Gran Turismo 7 Daytona Speedway Gameplay Revealed

  • Thread starter Famine
It's getting clear now that if GT7 doesn't set the world on fire, then you're going to get a groundswell of people criticizing it, much like how GT5 and 6 were (rightly) criticized, and Polyphony can't exactly sweep it under the rug anymore.
And we saw how Sony management wasn't pleased with the lukewarm critical reception Bend Studio's Days Gone got. They're now working on a new IP, despite their best efforts to get a sequel greenlit. (Really good game, imo btw)

It seems not only sales matter to Sony right now. They're trying to further cultivate a reputation of providing only prestige titles.

I think it's easy to get good reviews in a racing game provided the graphics are up to snuff so this may not be an issue for PD or else, who knows, maybe Kaz will get to work on a new IP after all.
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We will probably need to wait for Forza Motorsport 8 to see if there is a new "King"

The info about it is pretty much non existent, but the little we have makes me think that it may end up being something like what the GT7 we all want should be. I've hedged my bets and got a PS5 and Series X.
I will never understand these dumb terminologies. Who will decide who's gonna be the king? Is there a judge somewhere we don't know about? I think people should just play what they find more enjoyable. Asking for validation is totally pointless.
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And we saw how Sony management wasn't pleased with the lukewarm critical reception Bend Studio's Days Gone got. They're now working on a new IP, despite their best efforts to get a sequel greenlit.
In fairness to Sony, Days Gone was a title that was by committee essentially, and was a game that could have sold 2016 when open world games with zombies, and bikers as the main characters would have sold decently. In fairness to Bend, they got a raw deal out it all and Sony basically told them to go **** themselves when they showed the desire to make good with a second chance. Sure reminds me of an English studio who made racing games for Sony getting the same treatment, ending at the most extreme end...

I think it's easy to get good reviews in a racing game provided the graphics are up to snuff so this may not be an issue for PD or else,
The issue is that those good reviews don't matter if the general reception from the public (including the people who are playing the game most often, who do have experience in the genre) is poor. And considering the fact that GT7 is releasing cross-gen, and subsequently, has shown very little to be anything other then an evolutionary (and even then, barely!) title from the previous one, if I am buying GT7 on PS5, what exactly am I getting other then what GT Sport should have been in the very beginning if Polyphony and specifically Kaz didn't make the blinkered decision to throw the baby out with the bath water? Why would I bother paying 90 bucks Canadian, new, for a game that's barely an upgrade over GTS?
7 was my first dive into Forza. Ultimately I much prefer GT Sport, but I did enjoy it. Forza 7 car list dumped into GT Sport and I'd be a happy camper.
Agreed. My main problem with 7 was the lag and long loading times and that online was terrible. No qualifying, and turn one is a mess every single racing. At least in GT I can try to have a clean race. Give me the tracks and cars from Forza in GT and I will buy it immediately
In fairness to Sony, Days Gone was a title that was by committee essentially, and was a game that could have sold 2016 when open world games with zombies, and bikers as the main characters would have sold decently. In fairness to Bend, they got a raw deal out it all and Sony basically told them to go **** themselves when they showed the desire to make good with a second chance. Sure reminds me of an English studio who made racing games for Sony getting the same treatment, ending at the most extreme end...

The issue is that those good reviews don't matter if the general reception from the public (including the people who are playing the game most often, who do have experience in the genre) is poor. And considering the fact that GT7 is releasing cross-gen, and subsequently, has shown very little to be anything other then an evolutionary (and even then, barely!) title from the previous one, if I am buying GT7 on PS5, what exactly am I getting other then what GT Sport should have been in the very beginning if Polyphony and specifically Kaz didn't make the blinkered decision to throw the baby out with the bath water? Why would I bother paying 90 bucks Canadian, new, for a game that's barely an upgrade over GTS?
I'll be buying it and I know it mostly has to do with the online. I'm not saying the campaign may turn out to feel like a chore but...

I just don't know whether GT7 has to capture the public's attention as much as Ratchet & Clank or Miles Morales did. It's essentially a sports game. Sort of like a MLB The Show that comes out twice a decade.

But I do hope there is much more to the campaign. A new structure or something. We know the AI will likely be lacklustre so I would love to be engaged in some other way.
Sort of like a MLB The Show that comes out twice a decade.
At least San Diego Studio has had the care and desire to want to make The Show better, when it was already in a good state considering it's rock solid gameplay and wide range of options to tailor the experience to a specific player's wants. And now that The Show is on Xbox (mainly because MLB demanded it) the potential sales that come from being on Xbox basically amounts to free money. I know a fair few baseball fans who were forced to jump from Xbox to PS when MLB 2K died.

