Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
I'm not defending the image because it's awful, but that's not the player's car in that image. It's an AI shot in photomode with the player's car being the main subject and the game's focus on an Ai car.

That's from the beginning of the race, where the camera focus on the wheels and then on the front of the car.

I thought this too for a second. But I don't really think so. I would say PD shouldn't have stated the two tiers of cars. I think they should just indicate on the game package. All PD had to say is that not all cars will have interior views and massive damage and let the package tell us why. On screen , in a side by side comparison it would be difficult for most of us to tell the difference between the two tiers. Only in interior views, damage and modification capabilities is were they differ.

What are you talking about . See the site for what.

Read bold. This information is on the official site. The standard car issue has been known for a while, except the wheels and other things.


These should calm down the skeptics.
You guys are going beyond ridiculous. Are you LITERALLY putting things like changeable rims ABOVE everything else? You're basing your purchase of this game off of a feature that most will use only a few times? You're making it sound like GT5 is the worst racing sim to have hit consoles since NFS Shift. If you literally think that, you're DENSE.

I'll say it again; GT5 is packing more into ONE GAME than ANY other racing sim on the market, at a general level of quality not seen elsewhere. Not to mention that if they were to get all these features to the level you all WANT it to be, they would need another two or more years. Do you really want that?

Stop complaining and enjoy the game when it hits...


PD worked hard in adding most of the features that people wanted wheather,damage,track creator,etc.

Does the inability to change rims on most cars really ruin the game that much?
Sorry, for the stupid question, but the standard car have the physics like premium cars? or have the physics of gt4 "modified", because because otherwise it is risked to strike a enzo with a yaris!
thank you, however in 5 years, less circuits and only 200 seriously made cars, said that to this point it forza motosport has been decidedly better with 2 you play in little years, with ALL the equal cars with cockpit!
Sorry, for the stupid question, but the standard car have the physics like premium cars? or have the physics of gt4 "modified", because because otherwise it is risked to strike a enzo with a yaris!
thank you, however in 5 years, less circuits and only 200 seriously made cars, said that to this point it forza motosport has been decidedly better with 2 you play in little years, with ALL the equal cars with cockpit!

All cars use the same physics engine.
Sorry, for the stupid question, but the standard car have the physics like premium cars? or have the physics of gt4 "modified", because because otherwise it is risked to strike a enzo with a yaris!
thank you, however in 5 years, less circuits and only 200 seriously made cars, said that to this point it forza motosport has been decidedly better with 2 you play in little years, with ALL the equal cars with cockpit!

Cockpitview in Forza is useless at least for me, I tried it a few times but couldn't stand it... Besides looking horrible there is no anti-aliasing in the cockpitview.
I don't know what went wrong in that oft-posted image, but this is how it looks at the intro, where the high-res model is used.



As I said, the only time you see that LoD is when your car is the main subject of photomode, but you manually focus on an AI car.
As soon as you start racing it looks like the image below. The intro, photomode and the menus use the high rez model. The replays and in-game races use the low poly one you have on the bottom
Read bold. This information is on the official site. The standard car issue has been known for a while, except the wheels and other things.

What's your point. I am saying what should have happened. This clearly did not happen because everyone is talking about it now. If they had only put it on the game package 1) we would just be talking about it since the game was leaked 2) we still would not know anything about standard or premium. You must have misunderstood my content.
Which forza 3 cars don't even have active gauges? There was a video on youtube somewhere. The cockpit looked pretty bland too.
Its so hard man so many can put up with Forza3, but Gt5 is sooo bad. Its truly annoying. I agree with you.

The thing is I don't recall the Forza crowd being anywhere as adament about calling out the competition as crap and saying how their product would be the end all be all of perfection! Just wait and see!

Now Dan Greenwalt, he DID go stick his foot in his mouth claiming the showroom models are what you would see in game, and he got hammered for it.

So all the GT "supporters" who have been spending the last few years digging up turtle roll over car videos, damage that doesn't look quite right and every last model detail from forza to pass the time until the "ultimate perfect GT that wasn't stupidly outsourced and becuase we saw what happens when you outsource!" shouldn't really be compmlaining too much now that the tables aren't looking so heavily stacked in their favor.

If Kaz reads this thread and decides to delay the game again you'll only have yourselves to blame then.....

So when the chef sends your steak out way under done and you say "I ordered this medium" it's YOUR fault for delaying dinner and not the chef who made the mistake in the first place right?

The logic around here is truly astounding sometimes...
If Kaz reads this thread and decides to delay the game again you'll only have yourselves to blame then.....

GT5 game disc are being stamped already and PD has begun work on GT6. GT5 won't get delayed anymore unless someone burns down all the warehouses storing the game discs.
GT5 game disc are being stamped already and PD has begun work on GT6. GT5 won't get delayed anymore unless someone burns down all the warehouses storing the game discs.

I was being sarcastic. I know that GT5 will not get delayed again (Hopefully) unless something really serious happens which is very unlikely ATM.