[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Im Hoping for a Livery Editor, but im feeling Nervous about dont having one, because they are extreme fun, you can create your own race cars or do Replicas and it also allows you to add effects to your car like air vents, screws, scratches, carbon fiber and a lot of options that will gave the clean,race or mean look to your vehicle.

I Hate seeing the Cartoons/Anime cars...its just dumb, but at least it allows people to do cars like they want.

Its so simple. I mean its a win win for everyone. If you want to have an all Nazi, KKK, anime, vulgar pictures car race, go ahead, but you won't find me there. Oh but what if I want to do "quick race"? Well guess what? When you do the same in shooters you get a flock of screaming 12 year olds. Its really the same thing. Private rooms solve all problems and with a sites like GTPlanet and the US PS forums I am sure there will be no shortage of good private rooms.
What we don't know yet, in the final version of GT5, will we have the ability to race production cars in race car events, since
they will not receive damage.


Not the poorly translated "damage on racing cars" one either.
I think there is going to be quite a bit of disappointment come TGS for some of you.

Many people are under the impression that KY has said something like "Just you wait for TGS GT fans, I've been keeping secret a Major Advancement that's gonna knock your socks off"

His actual words were.....

Yamauchi: At E3, we showed a concept video and this time at Games-Com, we have a playable demo with damage, and I think you can expect a similar major advancement at TGS.

I don't believe the tone of this thread and the context of his quote are very compatible. He seems to simply be saying "We showed you a little at E3, we are showing you a little more now and at TGS you can plan on us showing you even more than were showing you now"

But everyone has latched onto the words "major advancement" and twisted KY's meaning IMO.

People are expecting to get blown away by some major super secret advancement, and while I hope that is the case, I think it's likely that we will simply be shown the features from that leaked feature list......something that many people here wouldn't consider a "major advancement" at all.
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Actually no because first, the game wasn't listed in the official press conference at Gamescom and at E3 we just had a trailer. I mean PD has been working on this for a long long time and yet they've been quite secretive about it we have no idea how much content there is and how much stuff has been accomplished. For a game that's coming out this year, I believe using the term "Major advancement" should equal what it actually means. Obviously, we won't get a crazy crazy presentation that'll blow everyone's minds but I believe we'll at least get something beefy enough to get everyone excited for the end of this year.

Be a bit optimistic, he's been dodging questions for such a long time, I'm sure this time around we'll get actual answers. But then again, just my opinion!
It's not that I'm not optimistic. It's just that when I see the term "Major advancement" all by itself that makes me think something very different then the way the words "major advancement" were used in the context of his sentence.

We all saw that leaked features list ( well, the hardcore GT fans who dig though every bit of info saw it anyway ) and there was virtually no mention of any of that at Gamescom. IMO the reason for that was because that "list" wasn't supposed to be released until TGS.

Someone at the office "didn't get the memo"

And these things happen all the time. For example that new Forza 3 intro vid, at the end of it it says "Demo available NOW!" Obvious the demo isn't available now, that trailer wasn't supposed to be shown yet. Someone at the office seems to have also "not gotten the memo"

IMO the most likely "major advancement" at TGS is that we will actually get to SEE all the things from that "leaked list" in action. There may not be any "Major advancement" in store for those of us already familiar with that leaked features list.

If that list had not been leaked, and we were all unaware of all those features, then the unveiling of those features at TGS would constitute a "major advancement" IMO.
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Hey did you forget that Y isn't as Greenberg ? He is person who quietly do his work and then reveal it to the world. He won't do it like this :

OMG we have 1000cars !!!! Our graphic is photorealistic etc.. it's definitive racing game ever !!!

If he says it's big then we couldthink it's very big
I agree... I think a lot of people here secretly are dreaming that the "major advancement" will put the CG concept videos to shame... crazy damage, realtime weather, incredible graphics popping from every corner, VR 3D in your face so great you will think this is PS6 kind of major enhancements... basically stuff that will make GC look like an early beta in every aspect.

I think basically what they showed us was a fairly near finished product, they just didn't have time to show us much of it in any kind of detail. So I think TGS will be almost the same game we saw at GC, but we will see a tracklist, we will see a car list, we will see a few more tracks and game modes and people will be able to do some more hands on playing (maybe even with the PSeye).

Basically I don't think KY has been holding back the ace in the hole (or the 4 aces in the hole), I just think they are finally going to take the curtain off.

Who knows though... maybe they will show something totally crazy awesome... we can all hope...
I'm hoping we get some SOLID confirmation of a few areas I'm still a bit foggy on.

- How many cars will have damage? Will it be JUST race cars or will there be some production cars that get the damage treatment aswell?

- I know this sounds ridiculous but I just want to hear KY say that ALL cars will have a cockpit.

- At Gamescom ONLY ONE car on the track was damageable. Even if there were other race cars on the track ONLY your car could be damaged. I would certainly HOPE that if you are having a race of "race cars" that they can ALL be damaged.

- The number of Track "controversy" needs to end. Is it 20+ Locations making up 60+ ribbons, is it 60 locations with 20 more to be announced? The difference in personal interpretations of the Japanese text is MASSIVE.

- An indepth look at the online implementation is an absolutely necessity.
I don't know about the rest of you but I would be perfectly happy if PD announce the following at TGS.