Polyphony doesn't, and even when they are very clearly getting beaten down by the competition (them getting beaten to the punch by T10 with three Forza Motorsport titles while they twiddled their thumbs and did both everything to make the game a reality, and spent effectively three years doing nothing except trying to test the theoretical limits of the PS3's hardware comes to mind) it seems to be that they approach said competition with the urgency of a college student who's just realized his paper is due on Monday after slacking off for weeks, and has to rush to get things done. How long did it take them to finally change the car sounds? How long did it take them to institute an actual livery editor? Granted, both these aspects turned out to be better then expected, but it's clear that those aren't the only things that need to be done to better the health of the series. And if Polyphony are going to do the exact same process that brought GT5 out of vaporware status unfinished, and pumped out a GT title in the last days of the PS3's life, then they're in for a rude awakening.

Edit: To the guy who keeps on poop emoji'ing my posts, grow up. Seriously.
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I will never understand these dumb terminologies. Who will decide who's gonna be the king? Is there a judge somewhere we don't know about? I think people should just play what they find more enjoyable. Asking for validation is totally pointless.
It's subjective. Who's asking for validation? In my mind the "King" would be whatever game ticks all the boxes for what people are wanting. So far no racing game has managed that for quite some time. Most of the popular titles do some things brilliantly, but all of them also fall short on other aspects. To get all the best bits from GT, ACC, Forza and Project Cars rolled into one title would be a wet dream.
GT can be played by a casual newcomer on their couch with a controller who doesn’t know much about racing, ACC can’t.
You can play ACC with a controller just fine, and the cars are not hard to drive. It's hard to be quick, but it's hard to be quick in Gran Turismo too, as we see with the plethora of rammers and morons online.

I feel it's like comparing Dark Souls to Uncharted. Both can be played casually by people with no experience, neither game is terribly hard, but Uncharted will show you a good time even if you're playing with one hand while stuffing your face with chips and Dark Souls requires that you have both hands on the controller and actually try or it will kick you in the giblets and laugh at you. That doesn't make it unplayable by casuals, it just means that part of the game is learning not to suck so hard.

GT is so easy that I think people forget that not everything that is more difficult is actually so difficult that normal people can't partake. There are sims out there that are very difficult to play and enjoy without specific knowledge or a very strong interest in the subject, but ACC isn't one of them.
We will probably need to wait for Forza Motorsport 8 to see if there is a new "King"
I mean, FM7 was a better "Gran Turismo" game than GTS was. It had many of the same flaws as traditional GT games but it was pretty, had a big car and track list, encouraged tuning and modification to create your own cars, had a stupidly large and boring list of "career" races, etc. If someone wanted a modern game that was like Gran Turismo 4 (which usually gets held up as the pinnacle of GT games), then FM7 was a better choice than GTS.

FM7 still sold like crap compared to Gran Turismo games, but I suspect that's more to do with marketing and brand loyalty than objective qualities of the game.
It’s weird there has been zero info. I don’t like their strategy of releasing a CGI trailer to build hype though. I like how GT has been showing gameplay trailers. After Forza 7 I gave up on the franchise. But hopefully 8 is good since more competition is always better.
It's not that weird. FH5 released two months ago, they would have been silly to detract from that by releasing FM8 info. You might start getting more information soon, or they might keep pushing FH5 all the way up to the first DLC. Once T10/Playground feel like they don't need to keep reminding the market that FH5 exists, then we'll start getting more information on FM8.
I think it's easy to get good reviews in a racing game provided the graphics are up to snuff so this may not be an issue for PD or else, who knows, maybe Kaz will get to work on a new IP after all.
Gran Turismo 5 = 84
Gran Turismo 6 = 81
Gran Turismo Sport = 75

GTS didn't have the issues of standard cars hanging over it, yet it still reviewed the worst. Fancy graphics are not enough to get good reviews all by themselves any more. Graphics are nice, but with the rise of indy games a lot of reviewers are willing to put more weight on gameplay as long as the game isn't offensively bad looking.

