Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48

Absolutely stunning.
I just wish there'd be atleast proper mechanical damage to stop people from riding the rails and such stupid stuff.

And what's with this talk about dropping pro physics?

Redundant pictures are of higher importance, duh.
i mean i don't give a **** about damage.. but god if a were in pd i will be ashemed. You can't delivered a **** like that in 2010, even games on arcade in the 90's had better damage..however i don't care about it.
You mean you aren't buying the game because of what you've seen in crappy Youtube videos from people who can't/won't speak very good english when asked specific questions about it ?

He rated the damage a 3 out if 10. That's being generous from what I've seen.
But don't worry you can unlock horns.
@midianGTX, GT5's damage system would not have its own GUI with sliders, it would be based on some engine that they bought the rights to use and would literally be entirely made up of code.

I didn't say it had a GUI, I said it had numbers. I've seen a fair bit of game code and you can most definitely edit a hell of a lot of things just by raising and lowering numbers.

...and you generally don't buy "damage engines", it would have been a part of the game engine or possibly physics/animation engine if it has a dedicated one.
Well, in that case, they wasted a ton of time, because TOCA RD2 had a better damage system. Hell, GT2 had a better damage system, because at least damage actually affected how the car drives!

You do not understand just how hard it is to create such a thing in such a high quality atmosphere like GT.
He rated the damage a 3 out if 10. That's being generous from what I've seen.
But don't worry you can unlock horns.

So you think you have seen the real damage system huh really man all you do is whine :rolleyes: Wait until you play the game or we get better detail.
He rated the damage a 3 out if 10. That's being generous from what I've seen.
But don't worry you can unlock horns.

Last I checked, the game has 1000 cars and realistic weather transitions and day/night cycles on a few tracks and a very very nice career mode with cars that handle more realistic than any other console sim-racer. if you want the damage model of grid to be in here along side it, you'd be asking a whole lot on top of what's already there, apparently people think size never runs out, in the beginning of the PS3, they said "with blu-ray, developers will find out that the imagination is the limit" well kaz actually hit the FULL disc space of the disc, and that's still with standards being in there too.

If you want a better game with everything that's in this one, don't worry, you'll be waiting till GT6.
Well, in that case, they wasted a ton of time, because TOCA RD2 had a better damage system. Hell, GT2 had a better damage system, because at least damage actually affected how the car drives!

TOCA 3 (The PSone game, Not Race Driver 3) had a better damage system, it also had cockpit view, animated driver, rollovers and all sorts. They are game series with a history of different priorities. Anyone thinking that PD put in a world beating damage system in 2 months was deluding themselves.
So you think you have seen the real damage system huh really man all you do is whine :rolleyes: Wait until you play the game or we get better detail.

You guys are so hopeful, people here who have the whole retail game are uploading videos and there is only a crappy damage to be seen. This is it, please realise it.
You do not understand just how hard it is to create such a thing in such a high quality atmosphere like GT.

Sam they told us it's done. Top gear magazine says how the glass and debris are strewn over the track.
They tout internal damage on premium models.

How are we then to understand how difficult that was.
Really hoping it's the old translation error again.