General Discussion

  • Thread starter daan
Get the Spec Conditions out of the way, they're a pita. Or the MX5 4 hour race.


definately go for special conditions. you rack up a fair bit of money which you will need to buy quite a lot of cars.

my choice was ram and gsx/r4, but that's just me.
I took my worn-out Motul Pitwork Z with R5's, and managed to get 200 points at level 10 at Tsukuba Wet. I might have entered with R1's and switched in setup? (I'll try to rerun some time to see if that works, etc.; I'll also try a fresher copy of the same car, too). Anyway, I beat the Panoz which turned up by about 10 seconds, even though my drive was not incident-free, let alone perfect.
Repeated last night with a relatively new Motul Pitwork Z after an oil change, yielding over 500hp. Used R5's. No swapping after entry. Beat a CLK-GTR for a 200pt race. They seem to let you by at the first corner. And, while this run was actually clean (and a little slower), I did go far too deep into the second 180degree turn (left-hander after the shallow esse), but the CLK-GTR just sort of poked its nose up but didn't pass, and I stayed ahead for the rest of the race, winning by about four seconds.
Get the Spec Conditions out of the way, they're a pita. Or the MX5 4 hour race.


Sorry, already got started on the European events. Got them all now, except the two classic events. Not the easiest ones on the list I suppose :boggled: Got as far as scoring a 115 on the 'ring in the Euro classics.

The special conditions will probably be an issue. I really struggled to win a couple of the hard ones at all for 100% game completion, let alone for 200 points :nervous:

@Open Addict: cars and money is not really an issue. I own all cars that can only be bought second hand, except two, and quite a lot of the others as well. If I am short on money I usually b-spec the El Capitan 200 miles a couple of times :embarrassed:
I fully expect to burn out before 50,000 points (let alone 100), but last night I started my 200 point racing career and I'm looking forward to continuing...(3/17/2007)
Finally passed 50% A-Spec this morning, not long after crossing the 50,000 point barrier... still not sure I'll approach 100 on either front, but still going stronger than I gave myself credit for. I might just make it before GT6 comes out in 2010!
Finally passed 50% A-Spec this morning, not long after crossing the 50,000 point barrier... still not sure I'll approach 100 on either front, but still going stronger than I gave myself credit for. I might just make it before GT6 comes out in 2010!

you will be suprised how quickly you can build up points. if you are not going to go for the 111k max then 100,000 should not be to hard. especially not having to do say 200 points in saleens, mini's or others that are extremley tough.
you will be suprised how quickly you can build up points. if you are not going to go for the 111k max then 100,000 should not be to hard. especially not having to do say 200 points in saleens, mini's or others that are extremley tough.

...and you'll be surprised at how quickly things slow down once you have passed the 110k mark. It took me less than 3 months to go from 100k to 110k, but the following month I gained just 519 more points. I doubt I'll see 111k before the end of the year!
Finally passed 50% A-Spec this morning, not long after crossing the 50,000 point barrier... still not sure I'll approach 100 on either front, but still going stronger than I gave myself credit for. I might just make it before GT6 comes out in 2010!

congrats on the 50%. I'm a bit behind you but moving into the same direction. I started my journey through GT4 in April this year, first spending quite some time on licenses before getting the taste of collecting a-spec points.
100% is out of reach for me, because of the endurance races :guilty: , but I'm hoping to get over 100k a-spec points.
I couldn't do it without this forum, because finding the right car would take forever and my time is limited.
Watch your mirror, I'm coming. :)
Glad to see there are still A-spec nutters trying for 100K, 111K or max!
Keep it up, post #222 can use some more entries. 👍

Glad to see there are still A-spec nutters trying for 100K, 111K or max!
Keep it up, post #222 can use some more entries. 👍


the day I'll ask you to update #222 will be one of my proudest moments. I hope I'll make it before GT5 comes out, because then I might change horses.
the day I'll ask you to update #222 will be one of my proudest moments. I hope I'll make it before GT5 comes out, because then I might change horses.

Same here. It will probably be just like GT4, walking to the cashier with the game and asking for "A Playstation to go with that please" :D
I first want to thank all who have contributed to this great forum.