GT7 will need more than just looking pretty if it wants to get above about 80. There's no way it gets above 90 without having a solid and enjoyable single player mode, and in 2022 grinding cash for cars is unlikely to be accepted as solid and enjoyable.
It's subjective. Who's asking for validation? In my mind the "King" would be whatever game ticks all the boxes for what people are wanting. So far no racing game has managed that for quite some time. Most of the popular titles do some things brilliantly, but all of them also fall short on other aspects. To get all the best bits from GT, ACC, Forza and Project Cars rolled into one title would be a wet dream.
Is hard to fully gauge a game because everyone has their own bias. Let's say FM8 is superior in every aspect of the game compared to GT7 but most racing fans prefer and enjoy GT7 for what it is, what people gonna do about it, force them to stop playing what they find enjoyable and constantly shove down their throat that the other game is superior? Dick measuring contest is a total waste of time.
Is hard to fully gauge a game because everyone has their own bias. Let's say FM8 is superior in every aspect of the game compared to GT7 but most racing fans prefer and enjoy GT7 for what it is, what people gonna do about it, force them to stop playing what they find enjoyable and constantly shove down their throat that the other game is superior? Dick measuring contest is a total waste of time.
It hasn't stopped GT fans from doing it for years, but you make a good point. Everyone is free to enjoy whatever they want to enjoy, and that should be completely separate from any objective comparison how how well the games have managed to execute certain aspects of the games. Just because ACC is a better physical simulation than GT doesn't mean it's a better game, and just because GT is prettier that just about everything doesn't mean it's a better game either.

It is worth discussing and comparing what games do well and what games do poorly though. It's useful for people who are into certain aspects, like online. And it's useful for developers who want to understand what implementation of certain features have worked well and which haven't. We shouldn't be belittling people for liking games that have done stuff poorly, but people also shouldn't be taking criticism of a game franchise as if it's some sort of personal attack.
It's obvious to me that someone at Playstation was disappointed with at least some aspect of Gran Turismo. Possibly the long development times. Otherwise they wouldn't have greenlit Driveclub which had a lot of overlap with GT for a first party title. When that failed I think they saw the value in GT even more so than before. Creating a top tier driving game is hard. The fact that PD has kept it up for 20 years is a testament to Kaz's leadership.
It's obvious to me that someone at Playstation was disappointed with at least some aspect of Gran Turismo. Possibly the long development times. Otherwise they wouldn't have greenlit Driveclub which had a lot of overlap with GT for a first party title. When that failed I think they saw the value in GT even more so than before. Creating a top tier driving game is hard. The fact that PD has kept it up for 20 years is a testament to Kaz's leadership.
What are you on about and what has this got to do with the latest gameplay video?
GT7 will need more than just looking pretty if it wants to get above about 80. There's no way it gets above 90 without having a solid and enjoyable single player mode, and in 2022 grinding cash for cars is unlikely to be accepted as solid and enjoyable.
I think the game that tackled grinding best was GT4, since it gave you a big amount of cars just from the licences alone. In general in GT4 from the amount of events and price cars, you rarely had to actually grind to get money to buy cars essential to finishing the game.
Is hard to fully gauge a game because everyone has their own bias. Let's say FM8 is superior in every aspect of the game compared to GT7 but most racing fans prefer and enjoy GT7 for what it is, what people gonna do about it, force them to stop playing what they find enjoyable and constantly shove down their throat that the other game is superior? Dick measuring contest is a total waste of time.
I think you may have misunderstood what I'm trying to say. I have no interest in dick measuring, especially in regard to who plays the superior title in a video game. I'm all for playing what gives you the most enjoyment for your money and time. Personally I love GT Sport, as far as smiles per miles goes for me it's the best gaming investment I've ever made. I was late to the party, so it was pretty much complete as a title when I bought it except for a few cars that have been added as free dlc. It's far from perfect though, and if a game manages to tick all the boxes that most people on this forum are advocating for, then in my mind it will be the new benchmark.
Out of curiosity, which games on console have surpassed GT? I guess ACC has far better physics, but to me it’s not really direct competition to GT.
It depends totally in which area you are looking at in terms of 'surpassed'?

Sales? None
Car and Track List? While subjective, for me, plenty.
Physics accuracy? Objectively, plenty
Player count? Driveclub
etc. etc.
Is hard to fully gauge a game because everyone has their own bias. Let's say FM8 is superior in every aspect of the game compared to GT7 but most racing fans prefer and enjoy GT7 for what it is, what people gonna do about it, force them to stop playing what they find enjoyable and constantly shove down their throat that the other game is superior? Dick measuring contest is a total waste of time.
You're conflating subjective preference for objective accuracy.
Driveclub which had a lot of overlap with GT for a first party title. When that failed I think they saw the value in GT even more so than before.
The issue here is that Driveclub didn't fail. It had a rough launch, which was part netcode issues and part Sony's hosting issues, yet the dev turned it around with a host of excellent patches, a strong mix of paid and free DLC (including motorbikes), weather and ToD, and VR implementation that is still some of the best in a racing title on the platform. Despite never getting a PS43 Pro update it's also still one of the best looking racing titles on the platform and still holds up to this day.

