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Hey, that's your choice. I'm sure a lot of homosexuals feel the same way about straight sex. But at least they're tolerant of the straight people around them.ConceptI'd rather have sex with Rosanne than be a homosexual.
DukeCan we take this thread back to topic please?
Your personal opinion on what you would rather do than be gay is totally irrelevant.
emadHey, that's your choice. I'm sure a lot of homosexuals feel the same way about straight sex. But at least they're tolerant of the straight people around them.
DukeSo it's better when a studly man has his hands in the pockets of a blonde bombshell?
DukeIs it better when a man has anal sex with a woman?
dukeFrankly I think it's disgusting either way.
ledhedAnd this has what to do with gay Marriage ?
**** you. 👍ConceptStraight people are normal. It's hard to not tolerate normality. It's totally different when trying to tolerate a flaming man who has his hands in the pockets of another man.
you don't know what you are missing, old carpetmuncher...ConceptI'd rather have sex with Rosanne than be a homosexual.
As you so quaintly put it, I'd rather bed Roseanne. You've added nothing to the coversation, and appear to have popped up out of nowhere to get a rise out of the resident homosexuals that are here actually supporting their cause. Good job. You got one of them.ConceptI bet you would.
vladimiryou don't know what you are missing, old carpetmuncher...
TenAs you so quaintly put it, I'd rather bed Roseanne. Welcome to my ignore list. You've added nothing to the coversation, and appear to have popped up out of nowhere to get a rise out of the resident homosexuals that are here actually supporting their cause. Good job. You got one of them.
Actually, I edited the post. You aren't on my ignore list. I wish to see how long you last before your obviously provoking behaviour sees you out of here.ConceptI'm on your ignore list? Awesomeness.
Popped up out of nowhere? I've been at these forums since August of 2001.
Anyway, you've added nothing to mankind except another nasty confused man. You must not be to confident in your own homosexuality if you let people like me offend you. Have a happily confused life.
FamineWhere does God stand (sit, float about ethereally) on the issue of intersex?
Intersex individuals have a mal or female genetic makeup, yet neither or both types of genital. Typically they are castrated soon after birth and given cosmetic surgery to develop a vagina since the penis is almost always absent or microscopic, despite often being genetically male. Individuals may have internalised, undeveloped testicles or undeveloped ovaries. Some, due to chiasma of the Y chromosome, have an XY make up (male), but lack the tdf (testis-determining factor) gene so develop poorly differentiated ovaries and a "pouch" vagina with no uterus. Legend has it that Jamie Lee Curtis is amongst their numbers.
Is it wrong for two genetically male people to marry, despite one of them having had involuntary surgery in their infancy to resemble a female AND BEING REGISTERED on the Birth Certificate as female? Is it wrong for two genetically male people to marry, despite one of them resembling a female due to lack of tdf, or androgen insensitivity syndrome? They both enjoy vaginal intercourse even though the vagina has no physical function whatsoever and both parties are XY.
And let's not even mention full-on trans-sexuals...
IS it only the anus God has something against, or do intersex individuals feel his wrath too?
Always the sly oppurtunist.FamineWhich seems like a perfect time to bring this back up again:
I always look forward to a Famine post.FamineDon't worry. There's something even better after this...
TenActually, I edited the post. You aren't on my ignore list. I wish to see how long you last before your obviously provoking behaviour sees you out of here.
James Madison, the fourth president, known as "The Father of Our Constitution" made the following statement:
"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our country said:
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ".
Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts would overstep their authority and instead of interpreting the law would begin making law . an oligarchy .
the rule of few over many.
Through electoral opinion, homosexuals should not be given the right to marry and should not be given the benefits of heterosexual marriages.
danoffJust because the majority agrees that the minority should be discriminated against doesn't make it right. This is another one of those issues that shouldn't be up for vote - the government should not make laws that discriminate against people based on their gender, sexual orientation, skin color, wealth, religion, eye color, musical preference, etc.
So...if we don't put things up to vote, who's going to call the shots? Who ever has the biggest muscles? Who ever has the biggest guns?
Lets just hire a court to make all the decisions without consideration of what the people think or want. You have to have a democracy.
Ayn RandIndividual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).
danoffJust because the majority agrees that the minority should be discriminated against doesn't make it right. This is another one of those issues that shouldn't be up for vote - the government should not make laws that discriminate against people based on their gender, sexual orientation, skin color, wealth, religion, eye color, musical preference, etc.
ConceptI'm on your ignore list? Awesomeness.
Popped up out of nowhere? I've been at these forums since August of 2001.
Anyway, you've added nothing to mankind except another nasty confused man. You must not be to confident in your own homosexuality if you let people like me offend you. Have a happily confused life.
So...as long as I can vote, I have a moral obligation to uphold and support the laws that this country was founded on.
...which is just as bad saying "this country wasn't founded by racists, but by Nazi's!""It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ".
BlazinXtremeBut a vote is truely a fair way to do things, plus this puts no blood on the hands of the politicans because they didn't inact it, the people did. I like leaving it up to the people, that way if something sucks we have to blame ourselves.
But a vote is truely a fair way to do things, plus this puts no blood on the hands of the politicans because they didn't inact it, the people did. I like leaving it up to the people, that way if something sucks we have to blame ourselves.
Ayn RandIndividual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).