Gran Turismo 7 Daytona Speedway Gameplay Revealed

  • Thread starter Famine
I'm unsure I want to see more video footage lol. There are things that fill me with uncertainty. In the replay, the pop-up (lighting and model detail) on the rear of the Lambo at 1m50s-1m53s when it's just 3 car lengths in front of the Porsche is ugly. Just leave the detail off if the PS5 can't handle it. I bought a PS5 for GT7, so like many of you, I have a lot invested in the gamble that is GT7! The only other game I own on it, is ACC, but already own it on PC lol. There's a worrying lack of detail about things in GT7.

I appreciate the team are working. There'll be a huge day-1 patch no doubt. After all, we're approx 2 weeks away from the game going "Gold" and the dics being mass produced/heading to distribution chains. I'm unhappy about the lack of any new Rally content for the game in the vids tbh. Rally has seemingly been left out, again. We have no clue how many tracks feature weather. Will PD focus on weather in real circuits 1st? I'd certainly hope so.

I'm happy for SP modes. I don't race online. I hope the framerate stutters I see are due to 4K footage/struggles. I don't want bottlenecks at 1080P on a PS5. The increase in graphics look fine, but it shouldn't hurt 60hz locked at 1080P. This is a 4K console (coughs), so I pray 1080P is smooth. It would make no sense including flags that wave realistically in the breeze, if the game can't hold 60FPS and is going to break (for me) the immersion. Real life after all runs much faster than 60hz lol.

With the content being almost basically the same from GTS to GT7, I hope (like many of you) that the physics feel way more realistic. With the inclusion of weather, it would be a huge waste not to have the game drive/feel much better. There are reappearing features that I think are gimmics. I was gutted to see car washing/oil changes return. Why? Because all of that has to be monitored by game code each frame, as you drive. It's one thing to add features to the code, but it could certainly explain why at present the game isn't smooth in these videos. It's impossible to say the stutters in GT7 videos are frame drops, but it's worrying.

I hate design for designs sake, and by that I mean adding core updating code/technologies to the game engine that could stop it hitting 60hz locked. Indulge me for 30secs more, for a make believe example. The wind speed and direction can be set in the game. The flags in the game as we race, will blow realistically in a direction based on those real life variables and of course "fluctuate" in real time. If it's damp, they move less, etc. Every single change/calc has to be worked out by the game engine real time. Unless there is a slider for WIND=OFF, this is a constant heavy calculation within the game engine.

I'd rather nothing be allowed to get in the way of breaking a locked 60hz game refresh. I've gamed all of these years in GT without it, so let me turn it off. In real life, motion is fluid. It doesn't drop frames, and this to me breaks the immersion when games can't hold 60hz. Most of you are worried about the AI. I get that 100%. My own thoughts are as follows. Kaz has added so many new systems into GT7 that he wanted, that it's impossible for all of those not to have a huge impact on CPU calculations.

He's already explained the weather alone is a real life sub-system. People wonder why the AI appears stale (similar to what we've had before) and part of the reason is added features running in the code that weren't there in GTS. There's no CPU "headroom" for more calculations that would be needed to expand the AI to make it more real/lifelike. IMHO, the AI is a "casualty" of him using the power of the PS5 to add lots of other things to the game code instead.

You wanted far improved AI. He wanted wind, weather, track temperatures, engine wear, oil consumption monitoring etc., etc., etc. Well, even a PS5 does not have limitless resources. There are limits on computational workload, in which the AI code could be expanded/running faster within the game engine to be able to improve it by a meaningful amount. Kaz has updated and added many more other things instead. It's his trainset, and he will play with it exactly as he sees fit.

Lastly, I hope "ALL OF OUR FEARS" turn out to be false upon release. I hope it's the title that GT5/6 & S should have been, and more.

One of my own worries is, with content being so similar to what we've had before - if the handling isn't drastically different and more realistic as a result, GT7 will feel old/tired quickly. I know for many of you this is a concern too. For me - when you factor in the cost of the game and new console into the equation, that's not a scenario I hope happens. Obviously, if I hate the progress of GT7 - I can sell everything and cut my losses.

G o o d l u c k to us all !!!