It is out of tremendous delight I make this post.

I am happy to report that I have a North American version of the game with a 112/57 Daihatsu Copen Active Top '02 just finished tonight!!!


'Edit: Experimenting with new Copen to see how mileage and other stuff affect hp'

OH MAN!! Thank you!!!!

Finally decided to gather some more A-spec points this week, been stuck at 65k for the past er... 4 months... mainly that bloody copen wouldn't loose the last HP after many attempts wearing down my ps2 instead. Ran this one using your settings and it lost that no good 🤬 HP!! Now to do motorland all over again:yuck:
How many people here have, or are striving to, completed the game 100%, with 100,000 A-spec points or over, no B-spec points and had a perfect, 100% winning ratio? That's what I am trying at the minute and am currently at 17% or so completion percentage and 15,000 A-spec points. Needless to say, It is taking for-ever.

And, there is two questions I have:

  1. For every Special Conditions race, will a completely, fully-modified Dodge Ram (R5's, stage-3 weight-loss program) always gain 200 A-spec points?
  2. In the MR Challenge in the beginner league, I have managed to attain 200 A-spec points in a MGF (w/ no hp or weight upgrades and having 110-200 ballast) for all races BUT New York, since not only does my MGF stop at around the 189-199 A-spec mark with full ballast, but it is far too hard on more than 150-ballast (NOS runs out on the straight very quickly) and dropping the tyre grade will make it next to impossible. Are there any other recommended vehicles for the job?

How many people here have, or are striving to, completed the game 100%, with 100,000 A-spec points or over, no B-spec points and had a perfect, 100% winning ratio? That's what I am trying at the minute and am currently at 17% or so completion percentage and 15,000 A-spec points. Needless to say, It is taking for-ever.

And, there is two questions I have:

  1. For every Special Conditions race, will a completely, fully-modified Dodge Ram (R5's, stage-3 weight-loss program) always gain 200 A-spec points?
  2. In the MR Challenge in the beginner league, I have managed to attain 200 A-spec points in a MGF (w/ no hp or weight upgrades and having 110-200 ballast) for all races BUT New York, since not only does my MGF stop at around the 189-199 A-spec mark with full ballast, but it is far too hard on more than 150-ballast (NOS runs out on the straight very quickly) and dropping the tyre grade will make it next to impossible. Are there any other recommended vehicles for the job?

1. See 100.000 point thread, post #222. But mostly the guys here are going for max A-specs. Smallhorses is going for 100K, no Bspeccing and using a different car for each race + NO NOS. There have been a few others going for a combination of your options you posted e.g. Car-less.
2. Dodge: Yes, but you may also consider the Suzuki GSXR for some.
3. Check the relevant threads for more in depth info. Try the Elise.

How many people here have, or are striving to, completed the game 100%, with 100,000 A-spec points or over, no B-spec points and had a perfect, 100% winning ratio? That's what I am trying at the minute and am currently at 17% or so completion percentage and 15,000 A-spec points. Needless to say, It is taking for-ever.

And, there is two questions I have:

  1. For every Special Conditions race, will a completely, fully-modified Dodge Ram (R5's, stage-3 weight-loss program) always gain 200 A-spec points?
  2. In the MR Challenge in the beginner league, I have managed to attain 200 A-spec points in a MGF (w/ no hp or weight upgrades and having 110-200 ballast) for all races BUT New York, since not only does my MGF stop at around the 189-199 A-spec mark with full ballast, but it is far too hard on more than 150-ballast (NOS runs out on the straight very quickly) and dropping the tyre grade will make it next to impossible. Are there any other recommended vehicles for the job?


A. As AMG metioned, I tried something similar. The main difference was aiming for Maximum B-spec stats rather than zero, and that's not easy to do with a 100% win ratio.

1. Don't know. I only resorted to the Dodge Ram for a few of the more difficult races.

2. If your MGF gained 200 points in the other races in the series then it should be good for New York too. Just reset the grid until you are up against a more balanced lineup.
How many people here have, or are striving to, completed the game 100%, with 100,000 A-spec points or over, no B-spec points and had a perfect, 100% winning ratio? That's what I am trying at the minute and am currently at 17% or so completion percentage and 15,000 A-spec points. Needless to say, It is taking for-ever.

