Gran Turismo 7 Confirmed to also launch on PlayStation 4, is a cross-gen title

  • Thread starter Vspectra

Are you disappointed GT7 is also on PS4 with gameplay & graphic assets held back by PS4 limitations?

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Considering that one can probably safely take the over in predicting that GT7 will release much later, say Holiday 2022 or even early 2023, it makes absolutely no sense to release a PS4 title if that comes to be the case. All it does is institute a very hard ceiling on what could be done graphically and framerate wise for a franchise that, in recent history, has prided itself on being a graphical showcase. It'd certainly make more sense for GT7 to be next gen only considering these factors.

Like, as much as I don't like it, at least there's some decent business sense on why Forza Horizon 5 is cross gen, considering the factors at play WRT semi-conductors and how console shortages both at the retailer and consumer end are fairing at this very moment, and Microsoft's desire to have its first party titles on as many platforms as possible. Considering GT's history with delays and generally extending development time, what purpose does making GT7 cross gen have when there's no guarantee that this current shortage on next gen consoles is going to last forever, and that people are still going to be gaming en masse on last gen hardware by the time GT7 does release?
People who would have bought for PS4 at release and just moved it onto their PS5 when they got one will now consider whether they want to pay release prices plus ten bucks, or whether they just want to wait and buy GT7 when they actually get their PS5. And probably save more money because it'll be in the bargain bin by that stage.

GT7 is going to be the only Gran Turismo game for a long time and limiting it to only PS5 would really hurt the amount of players that could get their hands on it.
If they really wanted to increase the number of players, they'd be releasing on PC. People would be falling over themselves to buy Gran Turismo on PC.
Do people that wonder why GT7 being cross gen would hinder its full potential performance on the ps5, never played GT Sport? Just curious. Does anyone really think there would magically be able to do generational improvements? We’re talking about 2013 hardware here. I don’t even want to get down to physics and who knows what other godly things they could’ve done if it was exclusive to PS5.

If you’re satisfied with GT7 being a career mode expansion to GT Sport, then this is certainly incredibly good news. I’m really happy for you. For the rest of us looking to see a generational leap in performance and features, well I guess we can wait until GT8, whether it’ll be for the PS5 or PS6. Who knows really.

On the bright side, perhaps graphically the PS5 will probably look much superior, since visuals are not tied to direct gameplay experience.

In the end, you can’t make everyone happy anyway, so I’ll just leave it at that.

That said, I’m not too happy with Sony right now. Now that they have the upper hand, they seem to be rather arrogant, in contrary to the PS4 days when they try to “out value” the competition. Now it’s Xbox that’s trying to give the better value.
R.I.P. original and slim PS4's. They'll barely even be able to run GT7 at best as it is a demanding game for the older console. The PS4 Pro would be the best bet if you really want to play GT7 on a PS4.

I do hope cross-play isn't a thing between the PS4 and PS5 versions so that the latter can still show off a considerable improvement in technology (whether it would be dynamic weather, time of day and other things).
I'm gutted for the franchise because it means we're waiting likely another 5+ years for a true next gen Gran Turismo.

But I'm glad in a sense because Gran Turismo 7 is the only game I really wanted for the PlayStation 5 so it being on the old PS4 will save a lot of money and hassle trying to get one.

It does make me think that PC gaming is now the way forward though. I've got a half decent one as a 'test' but can see myself going all the way next time.
Although people are already burying GT7 under the dirt, the reality the PS5 is the fastest selling PS console of all time, even at this price and this low availability.

At this point it seems GT7 doesnt matter. Its coming, whether good or bad it doesnt matter as the PS5 train has already taken off and gone to the moon WITHOUT GT7.
I just hope this is not going to result in a Cyberpunk2077-esque situation because the fact that GT7 is coming out on the last Gen console is going to pressure PD into releasing the game rather sooner than later. There's no way they can justify a toned down PS5 game for this reason in 2023 and beyond, let alone a first party title.
I'm more fixated on the sudden "Fee" for a Next Gen Upgrade. What exactly are you paying for when you upgrade from the PS4 version to the PS5 version? Is THIS the first indication that there will actually be two different games? This is a question that Needs to be answered, feel like THAT is what should be the actual concern considering its for something that has been up to this point free.
Why cant PDI just make a game like everyone else does? Are they even making games for GT fans anymore? GTS came out 3 years after PS4 release and what the hell was it on launch? A few tracks. They cant seem to focus on just making a game for the players.
Stupid idea if you ask me. If GT7 was out as a launch game or even out this year then you can understand the thought process behind wanting to make it a cross-gen game so soon after the PS5s launch. But PD being PD and if we don’t see the game launching until very late next year or even the year after then limiting its development to be able to cater for the PS4 is so backwards.

I really hope it’s a case of the PS5 version being downgraded to run on PS4 and not a PS4 game with a few visual enhancements for the PS5 otherwise Sony have dropped the ball massively. If the next Forza Motorsport game truly is a next-gen only game and makes full use of the power of the new hardware then they’ll leave PD and Sony in the dust.

I guess we’ll find out more later this week.

So, what in the Hekyll & Jekyll? PS5 only? Was that just changed on the website?
No, it's been there since the game was announced and never changed - even now we have absolute confirmation there's a PS4 version...
I'm looking forward to it on PS4. I'm not buying a PS5 until it comes down in price so this suits me. I do feel for those who are sitting with the latest tech, but potentially playing a last gen game.
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No, it's been there since the game was announced and never changed - even now we have absolute confirmation there's a PS4 version...
Can they change it to a PS4 title and who wants a higher framerate (like 120fps) or fully dynamic weather will have to buy PS5 version?
Who was the person who said that sentence. Could it just be a mistake?
Jim Ryan, president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment.

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This is poor marketing by Sony. GT7 was initially pitched as a next gen game and now it's cross gen. So like others have said it is not going to be able to really showcase the PS5 capabilities. Isn't this supposed to be one of the their tentpole franchises. I think it is very shortsighted, but it is good for PS4 owners as they don't have to get a PS5 right now. But this is what happens when your only concern is quarterly profits.🤷 It is what it is. I will probably still buy but now I will wait and get it whenever it goes on sale on get off of eBay.
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No, it's been there since the game was announced and never changed - even now we have absolute confirmation there's a PS4 version...
At a guess they'll update it after the event next week when the PS4 version is likely widely announced to the world. Weird how they keep dropping important titbits buried in articles though, it's not exactly clear and direct marketing.

If you don't read sites like this or other gaming news then you might still be under the impression GT7 is a PS5 title releasing in the next three months. All information to the contrary has so far been delivered in those half-buried titbits.