about christianity, i would say that these are both from the old testament, right?
now when i discuss such issues with christians, and i present them a few lines from the old testament, they always tell me, that only the new testament is vald nowadays.
so either you take the old one 100% seriously, then all the rules should apply, or you only take the new one seriously and admit that the old one should be read carefully. but then everything in the old one is open for discussion because you definately can't just choose a few parts from the old one that you think should be valid and just ignore the rest, or can you?
what does the new one then say about homosexuality?