It was also one of he most played PS4 driving titles...

...all of which makes Sony killing of the title and studio all the more frustrating.

(oh and before anyone starts banging on, incorrectly, about DC being on PS+. That was a demo and for four months, it's not going to have biased those numbers by anything like the amount some like to believe, and players are players regardless of how they come to a title).
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It's obvious to me that someone at Playstation was disappointed with at least some aspect of Gran Turismo. Possibly the long development times. Otherwise they wouldn't have greenlit Driveclub which had a lot of overlap with GT for a first party title. When that failed I think they saw the value in GT even more so than before. Creating a top tier driving game is hard. The fact that PD has kept it up for 20 years is a testament to Kaz's leadership.
U wot M8?
Please don't use textspeak, as per the AUP.

  • You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
Noted. I should have found a facepalm meme instead. The potato is strong in that one.
Ah looks like a nice dlc for gtsport. After all thats what gt7 is.... We have the features and groundwork buried in sport already. Amazing that PD so generously put old tracks in a new game after so many years, i mean wow, they really made an effort here, might i suggest they put tokyo from gt6 i mean wowowowo that would really blow my socks of, a new track never before seen since last time on last console.... My guess is theyll put most premium cars from gt6 in there aswell and try to wring out as many variations of the same cars as possible. Hopefully we get a bunch of "racecars" and "vision" and a bunch of japanese shoppingcarts and so on that have no connection with the gt ethos that made us fall in love back then, yeh maybe throw in some classic cars that handle nothing like real life, not that any sane person will know because youll have to grind a race for 500h to afford them. If my pessimism say anything about the truth i think this will be the last GT game. Some questionable decisions by.PD the last years. I sincerely hope im wrong. /End rant
Lol imagine saying it will be the last GT game. GT7 reveal trailer got over 10 million views. There are not a lot of games which can manage such numbers. You also seem to forget the number of casual gamers in this world who will buy games and make them profitable. GT7 will sell over 10 million units. And GT Sport came out over 4 years ago now. Not sure how having a 4.5 years difference between games constitutes as DLC. You have just forgotten all the features they are adding back into GT7.
It depends totally in which area you are looking at in terms of 'surpassed'?

Sales? None
Car and Track List? While subjective, for me, plenty.
Physics accuracy? Objectively, plenty
Player count? Driveclub
etc. etc.

You're conflating subjective preference for objective accuracy.

The issue here is that Driveclub didn't fail. It had a rough launch, which was part netcode issues and part Sony's hosting issues, yet the dev turned it around with a host of excellent patches, a strong mix of paid and free DLC (including motorbikes), weather and ToD, and VR implementation that is still some of the best in a racing title on the platform. Despite never getting a PS43 Pro update it's also still one of the best looking racing titles on the platform and still holds up to this day.

It was also one of he most played PS4 driving titles...

...all of which makes Sony killing of the title and studio all the more frustrating.

(oh and before anyone starts banging on, incorrectly, about DC being on PS+. That was a demo and for four months, it's not going to have biased those numbers by anything like the amount some like to believe, and players are players regardless of how they come to a title).

Rightly or wrongly Sony obviously didn't see it as a success since they dissolved the studio. If it was a money maker they would have continued the series. They are a business after all. The game was too ambitious for the hardware I think. If it had gotten a Pro patch with 60fps support I would have given it another shot.

GT Sport had 15+ million players and was never free.

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Rightly or wrongly Sony obviously didn't see it as a success since they dissolved the studio. If it was a money maker they would have continued the series. They are a business after all. The game was too ambitious for the hardware I think. If it had gotten a Pro patch with 60fps support I would have given it another shot.

GT Sport had 15+ million players and was never free.

Couple of corrections required here, at the point of that article DC had 10.5 million players and GTS had 6.6 million, and Driveclub was never free either.
GTS has been sold at £30 or less since late 2018, then it was added to PS Hits in October 2019, making the official RRP £16 but even that regularly goes on sale for £10 or less. I can't believe it has been a big money spinner for Sony.

