[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Four pictures

Alright. I'll give you that, those are some horrid livery options but you can't focus on the "turds" of the custom livery creations. I would take a couple of pictures of some I've done, and a couple I've brought from the Auction House but I don't have a camera anymore, but I'll try the next best thing...

Unless this is one of T10's retarded "trojan" or whatever the hell they call those "special edition" cars you're likely to pay in excess of 7 million credits for, that's a good one.

Another good one. Like I said, I'll give you credit where it's due because I'm tired of seeing police liveries on the Auction House and all this other ridiculousness, but it's overshadowed (more often than not) by the stuff worth looking at/purchasing.

EDIT: Unicorns! That's what they're called.
No. Demos are always free on XBL, and if they aren't I'd say stay away from a demo that costs money. :P
Well technically not always since those who get the demos earlier, in this case FM3 demo the day TGS begins, have to pay for it (gold membership)

Sorry for the OT
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Please excuse thejared....

There is something wrong with him, he's the biggest fanatical GT fanboy I've ever witnessed on the internet. I can assure you the ONLY reason he doesn't want to see a livery editor in GT is because Forza has it and he HATES Forza.

As an example, he has chosen to suicide multiple NeoGaf accounts just so he could troll the Official Forza thread, swear at everyone and post pictures of dead bodies ect.

Then he goes into the Official GT 5 thread over there to tell everyone what he has done and wonders why they don't all treat him like some kind of hero that he was expecting.
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^Oh come on guys you can't have a livery editor be serious all the time. I would want a car in GT5 with the South Park crew on the side of it. It'll be a fun hobby for some.

Quoted for truth!

What the heck is wrong with a couple of funny cars?

I'm down.
Hey, if people enjoy making their cars look like crap IRL why not in a game. For added effect the car should be displayed on blocks in the middle of an unmowed lawn in a rural neighborhood. And I would like to see the inclusion of novelty horns. I want to rice every car I get my hands on. Overspray everywhere. Unpainted, damaged and partially attached bodykits that have no effect on lap times. Lots of decals. And the installation of stereo equipment. And then instead of performance points, we get style points, NFS Underground style. That would really blow the competition out of the water. Racing is overrated.
Hey, if people enjoy making their cars look like crap IRL why not in a game. For added effect the car should be displayed on blocks in the middle of an unmowed lawn in a rural neighborhood. And I would like to see the inclusion of novelty horns. I want to rice every car I get my hands on. Overspray everywhere. Unpainted, damaged and partially attached bodykits that have no effect on lap times. Lots of decals. And the installation of stereo equipment. And then instead of performance points, we get style points, NFS Underground style. That would really blow the competition out of the water. Racing is overrated.


But really, if a decent livery editor is added, people are bound to make creative rides. Those creative rides may be silly to others, but to some, they are works of art. I honestly wouldn't care if I played online and saw an F430 with a pretty rainbow and a giant smiling sun with luscious green grass. Now, if I get beaten by that person, I'll feel like a fool! But otherwise, I think it'd be funny, unique, and distinctly that person's car. Whether it's a joke or not, I'm no judge.
Hey, if people enjoy making their cars look like crap IRL why not in a game. For added effect the car should be displayed on blocks in the middle of an unmowed lawn in a rural neighborhood. And I would like to see the inclusion of novelty horns. I want to rice every car I get my hands on. Overspray everywhere. Unpainted, damaged and partially attached bodykits that have no effect on lap times. Lots of decals. And the installation of stereo equipment. And then instead of performance points, we get style points, NFS Underground style. That would really blow the competition out of the water. Racing is overrated.

You sir are a champion. :lol:
I know they already came with these liveries, maybe some would like to remove these.
I want to collect every car in GT5 at least once, even the old Model T. I'm going to prize the liveries skinned on the race cars as I have in GT and Forza, and I'm going to leave them alone. But I also want to buy copies I can paint over, because my name isn't Burns, Schumacher, McRae, Andretti, Hiromi or any of the hundreds of pro racers in the world. I am unique, and I want a unique identity. To quote The Prisoner, "I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! ...I am not a number, I am a free man!" :grumpy:

I swear, before next weekend, I'll post some of my creations from FM2. I'm not about to let those South Park liveries show up my South Park liveries! :lol:

I should get my copy on monday and do some GTP livery ;-)

But yeah, livery editor is a double edged sword, I'd absolutely hate to see south park cars and so on in GT5... that's one of the downside but given the right tools to the right people, livery editor can be a pretty damn good thing. That's why I believe having something a little bit more "closed" would be a better idea but how would you go on about doing that without restricting "good" creativity? No clue.
I don't see the issue, som people coming up with silly reasons like "I don't want to see spongbob cars" or whatever. Do you guys live in a padded room or do you not see things you don't like the look of in every day life. If a livery editor is included in GT5 I will enjoy being creative and making designs I like, if I see a design someone else has made I don't like then so what. It's doing me no more harm than seeing an ugly car in real life. The creative aspect having a livery editor would promote far, far, outweight that the breif feeling of "that's an ugly car". Get over it and move on.
I don't see the issue, som people coming up with silly reasons like "I don't want to see spongbob cars" or whatever. Do you guys live in a padded room or do you not see things you don't like the look of in every day life. If a livery editor is included in GT5 I will enjoy being creative and making designs I like, if I see a design someone else has made I don't like then so what. It's doing me no more harm than seeing an ugly car in real life. The creative aspect having a livery editor would promote far, far, outweight that the breif feeling of "that's an ugly car". Get over it and move on.

yep, me and Kaz share a padded cell, and he tells me that he will not let YOU and your trash muck up his masterpiece.

yep, me and Kaz share a padded cell, and he tells me that he will not let YOU and your trash muck up his masterpiece.


