Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
But come one...Look at them! They dont fit into a game releasing 2010! And they are totally misleading since PD har claiming 1000 cars and only 200 of them are from this generation!
They dont look much worser than the Forza 3 models. I really dont understand this rage right now.
But come one...Look at them! They dont fit into a game releasing 2010! And they are totally misleading since PD har claiming 1000 cars and only 200 of them are from this generation!

PD said there would be 1000 cars in the game. There are 1000 cars in the game. Standard or premium, they are still cars and they all run on the improved GT5 engine. Stop being pedantic.
Why isn't that dude banned yet? He's antagonizing everyone, not following rules and contributing ZERO to this site.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there is a wave of new legitimate members, but the last few weeks have had a flow of people ruining these forums.
What's the point in looking for 'mistakes'. There are 5 pics of that Micra which are more than alright. One super close up is a bit less and ... drama!!

GT5 works with premium cars. Standard cars are only there for people who really want such a type of car. It still looks good, but not GT5 spectacular good.

If you've seen how amazing premium cars look, surely you can understand why they haven't managed to do all of them.
They dont look much worser than the Forza 3 models. I really dont understand this rage rught now.

Not only that this is not PD work we all new these standards where going to be imported in the game. The premiums are the real deal which makes forza look like crap if you compare to good pictures of both games.

What's the point in looking for 'mistakes'. There are 5 pics of that Micra which are more than alright. One super close up is a bit less and ... drama!!

GT5 works with premium cars. Standard cars are only there for people who really want such a type of car. It still looks good, but not GT5 spectacular good.

If you've seen how amazing premium cars look, surely you can understand why they haven't managed to do all of them.

Another person with sense.
Well, GT3 only had 150 or so cars, and that was one of the best Gran Turismos ever. GT5 has over 200 "proper" cars, plus a couple dozen standard cars, for those of us who just like to drive them (even though it'd be nice with a premium Zonda C12S), so GT5 can't possibly be a bad game.
I have played Forza 3 and at least you can make decisions on wheels as well as tire widths on all cars. It is ridicockulos to allow these features on some and not others.... It seems like someone dropped the ball here. My only hope for the game is flexible online lobbies with multiple modes and voice chat. If the online game play is anything like GT5P I will be moving away from PD for good. Biggest issue I have with Forza is a piss poor physics engine. Atleast the wrecks appear more realistic than GT to this point...
If we put things on a scale of 100 this is how I'd rate features.

Physics = 100

Online Functionality = 75

Day/Night Transitions = 50

Weather = 50

Damage = 50

Graphics = 25

Sound = 25

Performance Tuning = 25

Visial Tuning = 10

There are games like NFS and Burnout which cater for the Max Power generation, GT5 is for the more discerning car enthusiast who appreciates the likes of the Jaguar XJ13.
The irony is hilarious. You're tired of people telling you how to think, but then you're complaining about how other people think.

It's like saying, "Now, let's try to be friendly here, YOU USELESS MOTHER:censored:ING PIECE OF YOUR MOM'S 🤬 BASTARD".

You know what else people are tired of? Seeing people bitch about standard cars which were concluded, for who knows how long ago now, to be just copy/pasted from GT4 Surprise? No, unless you have Alzheimer's.

Hey, I'm just telling them what I'm thinking. What I'm not doing is telling them what to think!

And I atleast thought they would have been touched up a bit, not even the baked textures have been touched for gods sake!
But come one...Look at them! They dont fit into a game releasing 2010!
Thats your point of view , not mine. I have played a few racing games on the PC this year with cars that looked worse. WRC 2010 is one instance of a racing game in 2010 with cars that look worse and Crash Time 3 has cars that look worse.
Why isn't that dude banned yet? He's antagonizing everyone, not following rules and contributing ZERO to this site.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there is a wave of new legitimate members, but the last few weeks have had a flow of people ruining these forums.

I have been a member since 2004 just mostly lurking not posting on much as I haven't felt the need until now.
They dont look much worser than the Forza 3 models. I really dont understand this rage rught now.

You dont understand the rage for the fact that 80% of the cars in GT5, a game releasing in 2010 not have changeable rims, no deformation, not the ability to use in photo travel and that they look like crap?

And please dont say that forza 3's car models looks almost equal, thats BS.
This is also from a year ago:

Q: So all NASCAR from Toyota, GM and Dodge?
A: Probably not all the cars at the beginning, I can only promise that there will be a lot

So "soon" is 2 years and "nine" is a lot ?

(I've counted 9 Nascars in the list, corect me if i'm wrong)
Thats your point of view , not mine. I have played a few racing games on the PC this year with cars that looked worse. WRC 2010 is one instance of a racing game in 2010 with cars that look worse and Crash Time 3 has cars that look worse.

Yeah but they were not in development for 6 years with a budget high as a blockbuster hollywood picture.
Not only that this is not PD work we all new these standards where going to be imported in the game. The premiums are the real deal which makes forza look like crap if you compare to good pictures of both games.

