Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
True, we're all just guessing here. I'm just really anxious to actually hear about the core functionality and design of the single player game, which you'll never get in a trailer. It's the difference between buying it at launch and buying it a year later at half price or less for me. Trailers are all nice and flashy, but they rarely tell you anything important.
True dat, unfortunately. :cheers:
Trailers have to be whiz-bang eye candy and wall-to-wall entermatainment. :gtpflag:
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To complement their already extensive collection of trailers, Horizon Forbidden West just revealed a new one minute trailer at The Game Awards. They've also made a few blog posts to go more in depth about the combat and the new machines.

GT7 releases only two weeks after HFW and I don't think we've had nearly as much information given. And most certainly nothing like the 19 minute gameplay video HFW showed a few months ago.
A couple things I'm noticing in the comparison. I still hate how GTS and GT7 don't shift accurately. The early throttle application is ridiculous. It's definitely not realistic on an automated manual and it's very poor technique on a manual transmission. GT6 didn't make that mistake and they really need to fix it, it's obnoxious and degrades the immersion.

Also, I'm not a huge fan of how the new Deep Forest is...less forested. One of my favorite aspects of the classic track were the trees genuinely overhanging the track and the dark tunnels that felt you were really driving through a forest. That's the whole point of this track, right? But looks like they've cut back the brush quite a bit in the name of safety and now the track is much more open in the hills, with brighter tunnels and a less dense feel which I think goes against the whole purpose of the track. I'm sure I'll love it, and I do actually like the fact that they've changed the layout slightly, but I wish they kept the deep, dark forested feel.

I also recall the view of the cliff/valley off to the left of the uphill section being very iconic. Weirdly while the new one has lost some forestry elsewhere, this uphill section feels more forested, while the old one had the giant canyon to the left which always made me feel slightly uncomfortable. It was actually distracting from the track itself which is part of why the track's scenery was so iconic. I wish they'd have kept that precarious cliff view.

The original deep forest on GT1 hasn't trees that overhanging the track

To complement their already extensive collection of trailers, Horizon Forbidden West just revealed a new one minute trailer at The Game Awards. They've also made a few blog posts to go more in depth about the combat and the new machines.

GT7 releases only two weeks after HFW and I don't think we've had nearly as much information given. And most certainly nothing like the 19 minute gameplay video HFW showed a few months ago.
I would say, we will get a state of play or anything in That Format too, to beginning of 2022. My preditiction. To really Drive up the hype shortly before Release. Gran Turismo is to important, to make Not a state of Play Format for it. As an absolute triple AAA Game and Series.
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I hope we get a trailer detailing some of the multiplayer outside of Sport mode. I remember Kaz teasing some type of new social mode, and I would hope they also overhauled open lobbies a ton. (There were many features missing from it transitioning from GT6)
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True dat, unfortunately. :cheers:
Trailers have to be whiz-bang eye candy and wall-to-wall entermatainment. :gtpflag:
My bet is there is going to be at least 1 trailer featuring endurance racing and specifically Le Mans with a few new and returning Le Mans cars, as we've had suspiciously few cars that were known for their Le Mans races for far.
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... and then there's the decent selection of other tracks to showcase too.

My gut tells me that they'll go with their long-time M.O. of cutting to a bunch of tracks within a trailer, the ol' "overview-style" template.
I am so looking forward to this game,pre-ordered via ps store,but the more i see and read the less it feels lika a`brand new`game.More like GT sport with a few new tracks and cars,but i suppose what else can it be like,hoping the AI and career mode is better too. 👍
Still PlayStation’s greatest ever racer
Jokes aside, Driveclub's graphics had potential.
Not the physics....those were so awful I had to uninstall the game 5 minutes after trying it for a second time since 2014.

(I'm derailing. /rant over)
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Yes COMPLETELY ruined even if none of us have driven it yet..
We don't need to drive it to understand a big part of the appeal with Deep Forest - the aesthetics - has been neutered.

The name alone is now a misnomer. It isn't a deep forest at all, anymore. Losing the ravine alongside the rock wall into the tunnel is heinous. The almost corkscrew after the chain of tunnels earlier on appears much flatter. It's just lost so much visually. That alone is enough. We wanted DF back because we loved how it was. Not how the online racing world needs it to be for balance or god forbid, real world plausibility.
Hopefully if Grand Valley is added, they don't remove the valley:scared:. My approach to modifying the original tracks would be the treat them as if they where real tracks and work within the existing topography to figure out new layouts, that way they could keep some character of what the original was.
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Hopefully if Grand Valley is added, they don't remove the valley:scared:. My approach to modifying the original tracks would be the treat them as if they where real tracks and work within the existing topography to figure out new layouts, that way they could keep some character of what the original was.
Exactly. Lime Rock Park is a staple in historics racing, and they still race IMSA to this day. How have they changed it? They don't run the LMP cars there because it is short and narrow, and they've added a few corners in the back half to slow the cars down a bit. Still a great race track with an alternate layout for the slower pace cars.
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Not completely up2date on GT7 but with the dynamic weather and daycycle added, will the PS4 version run on a locked 30 FPS or have other sacrifices been made?
We don't need to drive it to understand a big part of the appeal with Deep Forest - the aesthetics - has been neutered.

The name alone is now a misnomer. It isn't a deep forest at all, anymore. Losing the ravine alongside the rock wall into the tunnel is heinous. The almost corkscrew after the chain of tunnels earlier on appears much flatter. It's just lost so much visually. That alone is enough. We wanted DF back because we loved how it was. Not how the online racing world needs it to be for balance or god forbid, real world plausibility.
Sport mode is burdening the rest of the game :/
The original deep forest on GT1 hasn't trees that overhanging the track

That is essentially the reason why people like the Deep Forest in the firat place you can clearly see trees overhanging in the circuits. While it may not be as pronounced as GT3/GT4 (is maybe what you were trying to explain) but there are still signs of overhanging trees.
That is essentially the reason why people like the Deep Forest in the firat place you can clearly see trees overhanging in the circuits. While it may not be as pronounced as GT3/GT4 (is maybe what you were trying to explain) but there are still signs of overhanging trees.
Taking into account quality of environment assets polyphony used in gt7 deep forest maybe it was clever idea to remove overhaning trees and generaly making deforestation ;)
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Working on the PS5 but not being able to take full advantage of the console is such a tease.Rain and the lack of droplets on windshields could use some of the next gen power.
Also,interesting how the cockpit view in this trailer doesn't have the motion fron the Deep Forest video
Working on the PS5 but not being able to take full advantage of the console is such a tease.Rain and the lack of droplets on windshields could use some of the next gen power.
Also,interesting how the cockpit view in this trailer doesn't have the motion fron the Deep Forest video
has it, take a closer look