Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Very good natural lighting coming through the tunnel.


Here the natural "lighting" in GT6

There may be room for improvement, but I like the new world map. The first trailer world map was similar to the GT4 world map that I personally dislike, so I'm glad they reconsidered it.
It's not so much about looking pretty (which I honestly think it also isn't), but about usability. It looks very awkward to navigate through, and it's not very clear what's what.
The trailer 1 map looked way easier to get around.
If the map has changed once from the first trailer, it’s apt to change again. It’s probably a matter of weeks before your favorite GTS streamer starts getting a beta version of the game to test out.

…..perhaps, this is the reason the map even changed from the first trailer to begin with
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You know they could just release an update with a full offline saving capability once they decide to axe the servers, right?
They didn't for GT6, they undid much needed menu changes offered by updates for GT5, what's saying that they do that for GT Sport considering how fast they kill off the servers for their games when the next game is released?
They didn't for GT6, they undid much needed menu changes offered by updates for GT5, what's saying that they do that for GT Sport considering how fast they kill off the servers for their games when the next game is released?
And that is clearly what concerns me.
And that is clearly what concerns me.
It should concern everyone. For as bad as the single player content in GT Sport is, it's still single player content that was added in after launch. You cut that out, and you're right back to what GTS launched with - the only single player content being one off arcade races. You can't even take photos outside of race settings since Scapes is mind-bogglingly online enabled as well, even though it's effectively downloading high quality PNG's to photoshop your cars onto.

Tell me how that's in any way a good thing. For a game that has a significantly larger single player presence that wasn't just added in post, what does shutting down the game servers, and tying a good chunk of the content to online capabilities, really do? It's been more or less proven that the FIA didn't mandate needing to have online backed saves, yet they were still added in. Certainly wasn't enough to stop people from snooping around in the game's files to look for cut content, going by how much is present and documented on The Cutting Room Floor. Certainly didn't lead to a rash of people modifying game files to get an edge in Sport Mode races and FIA races, considering 95% of the problems in that are strictly related to racecraft. So again, what was the point of effective always online in GT Sport? And what's the point of it in GT7, when more is available in single player?
High Speed Ring seen in action! I'm hyped. There are doubtlessly more circuits not seen yet, likely a few real ones, more returning originals, and a snow location for certain.

If they could at least apply the 'Boost!' to AI cars to give them good pace like 1-4 that'd be nice.
Oh, please no. “Boost!”/Catch up is a pretty horrible feature.
A mod replied in the comments: "It's been brought to our attention through ModMail by another user that this account has a history of console warring and making up stuff and passing it off as leaks.

We're going to leave this post up since we cannot entirely prove it wrong and will update the flair accordingly in future, but we advise users take this post with a huge truck load of salt."
That’s debatable. A lot of long-time fans certainly felt that Sport in general wasn’t “Gran Turismo” anymore when PD decided to abandon elements like GT Auto, used cars, upgrade shop, classic tracks, etc. to make an e-sports focused game.

If they were fans for long enough they would note that Gran Turismo 1 and 2 didnt have oil changes either.
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Even though GTS didn’t sell as many copies as its predecessors (more gaming and racing options the most likely culprits) IMHO, the only reason this latest iteration of Gran Turismo (GTS) lasted as long as it did IS because of the E-sports aspect. Hell, the Online racing is the Only reason I came back to the franchise
Very good natural lighting coming through the tunnel.

View attachment 1079899

Here the natural "lighting" in GT6

View attachment 1079901
I have a feeling that this clip showcasing RT in actual gameplay. The reason why is because this is the only clip where the frame rate drops from 60 fps to like 30 -40 fps. Also, you can see the player's car headlight reflection in the yellow Nissan. Maybe we will be able to select different graphics settings (performance/fidelity) like in the latest Rathet and Clank or SM: Miles Morales.
Oh, please no. “Boost!”/Catch up is a pretty horrible feature.
I did say "at least", but I worded it poorly. I really do want significantly improved AI with more difficulty settings, that's the best case scenario.
Worst case scenario: GT mode like Sport and 6 with 100m spaced rolling starts overtaking sluggish roadblocks. Second-worst case scenario is turning on an unfair boost to make the AI tougher, like most older racing games do, so you'd never win by more than a few seconds, and only then because you're allowed to.

Fingers crossed for AI that can at least take corners like they did in GT3/4, and more difficulty settings! Forza games for example have eight, which helps a lot with getting the challenge right.
I can't recall a Gran Turismo trailer that did include phrases or words about the physics, maybe they have once or something, but it's certainly no surprise. The trailers have always focused on the content.

I think we'll get an improved version of GT Sports physics, hopefully with some of the odd quirks ironed out and (on PS5 at least) running at a higher refresh rate. But I don't expect anything drastically different.
check the GT6 trailer for 2016 E3, they showcase the new physics/tire/suspension/aero model with clear words, that is the only time i remember pd mention those features in the trailer.

Might be old news for some but I personally missed this bit of info entirely.

It’s an instant pass for me once again. One of the main reasons I gave GTS a pass as well.

I don't believe it. This isn't even mentioned on the GT site itself so I find it hard to believe that the entirety of GT7 is gonna be online only. Has to be a goof up considering Online hasn't even been shown (Something that by now, everyone should know ALWAYS requires PS Plus).
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Even though GTS didn’t sell as many copies as its predecessors (more gaming and racing options the most likely culprits) IMHO, the only reason this latest iteration of Gran Turismo (GTS) lasted as long as it did IS because of the E-sports aspect. Hell, the Online racing is the Only reason I came back to the franchise
You came back to the franchise for online, but majority of the players don't use Sport Mode, 80% have never raced in Sport Mode.
Not all things are opinions, there are some with stats.
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Gonna guess this has to do with scapes, otherwise I spot no tobacco or alcohol liveries on the cars seen.