Another person with sense.
The premium models are really from another world. And now they have the engine and the basics. Now they only need to work on more features and more premium models for GT6.

I am also sure you can use these models easily in the next generation and it still will be the most impressive carmodels.
If we put things on a scale of 100 this is how I'd rate features.

Physics = 100

Online Functionality = 75

Day/Night Transitions = 50

Weather = 50

Damage = 50

Graphics = 25

Sound = 25

Performance Tuning = 25

Visial Tuning = 10

There are games like NFS and Burnout which cater for the Max Power generation, GT5 is for the more discerning car enthusiast who appreciates the likes of the Jaguar XJ13.

Graphics and sound should be higher, since these new videos have been out i haven't seen a bad word on the sounds, they are fantastic this time around, and as for graphics, i assume you put it low because of standards? how about you look at the tracks and premiums, because they are what GT5 is focusing on.
what the heck is so hard to understand... standard cars are THE SAME CARS from GT4 with the SAME LOW POLY MODEL + some textures on, and no cockpit. On the other hand, premium are the NEW HIGH POLY CARS with HIGH TEXTURES and DETAILS. So don't expect much more from GT4 cars(standard in GT5) than a good anti-aliasing and maybe some good shaders compareble from those in GT4. The damage on standard cars will be made just from some shadow texture that are ment to "trick" your eyes. Nothing more, nothing less. BUT on the PREMIUM cars there will be some real deformation polygons and some very good textures(normal maps i guess) that will make cars feel almost perfect, like in real life.
I am pretty sure there will be some dlc after the game launch with more premium cars. So stop whining please...
Oh.. and for those "forza 3 whining boys" you should known that the forza 3 developers modeled their body cars with laser tehnology, which is way faster than hand craft-made models that GT5 producers worked on. Please, never compare forza 3 ******, crappy, low resolution mapped looking cars with premium gt5 cars. These people from PD that worked on GT5 put much, much more effort in understanding cars geometry and interior and that makes them very good 3D artist, not like those guys from turn 10 studio that make the job just for some money. You know, this game is something about passion, dedication, and attention to details...

You have some incorrect info yourself. The cars from GT4 were redone to have HD quality, they are not low res. Exterior wise standards and premiums look the same. This knocks your theory out the door. Low res vs High res is an obvious difference. If standards looked like crap do you really think PD would include them and jeopardize the series. But if I am not mistaking, the solid colored cars are not textured, they are modeled with that color and the shaders and lighting gives its appearance. Cars other than solid colors are textured. If you know 3d modeling software you will be able to see what I am talking about as far as textures.

On one note, yes we have damage. Second note, if this game was bought for its true intent, not many of us will see much damage at all. I think KY didn't have drastic damage because this is not destruction derby.
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wow thx for pics/vids
the standarts look bettr than i thought,the engine helps alot...
during racing i think they will be even better if they look this good in static.
well compared to how GT3 was this isn't very bad. There are 200+ good cars. As long as there are some good premium race cars that's all I care about.

I didn't even touch the normal street cars in forza I strictly used the GT and lmp cars.
You have some incorrect info yourself. The cars from GT4 were redone to have HD quality, they are not low res. Exterior wise standards and premiums look the same. This knocks your theory out the door. Low res vs High res is an obvious difference. If standards looked like crap do you really think PD would include them and jeopardize the series. But if I am not mistaking, the solid colored cars are not textured, they are modeled with that color and the shaders and lighting gives its appearance. Cars other than sold color are textured. If you know 3d modeling software you be able to see what I am talking about as far as textures.

On one note, yes we have damage. Second note, if this game was bought for its true intent, not many of us will see much damage at all. I think KY didn't have drastic damage because this is not destruction derby.

You must be smoking grass man, did you see the pics of the standard cars a couple pages back?
So "soon" is 2 years and "nine" is a lot ?

(I've counted 9 Nascars in the list, corect me if i'm wrong)
Time in development and "last minute" Sony requests have very little to do with that. And yes 9 is a lot to me. 10 if you count the new Joey Logano's #20 Gamestop/GT5...and this one is for DLC.
You dont understand the rage for the fact that 80% of the cars in GT5, a game releasing in 2010 not have changeable rims, no deformation, not the ability to use in photo travel and that they look like crap?

And please dont say that forza 3's car models looks almost equal, thats BS.
No its not. They look like the Forza 3 gameplay models.
And honestly as GT fan i dont care about damage. Gran turismo was never a racing simulator.

GT is just pure Car porn and thats what you get. Gt is a game for car maniacs not for racing freaks. And these 200 Premium models showing this exactly.

And again. Poly could do the same and more as Turn 10 did if thy would outsourced like 80% of the game. And with over 300 emplayees. But Poly did everything themself. They didnt waste time all these years they worked as hard as they could. And unlike Turn 10 they didnt bash the their competitors.
I have been a member since 2004 just mostly lurking not posting on much as I haven't felt the need until now.

Lol, anyone legitimate, I'm not minding, but there are a few handful that have just been posting non stop, everything negative.

Feel free to continue to contribute to this site, by all means, it's just that handful.