[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Rumor. GT5 arrives after GT Mobile. GT Mobile releases in October. TGS might reveal the date, but it won't be available during TGS.
It was actually a little theory some of us had before GamesCom came around and ruined it. I remember getting myself hyped for TGS because I thought it'd be revealed there. But I'm still hyped to find out what this damn major advancement is!
It was actually a little theory some of us had before GamesCom came around and ruined it. I remember getting myself hyped for TGS because I thought it'd be revealed there. But I'm still hyped to find out what this damn major advancement is!

I hate polyphonys ways of teasing people. It drives me crazy. I just want to play the game so bad.
Surprises beat all. It's really making people go crazy and yet once you get the infos, it's that much better :P
KY did say a while ago when it releases it would be a released as a suprise (few days after annoucing the release) but I frankly just can't believe that would happen. People need warning, many like a couple of my friends are getting PS3 bundles when it launches and they would be pulling their hair out if they didn't have the $500 AUD required to buy it that quickly, but I wouldn't be complaining :D
Apple don't give any warnings of a release date for new products.

They just announce it at an event,then say its in stores tomorrow.
ppwwhahahah that's the funniest rumor I have ever heard. If GT5 is released the 25th no gran turismo fan will be at TGS...not even the press. They would be at the stores killing eachother trying to grab a copy of the game...
If it was true I'd ruin my room by running around screaming, bumping into everything. Well, we'll see. That would be nice, but I'm calmly setting for the December.

But then again - "Major Advancement" - how does completing the game sound? :D
I think that an announcement at TGS of a release in December would be good, because it then gives them just over 2 months to start building up a really big hype train for release, and get the game on people's Christmas wishlists. That makes the most sense to me anyways.
or 3D trees, or skid marks or something else that's not essential for driving.. best side of being a pessimist: you'll never be disappointed.
Don't get too excited, maybe it's all about reverse lights.

I hope you're kidding. I know you don't consider that a major advancement. :ill:
Reverse lights should have been added since GT1 and could hardly be called an advancement at all. Reverse lights should mean absolutely nothing to us as it's such a basic feature of cars (meaning we should not have to be worrying about this). It makes me laugh that we still haven't seen them yet. And by laugh I mean scratch my head.
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Well I would definitely be surprised that's for sure if GT5 suddenly released 2.5 weeks from now......oh how the world would blow up. It just doesn't make any sense though how they've gone about doing this....and I'm not expecting that date to be true either....but if it is........oooohhh maaaan.
If it's released on the 25th. It means i got it on the 23th of september. I work in a very big store (Makro). That isn't the first place to go to when you want to buy a game.
A gamestore in the north of holland was selling GTA4. We stood there in the row for gta. But there wasn't anyone at the Makro, while they had 20 copies of gta.
Actually the 25th makes perfect sense. The PS3 sales are really good now, but probably it wont last more than 2-3 weeks. Then it's time to motivate buyers with something new and GT5 would be the perfect motivation. And then in October, it's Uncharted 2 which should help to keep the sales up.
So the latest rumour is suggesting Sony will turn around and say "GT5 is released tomorrow" at the TGS?

Well I suppose its possible and reminds me of this thread I posted back in July that was unfortunately locked.


Have to be honest though I can't see it happening and find the Dec 4th release date much more viable. I bet Turn 10 are hoping these rumours are untrue lol.

Why didn't you offer 250€ (or what ever it would have taken) for a a chance to take a pic of the GT5 cases / discs? :sly: The community would surely have donated that back soon enough ;)