Probably unpopular opinion here on the forum but..
So far from what I've seen, im fairly satisfied with the visual aspect. Im kinda glad they focused on Sports shortcomings and that being popin/draw distance and things like shadow quality dropping off a clip a metre in front of the car.

Resolution is also a no brainer, Sport was fine for the hardware but i need that clarity boost for a new title. I want to see everything in more detail.

Everything else is a huge bonus to me, especially dynamic weather and TOD. I'm extremely excited for those.

anyone in the same boat?
Yes, I'm of the same opinion. Add to that the return of classic tracks and all the customization options and I'm very excited to get to play it day one on PS5.
Probably unpopular opinion here on the forum but..
So far from what I've seen, im fairly satisfied with the visual aspect. Im kinda glad they focused on Sports shortcomings and that being popin/draw distance and things like shadow quality dropping off a clip a metre in front of the car. (I know popin is still visible, but its reasonable)

Resolution is also a no brainer, Sport was fine for the hardware but i need that clarity boost for a new title. I want to see everything in more detail.

Everything else is a huge bonus to me, especially dynamic weather and TOD. I'm extremely excited for those.

anyone in the same boat?
Yep, deffo hoping for a smoother/deeper experience and one that doesn't feel identical to GTS in the physics department. Small improvements everywhere from top to bottom will be great. Plus less time with the system powered up loading and updating the title lol...
Yep, deffo hoping for a smoother/deeper experience and one that doesn't feel identical to GTS in the physics department. Small improvements everywhere from top to bottom will be great. Plus less time with the system powered up loading and updating the title lol...
I was just going over that lambo issue u raised and i can't put my finger on it.
I actually noticed it too when i first watched it but haven't seen any other car do it. Ive watched the clip probably no less than 20 times with lots of rewinds.

Its hard to make out whats changing on the rear. lighting or shadows change?
A bug possibly because its the only car ive seen it on 🤔

If others dont do it, i wouldn't get hung up it mate. It bothers me because im anal lol but ill live with that one occurrence.
We'll see i guess.
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If you don't want any graphical shortcomings bothering you, just go faster - you won't see anything but the next apex and hopefully the 2-3 cars closest to you.

Otherwise just spend time in scapes mode, or whatever it's called.

(Looking forward to **** emojis as response.)
I love to spend my time enjoying a variety of cars available and some of those aren't fast, not even close.
Its mostly in those moments when u have time to look around and things start to stand out.

That's if your comment was directed at me.
I'm unhappy about the lack of any new Rally content for the game in the vids tbh. Rally has seemingly been left out, again. We have no clue how many tracks feature weather. Will PD focus on weather in real circuits 1st? I'd certainly hope so.
PD has never done rally right so if they just decided to scratch it entirely I wouldn't be disappointed.
GT2 to GT3 was revolutionary. Even the first GT was amazing at that time. Today, I think FH5 looks really impressive. I think it's time for another new game studio at Sony for car games.
FH5 is a very minor improvement over 4 though. When I played 5 I could barely see any improvement and in some instances on the highway I thought it actually looked worse, including glitches or bugs
I was just going over that lambo issue u raised and i can't put my finger on it.
I actually noticed it too when i first watched it but haven't seen any other car do it. Ive watched the clip probably no less than 20 times with lots of rewinds.

Its hard to make out whats changing on the rear. lighting or shadows change?
A bug possibly because its the only car ive seen it on 🤔

If others dont do it, i wouldn't get hung up it mate. It bothers me because im anal lol but ill live with that one occurrence.
We'll see i guess.
Could be just a simple glitch they are working on. Looks light reflection highlights get added to the area near the lights, and some light detailing under the exhaust pipes, decals? I can't make them out from the clip on the laptop. Yep only happens in that small part, and doubt it should be the game engine "compensating" in any way, as that are doesn't seem a taxing part when looking at the clip from start to end...

Fingers crossed yep...

PD has never done rally right so if they just decided to scratch it entirely I wouldn't be disappointed.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop that!

