Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
Right 'cause 221 cars with changeable wheels just isn't enough and it's really easy to create 1031 premium cars and several tracks with an insane about of detail.

I don't think people understand what Kaz meant by "GT5 was an ambitious project" and then compared it to the NASA space program. It wasn't a walk in the park to make GT5 and there was a LOT of time and effort put into it. It's not the perfect racing game, but it's still the LARGEST GAME PERIOD! And there's still more stuff to come via DLC content and GT6 which we should hear more about at E3.
People who had their expectations high, like me, will be very disappointed by the Standard cars. I really thought it would be hard to notice any difference between them and the Premium ones apart from the interiors, but I was terribly wrong. The wheels even look 2D. Yes, that Accord looks good, but its wheels look 2D, too. I hope other Standard cars look at least as good as the Accord, because if they don't, I'll forget they exist in the game.
Now I'm begining to wonder if some people are actually on a wind-up or objectively looking at things.

Last night a bunch of screenshots were posted from GTPSP with claims these were representative of GT5's standard cars.

These screenshots prove the cars don't look as good as premiums but they are every bit as good as Forza 3's , a game I've been playing these past 6 months.

Those people are just extremely picky is all. They will never be happy. I dont understand how wnybody could think those standard cars look shocking. The only thing I see a bit off in the micra is the rear lights but thats a minor issue. Oh and the painted shut lines with no door handles which I wont miss anyway. That Micra looks great to me.

The wheels even look 2D. Yes, that Accord looks good, but its wheels look 2D, too.

Honestly if you call those wheels 2D I would love to know what your definition of 3D is because those wheels look very 3D to me.
Jesus... Seriously people stop CRYING. All of you know you are going to buy the game. And if not, wait a few days, to read the GTPlanet's users having fun with the game and then you'll buy it. Or you can rent it to see for yourself!

But for God's sake, stop crying for every single thing...
:crazy: Ok...They're not all terrible but in those last 2 pictures you can't argue they look ps3 standard at all.
It's clear they're not premium cars when you examine them like that. I think they still look impressive tho.

Compared to the premium cars, even real cars look bad. :sly:
How are you asshats so blind? They made a game with 200 new gen cars? Forza 3 had over 400 new gen cars all with interiors?

WTF where they doing this whole time? I just don't get it? They spent so much god damned time on the photomode scenes it just blows my mind.

Seriously figure they coulda made even 10 premium cars for every scenery mode they made, that's another 80 premium cars they could have made, instead a few people get their jollys off with the photomode while us racing fans are left with 200 cars to fiddle around with.
Now I'm begining to wonder if some people are actually on a wind-up or objectively looking at things.

Last night a bunch of screenshots were posted from GTPSP with claims these were representative of GT5's standard cars.

These screenshots prove the cars don't look as good as premiums but they are every bit as good as Forza 3's , a game I've been playing these past 6 months.

Please, stop lying to yourself:D
Right 'cause 221 cars with changeable wheels just isn't enough and it's really easy to create 1031 premium cars and several tracks with an insane about of detail.

I don't think people understand what Kaz meant by "GT5 was an ambitious project" and then compared it to the NASA space program. It wasn't a walk in the park to make GT5 and there was a LOT of time and effort put into it. It's not the perfect racing game, but it's still the LARGEST GAME PERIOD! And there's still more stuff to come via DLC content and GT6 which we should hear more about at E3.

Where does anybody get this DLC stuff from? Kaz said no DLC for GT5, even the new SEMA car will NOT be in GT5...

although i didnt expect the standard cars to be of a super high quality, id at least thought they'd have proper wing mirrors.... .i think kaz and co photoshopped this left wing mirror on wouldnt you agree? LOL :sly:

roll on gt5, pre-ordered and looking forward! sod any flaws, ive been waiting 6 years for the 24th november :)
Tell everyone what: If you can build a better racer with 1000 cars and xx amount of tracks in almost 6 years, then you can come and complain and say Kaz failed epically. Otherwise, just be happy for what you me.
Don't feed the troll, please.
Right so i'm a troll now because I didn't like the way it looked?

Those people are just extremely picky is all. They will never be happy. I dont understand how wnybody could think those standard cars look shocking. The only thing I see a bit off in the micra is the rear lights but thats a minor issue. Oh and the painted shut lines with no door handles which I wont miss anyway. That Micra looks great to me.
I actually don't think the standards look bad at all, but that micra had a lot of things wrong with it imo. Look at the mirror in the last picture...anyway i'm not arguing as I will simply only drive standards when required to.

It's clear they're not premium cars when you examine them like that. I think they still look impressive tho.

Compared to the premium cars, even real cars look bad. :sly:
:lol: True statement that!
wow, some need to just have fun, relax and don't take every detail out of context. We are getting a brilliant game, i can only imagine if i worked this hard on a game and came here and heard all neg, it like a two faced friend, just enjoy the game be happy and excited that in 10 days u get to play an amazing game, this game will last for a long time. We have so much to look forward too, yes it doesnt have a million things we all wanted but we at least we have someone who worked on the game that isnt going to rob us of our mind, this game should retail for 150 dollars.

although i didnt expect the standard cars to be of a super high quality, id at least thought they'd have proper wing mirrors.... .i think kaz and co photoshopped this left wing mirror on wouldnt you agree? LOL :sly:

roll on gt5, pre-ordered and looking forward! sod any flaws, ive been waiting 6 years for the 24th november :)

Where are you getting the 6 year figure from? Didn't GT4 release in 2004?
If your expectation is perfection, you can only get disappointed. I'll enjoy the loads of features I'll be getting and I'll be a happy camper.



Considering there are only just over 200 premium cars, the other 800 cars you can only change the color and ad some stupid looking back wing 👎


fale fail
Thansk tekken90 and RDK :D

The standard are ok I was expecting some to look better and others not so good but premiums are simply ridiculous :drool:

I am pretty sure pics of damage on standard are is true. But there is still confusion the leaked game tekken90 and RDK have got. Sometimes I wonder that is Nov3GT5 not Nov24th GT5 :scared:
Some of you people have no damn respect for these hard working developers..

to make over 200 of the most highly detailed cars your ignorant eye balls have ever seen is a huge achievement on it own. Too say things like i wish all 1000 cars to be premium is ridiculous.

Grow the hell up and be grateful with what you get. You all can cry like lil babies, but come release day you are all gonna be buying the game.

Im still not taking tekkens videos seriously until i get to play the game for myself.

As other people have stated. I feel like hes trying to lower expectations.


Considering there are only just over 200 premium cars, the other 800 cars you can only change the color and ad some stupid looking back wing 👎


You can't even spell "fail" right. You act like painting Standard cars means nothing. I would have traded custom rims for custom paint in GT4 in a heartbeat. We lose rims, but we gain so much more.