I'm trying for something quite similar. 100,000 A-spec points, 0 B-spec, 0 NOS and winning a race with every car. I'm currently at about 94% with 85,000 A-spec points. My winning percentage is 99.4% or something like that, I've lost 4 races so far(MX-5 on Tokyo-track in Roadsters cup, another MX-5 on Twin Ring Motegi in spider&Roadster, Hyundai Clix in New York in Turbo Races and BMW M3 GTR Race Car on Test Course in Dream Car champs..👎)
Of course, I've lost more races than that but I usually reset the console to avoid losing days which is costly if you're trying to collect all the used cars.
As I'm sure Smallhorses will agree, going for 100,000 while only using each car once isn't really viable, so I've had to use certain cars in several races, such as the Suzuki GSX-R/4, BMW M3 CSL, and the Dodge Ram:yuck: in the Polyphony Digital Cup.

I'm currently working on the FGT, using the settings posted by Car-less in another thread for 200 points. After that, there's one 24hour-race left at Le Mans and some manufacturers races left before 100%.
where do you get the black mazda 787B ?

sorry if i havent read through the thread, im in a little hurry.. 👎

I'm not going to spoonfeed you. Search and ye shall find. This is one of the most frequently asked and answered questions on GTP. Also review the stickies in the GT4 forum. It has a wealth of information.

Hey, this is unrelated to any of the previous posts, but for all of you crazy 111,813 A-spec point people, what's your winning percentage? I can't imagine it's very high with all the tries you do! But then again, I'm always surprised how crazy good people can be at this game.
Hey, this is unrelated to any of the previous posts, but for all of you crazy 111,813 A-spec point people, what's your winning percentage? I can't imagine it's very high with all the tries you do! But then again, I'm always surprised how crazy good people can be at this game.

mine is pretty poor in that it is currently at 48.?% but i have seen 99.?% from hanthedragon and i think 100% from supercobrajet.

IMO i dont think % really matters *****but kudos to those who complete game with an unbelivably high winning %.*****
This is probably obvious, but at least some people who maintain a 100% winning average do reload over failures (autosave restricted), but even that indicates skill, unless you have an immense amount of time, because it's often easier to get things right immediately after a run which was slightly off, and the reload time helps your memory fade. And presumably everyone who maintains 100% uses a "practice" game?
Not quite at max points, but still have the 100% win ratio.
This did require many reboots, but not as many as were required to train my B-spec driver!
Qualifying/Practise laps are your best friend. In many of the more difficult races I would spend an hour or more running practise laps and making tweaks to my suspension etc before takling the race itself. With those practise laps still fresh in your mind, you know where to break and when to just lift off the gas for a tricky corner.
i am totally up-set at the moment. i have just completed all events for maxium points except
* 1000 miles (four events) = 800 A-spec
* 7 enduro's = 1400 A-spec
* total FGT series (15 events) = 3000 A-spec.

Total left to get 5200

if i minus this from the 111,813 maximum, i get a total of 106,613.

problem as you can see from the sig i have 106,422. **** where the hell are my 191 points. i am now going to have to go through all the races to find them. the sucky part is that i have a book i have been writting all points collected and crossing off the races completed.

i guess i have done this wrong
i am totally up-set at the moment. where the hell are my 191 points.

Same happened to me, despite meticulously maintaining a spreadsheet I too lost some points. Posted somewhere here before. After checking 90% I found the missing points and reran the race. I feel for you!

I can heartily recommend finding the links to either AMG. or Fizio's A-spec calculation spreadsheets, downloading a copy, and then editing it with your own points. You'll soon figure out where you're missing things.

Personally I used Fizio's version as I preferred the layout, and I was also able to customise the first sheet easily to include a "Points Required" column to let me know in which halls I was missing points.
Here's a current screenshot for example:


Sadly this shows I've still got a long way to go before I hit my goal of 100,000 points though! :grumpy:
(Won't be doing Max points since it requires B-spec to wear out cars, and my B-spec stats will forever remain 0-0-0-0!)