Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Pretty cool. A few predicted it would be something like this, great to see this tech starting to bear fruit.

In terms of GT7 implementation, it's difficult to see anything outside of maybe new missions or something later down the road for those who want to try and beat it. Can't see anything more than that. GT8 in 10 years time will likely be the first real showcase of this in an actual racing game context.
This was carried out by a large number of people at three different branches of Sony. Which exactly proves the point all along that they do need more than two people.
Who say they need just one person? They are working in the IA, no matter how or who, that my point lol
Just caught wind of the SOPHY AI videos after watching the Red Bull F1 car reveal, and holy crap that SOPHY AI is brutal. The speed and reaction times between it and the top GT drivers are insane.
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I noticed a bit of jank when the AI was about to enter or exit some corners,they go way too wide,almost exiting the track,it looks a bit silly but to give credit where it's due,Sophy took the chicane of Death perfectly while going fast
Vs GT Sport you literally have to stop!
Again, I don't know what your point is or how it relates to what you've been saying.
I literally said my point:

1- They are working on the IA like as Scapes or Enviroment desing. This is fact, the other guys said that was false but you already can see they working.

2- The game dev is not math, Scapes and AI are diferent departments, if they need an specif number of people is because they needed. Have one or two people its not necesary an indicative of how crucial is for PD.

Im saying the same all the time with diferent approaches but the same idea.

PD: 1 or 2 its just an hipotetical number, Im obviusly not saying they need just 1 dev 🙄
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GT Sophy is awesome, they even said there's still room for improvement, really, I don't know how much that AI can improve. Guess i'll try to enjoy my last moments of life before GT Sophy turns into GT Skynet.
GT Sophy looks awesome, I hope they implement it so we can see people complain about how hard the ai is.
It would be impressive if Sophy can learn and adapt to the player driving skills instead of having difficulty slider. Everyone will have their own unique experience if that's the case. After seeing Sophy race against top GT driver, I don't think it's possible for a casual GT player to beat her.
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Don't think I wanna race against Sophy. All she knows is how to go fast. Look at all those weaves and rams. She's got no etiquette 😤
To be fair, that's more than most sim racing AI. Some don't even realize that three cars can't fit into one corner and over take stack or just use throttle and brake at 100% only.
GT Sophy looks awesome, I hope they implement it so we can see people complain about how hard the ai is.
They need this AI in GT7 so the ninja aliens have got someone to challenge them when their other ninja aliens are not available for racing. Then scale it back so that us mere humans to something to challenge us.
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Right. No math at all. Computers are famously terrible at math. It's all creativity and artistic expression, math is really the fundamental weakness of games and game development.

What we really need is for someone to figure out how to trade poetry and smooth jazz for some decent AI.
Again with that fallacy? Gaming development =|= the tecnology