I love this! Could you post your settings for some cars in this grid? Are you using Sport tires or racing tires?
I wanted to recreate 90s group A racing and I wonder... Is Skyline R32 GTR was widebodied or not in original Group A?
Gotta be quicker.

Lots of things change for me in a few days. I converted cars back to stock. I’m trying something different.
For the cars in the video, all cars are stock body with 18” wheels & wide offset(the ‘97 Integra only goes up to 17”), Racing Hard, rear spoiler removed from the Lancer and I think a couple Integras.
For the Skyline, I leave the body and use wide offset. The tyres are wide enough to Replicate the look of the real cars.
For the touring cars, negative camber are -5f/-4r. I’ve stuck with that for many years, while watching BTCC mentioning those settings at a Snetterton night race event.
Power/weight for the Evo IV and M3 non-Evo are about 280-290BHP/1050kg(I think the Lancer only drops to 1053kg). They just need the ECU for detuning. 270BHP for the Integras and Civic TCs. All cars have a Racing Silencer. It’s all about the sounds with these cars.

Springs are about 3.0 hzf/r for all cars and anti-roll bars are varied. I mean, the AI will be using them. So, they’ll have all the aids on anyway.
As for the Evo IV, I use the Torque Vectoring set at 5:95. A caveat if you use it, the Lancers can feel light in the rear(not snappy, but lively, at corner exits. Be easy. It’s not so quick off the line with TCS Off either. AI will blast past you during a Grid Start though.
I don’t mess with the differentials. I buy the two-way diff.
Transmissions can be left stock or buy the Manual transmission and leave the default settings. The cars don’t need to reach 300km/h. They’re perfect redlining at about 240-250 km/h.
The R32, I set camber to -5f/-3r. Some of the real car front camber were more than that, but we’re only limited to -6f/r.
That car is about 550 BHP/1260kg, 18” wheels.
As for other Gr.A cars like the Supra ‘88, I used widebody to get the tyre width. The real Gr.A performance was great. The cars were too heavy. I tuned it a Little over 500BHP/under 1300kg. The R32 just murders everything like the real one.
M3 Evo I left stock body. Max engine tuning and use 18” wheels with wide offset.
As close to this as possible