1. Release date.

2. List the tracks.

3. Announce the game modes.

4. Announce what online features there will be.

5. More footage from GT5.

Ideally all of these but number 1,5 is the most important to me.
I don't know about the rest of you but I would be perfectly happy if PD announce the following at TGS.

1. Release date.

2. List the tracks.

3. Announce the game modes.

4. Announce what online features there will be.

5. More footage from GT5.

Ideally all of these but number 1,5 is the most important to me.

you're asking everything:)

The release date is in march 2010 and we get screens and infos nearly every day... This game is big as GT5... An absolute system seller...

GT5 will be out very "soon" and we still got only 4-5 screenshots and some infos but nobody knows if they are true or not... (and the demo at GC)

I don´t know or understand what sony/pd is doing there...

If we still get nothing on TGS then the people will get really dissapointed this time...
People are expecting to get blown away by some major super secret advancement

Good post, i only quoted this part though.. for a reason:
I still think we can see weather effects as this "major advancement".. just as they revealed damage, i think the last step at TGS will be weather effects.

PD has weather effects planned even before prologue came out.. they had thought about implementing it into prologue through a update, but never did (for whatever reason).


It's all in here.. from that video:
We of course have elements, or features that we would like to add on. Those are on our road maps. Things such as change of weather, tuning, damage - those are all on our road map and we hope to provide those as, like, system updates after the core bit is released. System updates maybe even including new cars or news tracks. But we want to make sure the backbone is very strong first. That's a very, well, one point that we wanted to clarify.

Tuning is in.. damage is in, well confirmed.. and all that is left are the details and weather effects.. this, i think, will be that last advancement/update we will see in action at TGS in two weeks... it's not really a secret advancement, its been in the open since 2007 and before prologue came out.. i think there is a very big chance we will get to see weather at TGS.

Thanks to MGR at neogaf for pointing this out btw..
I know this has been said a million times before but with the PS3 Slim now on sale a 2009 release for GT5 is the best possible opportunity for Sony to sell tons of PS3's, then considering Kaz said it will be released shortly after GTPSP I just can't imagine Sony will allow PD to release GT5 after 15th December.

No one can estimate what "major advancement" could mean we can only hope & guess, but I am absolutely convinced that TGS must have a 2009 release date announcement however if there isn't and we just get something similar to Gamescom then I think its fair to say it will be a 2010 release but I just can not believe Sony & PD will miss this perfect opportunity for maximum sales. 10 days left and counting.:nervous:

The release date is in march 2010 and we get screens and infos nearly every day... This game is big as GT5... An absolute system seller...

GT5 will be out very "soon" and we still got only 4-5 screenshots and some infos but nobody knows if they are true or not... (and the demo at GC)

I don´t know or understand what sony/pd is doing there...

If we still get nothing on TGS then the people will get really dissapointed this time...

1. GOW series is not as big as GT series, not by a long shot. Just isnt, so of course they need to start marketing/hype nice and early for it.

2. Sony/PD is getting as much focus on the new PSP and its version of GT, they have openly told us this in multiple interviews.

3. The only people who will be truelly disappointed will be 'us', the hardcore fans. The general public really dont care about the TGS. In fact i would bet that of all the people who own previous GT games, less than 5% would even know what TGS stands for.
And whats worse is that, the hardcore fans will still be disappointed no matter what.
Gran Turismo and God Of War are the only games I'll ever buy for my PS3. With exception of those two, my PS3 only plays demos, videos, photos and music.

Not the poorly translated "damage on racing cars" one either.

Like everybody hoping, I'm hoping that all cars will get real damage. But if we get a mix of cars that can sustain damage and others that don't,
then entering a production car into a event that is all race cars, the production cars (assumed will not have damage) will be like driving a tank to the event.

But all I'm doing is speculating, since we really don't have hard facts yet.

Like everybody hoping, I'm hoping that all cars will get real damage. But if we get a mix of cars that can sustain damage and others that don't,
then entering a production car into a event that is all race cars, the production cars (assumed will not have damage) will be like driving a tank to the event.

But all I'm doing is speculating, since we really don't have hard facts yet.


or there will be an option that all cars will not have damage, also the cars that have it allowed...for that race
however a race car with damage will not have trouble to put away the tank car, cuz it will be much faster...
Like everybody hoping, I'm hoping that all cars will get real damage. But if we get a mix of cars that can sustain damage and others that don't,
then entering a production car into a event that is all race cars, the production cars (assumed will not have damage) will be like driving a tank to the event.

But all I'm doing is speculating, since we really don't have hard facts yet.

I would think that crashes will affect the performance of all cars but the visible damage, door opening, bumpers coming off etc will only be on select cars like the WRC race cars and so on.
probably we get some soft optical damage on the most cars like in ferrari challenge or supercar challenge and full damage on racing cars...

In SCC or FC there are only lost side mirrors and broken front glas (dont know how its called in english now) and a bit damage on the bumper... nothing more...

Seems like Ferrari will not allow more on their cars...
Gran Turismo and God Of War are the only games I'll ever buy for my PS3. With exception of those two, my PS3 only plays demos, videos, photos and music.


What a strange statement!

There's some great exclusives out and how do you know there won't be something else coming out you would love? Would you ignore them to prove a point?