Also, players =/= sales.
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Couple of corrections required here, at the point of that article DC had 10.5 million players and GTS had 6.6 million, and Driveclub was never free either.
Where are you getting 6.6 million for GTS from? kudos says 15. Oh, at the time of the article. Well it's fair to say GTS has surpassed it. And yeah it wasn't free but it was included with PS+ which was a big deal at the time as there were very few new ps4 games when it launched. I think Sony should have stuck with it for a sequel but they were being very frugal for some reason at that time unlike their current buying spree.
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Where are you getting 6.6 million for GTS from? kudos says 15. Oh, at the time of the article.
I clearly stated that and also linked to the article in my first post on it.
Well it's fair to say GTS has surpassed it.
No one said otherwise.

And yeah it wasn't free but it was included with PS+ which was a big deal at the time as there were very few new ps4 games when it launched.
A demo of Driveclub was included on PS+, not the full title.
No need to change anything then.
I don't quite understand this point. My point was simply that given the first game's success, it seems unlikely they thought that unless they included the rally mode they would struggle to compete sales-wise with those other games.

As has been said, that's not actually true, but to expand on it, it's not true for GT2 either, which did have point to point stages.

Oh yes, I forgot Pike's Peak.
I don't quite understand this point. My point was simply that given the first game's success, it seems unlikely they thought that unless they included the rally mode they would struggle to compete sales-wise with those other games.
It's not that they thought they would struggle, it's that they saw the popularity of those games and figured "Well, adding that can only make GT even more popular than it is already".

This isn't really anything new in gaming or media as a whole really. So many games over the years have had X shoehorned into it because it became popular in Y. I don't play them but for instance, look at all the popular shooting games that added Battle Royale modes after those games became popular. Did COD or Battlefield need them to bolster sales? No, but they saw the insane popularity and realised it'd only bring in even more people and $.
  • Direct quote from full article. Which can be found many places.
  • Heres one of them.
What's really mad about this is... we broke this story. A bunch of people tipped us off to the Twitter thread, and we generated the original story about it. Other sites picked up on our story and wrote their own - some crediting us, some not (as usual) - but it was all based on ours, and the translation we did for the article (and @PettyWingman's verbatim translation posted in the thread)...

... yet despite GTPlanet being the origin of the story and the fact you're posting on GTPlanet, you're posting a link to someone else's version of it...

It depends totally in which area you are looking at in terms of 'surpassed'?

Sales? None
Car and Track List? While subjective, for me, plenty.
Physics accuracy? Objectively, plenty
Player count? Driveclub
etc. etc.
You, and a few others here, seem to know everything about anything driving related, so I'm asking a somewhat off-topic question.

Which games, no matter what platform, have better physics while also having accentuated FFB? I recently installed and tried ACC and was hugely disappointed over the lack of G-force translation to FFB in the wheel. Sure, more realistic, but I'm driving mostly with my "butt" - without those sensations I'm slow and bored. I've also come to understand that this is a design choice by the creators of ACC.

I saw that there's something called "Seat of Pants" effect in IrFBB (for iRacing), now also in ACCFFB (for ACC). Would this be the best solution for having more realistic physics combined with accentuated FFB?
I don't quite understand this point. My point was simply that given the first game's success, it seems unlikely they thought that unless they included the rally mode they would struggle to compete sales-wise with those other games.
It's not that they would struggle to compete, it's about not losing what gets called 'share of the wallet' to other titles.

Any product wants to ensure that it takes as much of the available share of the market it's in as it can, so if rally titles are proving popular (as they were at the time), it's not that Sony/PD feared they would struggle to compete against them, it's that they wanted to minimise any sales loss from them.

You, and a few others here, seem to know everything about anything driving related, so I'm asking a somewhat off-topic question.

Which games, no matter what platform, have better physics while also having accentuated FFB? I recently installed and tried ACC and was hugely disappointed over the lack of G-force translation to FFB in the wheel. Sure, more realistic, but I'm driving mostly with my "butt" - without those sensations I'm slow and bored. I've also come to understand that this is a design choice by the creators of ACC.

I saw that there's something called "Seat of Pants" effect in IrFBB (for iRacing), now also in ACCFFB (for ACC). Would this be the best solution for having more realistic physics combined with accentuated FFB?
With PC titles you can pretty much get plug-ins that will add in or tweak exactly what you are after, so pretty much all of the main PC sims will give you the ability to do that. Ones that do it 'out of the box' would include AMS (the original), RF2, RRE and AC (with CM).

On console if you are happy to do a lot of tweaking manually, then Project Cars and Project Cars 2 will also do the job (on PC both titles are a lot easier as you can just replace the FFB files with updated ones that do the trick).

The other option is to go with a tactile set-up (buttkicker or similar), which will give you a lot of the seat of the pants dynamic, again better on PC as you can then have it telemetry driven.