You're supposed to make me feel better lol
I'm definitely looking forward the speedway layout being used in "Like the Wind," while the road course gets used in a Gr.1 and/or Gr.3 event, potentially in the vein of the Daytona 24h, even if the actual race itself isn't an endurance, let alone one that goes on for 24 hours.
Well, in GT Sport, cutting the grass in corners, leaves tyre tracks at Bathurst, the grass gets worn at T1 and the Chase. I see that on my base PS4.
True but that looks more like darkened/flattened grass, in the very short part where a car went over the grass in the last trailer you can see it leaves a bit more realistic tyre track, at least imo, someone posted a gif of it where you can clearly see it.
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True but that looks more like darkened/flattened grass, in the very short part where a car went over the grass in the last trailer you can see it leaves a bit more realistic tyre track, at least imo, someone posted a gif of it where you can clearly see it.
It’ll be a slick. So, I can’t see how much more defined that tyre track looks, in that piece of curb grass. For sure we’ll be able to capture and zoom in on those details, when we get the game.

edit: Had a look on the 65” in 4K. Look like it might be leaving some dirt on the edge of the inner curb, where the grass meets the curb, as well.
I will say one th8ng, that M6 in the rear display, at the point I paused the gameplay, is crystal clear. You PS5ers are lucky.
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I would say there's no chance base PS4 could do those calculations (realtime' weather) on top of the the normal game physics and graphics. But what do I know?

Unless ps4 versions run an 30fps (as someone else mentioned) could be a real possibility. Either that, or polyphony has learnt black magic.
I was just going over that lambo issue u raised and i can't put my finger on it.
I actually noticed it too when i first watched it but haven't seen any other car do it. Ive watched the clip probably no less than 20 times with lots of rewinds.

Its hard to make out whats changing on the rear. lighting or shadows change?
A bug possibly because its the only car ive seen it on 🤔

If others dont do it, i wouldn't get hung up it mate. It bothers me because im anal lol but ill live with that one occurrence.
We'll see i guess.
Might also not be a general problem as it just happened in the stadium area, where it also happened on the stands itself at 1:45 or at 1:50 on the stands writing. Maybe more to compute so the draw distance is reduced in that area.
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I didn't say single player was niche, I said online was. It's just a fact that the vast majority of people that bought GT Sport simply didn't play online, and that was a game specifically designed around encouraging online play. 84% of players have 0 Sport Mode races. Only 5% have more than 20 races. That's niche.

It helps that 5% of 10+ million players is still a very respectable player base, but as a proportion of the overall population playing the game online players are a tiny minority. It makes sense to concentrate effort on the content that will appeal to the other 95%.
Not what I was getting at. I said I don`t think online is a niche, and the figures you are quoting do not give a full picture, you would have to look at hours played, of the 84% of players who did not play online, how many hours or races did they complete. How many game hours. I suspect most of the 84% would have less the 20 offline races in the game. I know players who just do Liveries and scapes.

Player engagement is what drives updates especially free ones (look at the difference between red dead online and gta online on which one of those gets the love), so if the online player base gaming hours, are a larger percentage of total gaming hours then 5% and are the driving force behind engagement and therefore updates, it deserves to be a high priority, and are probably why GTS was updated for as long as it was. If you have these figure it would be interesting to look at them/

Its not like the old days, where games where limited by disc space, nor are PD a small studio (they have 10 times the listed employees of Kudos) the game can accommodate both set of player, and my perception on here, is that offline players, moan more about online aspects been developed then online player do about single player.
Let's also hope that the game progression isn't built entirely around instant gratification like Forza Horizon 5, I pretty much stopped played after a month and I think it's now at a point where on Steam where there's been 60% drop-off in users while 4 experienced an upwards spike at the same point in it's lifespan.
I assume that is sarcasm...
No, no it's not. It's been announced, look at the GT7 official posts from about last year.

Look at "GTPlanet behind the scenes livery editor" on google and you'll find it. The one at 2 November 2021.
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The more I hear about rally/dirt racing in GT, the more I am willing to wear the tinfoil that the feature solely existed in GT2 because they wanted to compete sales-wise with the first two Colin McRae Rally and V-Rally games.
The more I hear about rally/dirt racing in GT, the more I am willing to wear the tinfoil that the feature solely existed in GT2 because they wanted to compete sales-wise with the first two Colin McRae Rally and V-Rally games.
Disrespectful. Yamaguchi-san wanted the game to encompass all of car culture.