Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
I'm not talking about mechanical damage. You are. I'm talking about the physical damage comparison between the demo build and the release version. Which at least appears, for whatever reason, to be different.

I suppose one could argue that physical damage and mechanical damage would be linked together. And I suspect they would be.

Exactly you cant hit a wall doing 60 and get physical damage and drive your car as if nothing happened. Something is not adding up, Physical damage is cool, but mechanical damage is more important. This is confirmed so my question to all the people saying this is the final damage system is how are you saying this is the final damage build when we saw no mechanical damage done to any cars we saw in the videos.
[rant]The official website once told us also that the game would be release on November the 2nd :dopey:[/rant] (just kidding...)

I think I know what you mean but you cannot disassociate one thing (physical damage) from the other (mechanical damage), when a game has them both incorporated (as it is supposed to be the case).

The first hit of the Gallardo in Tekken's video would be more than sufficient to inflict severe mechanical damage to the car, besides the physical that was apparent, causing it to be undriveable if the damage (both damages!) were realistically implemented.

Coming to physical damage alone, and comparing it to the physical damage (remember) showned on the demos (that you in fact also played if I remember) it is unquestionable that it has been severely tuned down. (just look at the pictures)... This can mean one out of two things:

a) The damage level has been tuned down or, b) the damage level increases (in realism) as further as you progress in the game. I believe it is the option a), since a don't see the point of having an increasingly realistic damage level in a game which is supposed to be the "real driving simulator".

Now this is an assumption as you said so from my part. True. But your believe that mechanical damage is at the moment also an assumption of yours based solely on what was once/is referred at GT's webpage. But as I said earlier, based on the experience we have and what we have seen, it also fair to assume that feature was (another?) to be discarted.

Fair to assume is cool, but some people are stating that this is the damage system as a fact, which IMO is wrong.
Actually, mechanical damage could be off. There have been plenty of other racing games which have options where one can select to have only cosmetic damage, mechanical damage, and/or both on.

So once again, that's what I hope is going on. I'm trying to be optimistic here people, but I have to admit it is getting a little hard to not be a bit pessimistic. I just don't believe what I'm seeing is everything this game has to offer.

Exactly you cant hit a wall doing 60 and get physical damage and drive your car as if nothing happened. Something is not adding up, Physical damage is cool, but mechanical damage is more important. This is confirmed so my question to all the people saying this is the final damage system is how are you saying this is the final damage build when we saw no mechanical damage done to any cars we saw in the videos.


In the Best Buy demos, we had both visual and mechanical damage at much more 'normal' rates. Gearboxes would slip, engines had much less power, etc.

It just doesn't make any sense why they would tone it down so far, and take out mechanical damage completely. UNLESS that is reserved for the 'Extreme' events and above, like tire wear and fuel consumption used to be in GT4.

In the Best Buy demos, we had both visual and mechanical damage at much more 'normal' rates. Gearboxes would slip, engines had much less power, etc.

It just doesn't make any sense why they would tone it down so far, and take out mechanical damage completely. UNLESS that is reserved for the 'Extreme' events and above, like tire wear and fuel consumption used to be in GT4.

That is probably the most logical explanation

In the Best Buy demos, we had both visual and mechanical damage at much more 'normal' rates. Gearboxes would slip, engines had much less power, etc.

It just doesn't make any sense why they would tone it down so far, and take out mechanical damage completely. UNLESS that is reserved for the 'Extreme' events and above, like tire wear and fuel consumption used to be in GT4.

Imagine how much fun it would be "Oh i got this super monster 900bhp AWD skyline", then at few power slides your engine would blow up :lol:
Have we seen 'standard car' tuning to confirm upgrade parts (turbos, tires, etc)? How about the standard car cosmetic scuffing?
I haven't seen any yet, and am really interested in seeing how usable the standard cars are going to be, because I've grown attached to so many in the previous GT's.

Just saw this in the discussion thread, also we can pick up to 16 racing suits. 👍
Have these images been posted yet? Seems like it might be new, just posted on n4g today.

