GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
omfg this is AWESOME! my new theme song as i enter the paddock (think 1980s wwe wrestler entering ring with a big boom box on his shoulder with this cranked to ‘11’) with some ‘hot chicks’ (lol get what i did there!?) on my arm....

I was hoping you'd enjoy that :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Any advice for how to not pick up other cars if we wreck out in the death chicane? I can hit "options" to ghost out for a moment, but do I lose the track map? (If not, I can still tell where cars are on the track, thus when it's safe to resume). Or should I just maintain position, allow the other cars to attempt their line around me? (Which normally would be my go-to, but this is a tight spot to have to drive around someone in)

Obviously, best solution is to kick ass, be flawless...but this track is our equalizer for a reason!!
Any advice for how to not pick up other cars if we wreck out in the death chicane? I can hit "options" to ghost out for a moment, but do I lose the track map? (If not, I can still tell where cars are on the track, thus when it's safe to resume). Or should I just maintain position, allow the other cars to attempt their line around me? (Which normally would be my go-to, but this is a tight spot to have to drive around someone in)

Obviously, best solution is to kick ass, be flawless...but this track is our equalizer for a reason!!

Dont ever hit options button. Ramrod tried that and took out half the field once.

In racing, the rule is. If you spin out, sit still until all cars have passed you. You trying to "get out of the way" might actually put you more in the way.

If we could turn ghosting completely off that would be awesome. Even if 1 car takes out the entire field in a death chicane it is better than the damn ghosting option we have now. Lol
Thanks, that's what I usually do, last time I picked up Syd and trying to avoid that again...

No worries. That stuff happens.

Speaking as a corner marshal, we normally tell drivers in the drivers meeting before races that if you spin, come to a stop and then look in the direction of your nearest corner worker stand. We will signal you to go when the track is clear to move again.

We don't have corner marshals in the game but the track map does display where people are at on the track. If you spin to a stop stay still and look at that track map to see if anybody is near by. If so, stay put until they pass. If not then you are free to move back into the race line.
Ill confirm now for tonight...godzilla wants to eat
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time to tame the dragons "tail" lol
Hey all! I know I’m way late, but I’m going to sit this one out. My work schedule has been crazy lately and sleep has become a HUGE priority, especially now that I’m a supervisor at my job! Exciting stuff in the works and I’m very grateful, but it looks like my time in ARL will be very limited moving forward. I still plan to compete, but it really may be just a race here and a race there. We’ll see how the seasons go. I am looking forward to season 9!

I would like to think the hard working folks at BRCCRT. Big ups to @aedenmaddok for his effort this season. With @Cornbread243 caring for his newborn corn muffin (congratulations by the way!! :cheers:) and my work schedule taking off, he had ALOT of weight to carry this season. A team title looks very well within reach, but hopefully next season we can certainly guarantee our chances against that very formidable MPT camp. Thanks to @Cornbread243 for bringing me in. Really enjoyed the team atmosphere and hopefully we can rally some more wins and podiums together!

Til next season! :cheers:
Oops I've disappeared for a while. Won't be racing in the famous death circuit since I'm not confident with the Evo since it's a rather sudden entry over the last couple of races without preparing. Currently working on my next season's car and livery.
Enjoy the season finale, I'll see you season 9. :cheers:

Stay tuned for news to come...

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