Just stop now, please. It's not like you won't buy the game if it has an in-depth livery editor.
Livery editor is the last thing that GT5 needs.

The last? I wouldn't put it that far down. Gran Turismo, as a series, can survive without it, but I'd be really pleased to see it added. Just as other aspects have been implemented to GT over the years, so should the ability to modify the cars' appearance. I think if people took one extra second to realize that this game is meant for millions, and not just one single GTplanet member, there'd be a lot less aggravation.
if people took one extra second to realize that this game is meant for millions, and not just one single GTplanet member
Well, or 10. I think I've seen 10 members here who are indignant over a livery editor, and who knows how many of those are Forza fans who don't want Gran Turismo to have something that actually makes their game special? Compare this to the 10 - 20 people who really want the livery editor, and the dozens more who are at least intrigued by the idea, and you can see that there is quite a bit of traction for it in GT5. And I can't imagine anyone who doesn't want to have at least a few race cars recreated for them, rather than have to pay for them in DLC car packs. Of course this depends on Race Mod returning, but I think this time it finally will. It was very popular in GT2, as were the used cars.

Dave stated what I've said in a few posts, as we're both wondering what sheltered lives some of you lead. Do you run home every time you see an ugly car, or someone wearing an obscene t-shirt, or one that advocates gang violence? What really makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time are those who think actual race cars with liveries and decals are ugly! I mean... WTH?? And these are supposedly fans of motorsports?! Some of these people stretch logic and credulity to the breaking point.

I know the argument is pretty well moot, as it's either in GT5 or it isn't. But if it isn't, you have to know that league and team building are really going to suffer for it, not to mention those of us who would love to create some Ferrari race cars, among many, many others.
Even though I haven't the patience to use it, I think a livery editor is essential, even in some basic form. People like to be unique, it would be a selling point for GT5, and we'd see some excellent creations. I'm still astounded by what some people came up with in Forza 2.

Besides, we can create a "questionable liveries" thread for the bad ones ;)
Great post,Tenacious D.👍

It seems that GTplanet users are divided into 3 simple categories in regard to having a livery editor in Gran Turismo 5:

1. Yes, I want it! This would be awesome!
2. Sure, as long as it's tasteful and classy.
3. No. Never. What a horrible idea!

Coming from somebody who'd love it, I can understand all options but the last. Really? Is it THAT sinful? Are people that paranoid of loony cars? Is it because people believe it's a disgrace to the manufacturer? I think it's a disgrace to deny someone who spent 60+ dollars on a game and who has a genuine passion in cars, his right to put his own flare into his rides. And again, as Tenacious said, it's either in Gran Turismo 5 or it's not. If it's not in, oh well. If it is, and you dislike it, simply ignore it. The game will live on, and so will you. The good thing is you'll be able to reconsider it at anytime and maybe you'll put some of your own creative ideas into a car and have people appreciate it.
I'll go with number 2! I would like something simple like putting sponsor stickers and re-painting your car any color possible. It would still give an unique look to a person's car, however it would still keep the GT theme for the beauty of cars.

Just my opinion... :)
I'll go with number 2! I would like something simple like putting sponsor stickers and re-painting your car any color possible. It would still give an unique look to a person's car, however it would still keep the GT theme for the beauty of cars.

Just my opinion... :)
like in Grid then! I like that.
As Long as I can stick a number and a few sponsor stickers I will be fine. Although a Forza level one would be awesome. Or if they really wanted to be cool they could do what EA did for NASCAR 09.
Hey, if people enjoy making their cars look like crap IRL why not in a game. For added effect the car should be displayed on blocks in the middle of an unmowed lawn in a rural neighborhood. And I would like to see the inclusion of novelty horns. I want to rice every car I get my hands on. Overspray everywhere. Unpainted, damaged and partially attached bodykits that have no effect on lap times. Lots of decals. And the installation of stereo equipment. And then instead of performance points, we get style points, NFS Underground style. That would really blow the competition out of the water. Racing is overrated.

And some Fluorescent tube lights and LED's. Can't forget those. A car is nothing without them.:)



Some tubelights and a dukes of hazard horn and I'm all set.

I'll have a go at the livery if its in and I'm also getting Forza 3 but what can you do to the Mclaren F1 to improve it?
Are we sure Forza 3 demo is for gold members only? I read it that because the game has gone gold the demo will hit on the 24th, not that the demo hts for gold members...

As for GT5 I don't want livery editors, much prefer they announce weather and day/night.
I'd like a livery editor to play around with, but probably wouldn't use it much.

Having said that however, I think GT5 really does need one, and it needs to be on par with the livery editor in Forza2/3. If they don't have one, GT5 will get a lot of criticism for it and reviewers will knock it down for lacking that feature. Regardless of whether people care about it or not, PD really need to keep up with the competition and besides damage (which we now know will be in GT5), livery editing is next on the list.