Some evidence there of realistic physical damage. I wonder though, after the race is done will this damage just automatically fix itself, or do we have to attend to it?

These look like old screens to me. I remember them from the news page from way back. So they're not from the final game.
So in short, will there be any mechanical damage in GT5? Because I'll be disappointed if there isn't. :nervous:

Its on the official website that all cars will suffer from mechanical damage I tried to go to the site but it is under maintenance
Have these images been posted yet? Seems like it might be new, just posted on n4g today.

Some evidence there of realistic physical damage. I wonder though, after the race is done will this damage just automatically fix itself, or do we have to attend to it?

Damn they are old... E3 or earlier...

I wonder that there is still no advertise from PD/Sony, 1 week before release... No Screenshots, trailer or anything... Seems like they started the viral marketing and gave some people some early (maybe incomplete) copys... I hope so...
You know i wonder if you can cheat GT5 into unlocking something by changing your system date, can someone with the game try this? (Does it even work that way? haha)
Damn they are old... E3 or earlier...

I wonder that there is still no advertise from PD/Sony, 1 week before release... No Screenshots, trailer or anything... Seems like they started the viral marketing and gave some people some early (maybe incomplete) copys... I hope so...

Yeah it was all just posted today on n4g, with both the source and n4g claiming they are new.
This is starting to turn into a farce. Is mechanical and physical damage represented in-game and to what degree, I would like to hope so. ( IMO why would they either tone it down or leave it out all together after spending so many man hours not only coding it in, but flaunting it around at demo days. Makes no sense at all. )

Now I might be wrong here, but has it ever occured to anyone that maybe, just maybe Tekken has not posted any vids representing either mechanical damage or physical damage due to not wanting to spoil it for the masses.

It is very obvious that he is teasing with what HE is deciding to show.

Take a step back, relax, and just think that in less than a weeks time, all will become clear.
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I want, infact scratch that, I need a video with all settings set to Professional, no assists, damage on full, night racing and rain.


Thanks ;)

........................but whatever you give us today I will be grateful :D
I hope he tunes a car today I want to see if you can tuned the Viper or Enzo or any car to 1000HP. Also I want to see the different classes of the cars in the game.
Some requests:
-GAMEPLAY footage, NOT replay, gameplay, without all the post processing, upscaling and motion blur from the replays.

-Career mode damage.

-Point to point rally with sound from the co driver.

-Some gameplay footage (not replay) of the supposed tail lights lighting up and coloring tyre smoke.

-Some cars that were in prologue to see if the 250k->500k polys statement is true.

This is starting to turn into a farce. Is mechanical and physical damage represented in-game and to what degree, I would like to hope so. ( IMO why would they either tone it down or leave it out all together after spending so many man hours not only coding it in, but flaunting it around at demo days. Makes no sense at all. )

Now I might be wrong here, but has it ever occured to anyone that maybe, just maybe Tekken has not posted any vids representing either mechanical damage or physical damage due to not wanting to spoil it for the masses.

It is very obvious that he is teasing with what HE is deciding to show.

Take a step back, relax, and just think that in less than a weeks time, all will become clear.

Sounds intresting but why would he do that?
And why would other dudes like RDK spoil everything ecxept the damage?
(he showed us already standard-car damage).

Think about it
The damage is kinda pointless, in online racing when mr idiot decides to go 140mph in a straight line at a pack of cars turning ahead, instead of him wrecking his car he will slightly dislodge his bumper, to me it just seems pointless, they might as well have spent the time on something else. Its not really proper damage, as you need to litterally smash the crap out of your car to see something, if you're racing why would you be doing that if its not to cheat your way infront of a pack of cars. In Iracing, if i slightly bump my car it often results in a bent steering column, so if i want to win i need to make sure i'm not bumping things, should be the same in GT5 or theres not much point in there being a damage system.

About racing with a wheel, i was pretty much instantly faster with the pc games i played, the difference is massive and the ammount of control you have is far more than with a gamepad. Though with GT4 i didnt find it the same, so we will see.