Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
That's 1 review in tens of them with different viewpoints. Present me with data that proves majority care about AI and race formats.
Burden of proof isn't on me. People keep rebutting criticism of AI and format by saying most people dont care, I want to see evidence. Show me the polls of 10 million+ players that the majority like it.


Point is that it sold a lot, therefore is a success, not a "failure" like some of the people are implying about anything with bad AI. A lot of the biggest selling games across the board have relatively terrible AI, are those game also failures?
Reading comprehension not your strong suit? Who on earth said the game was a failure? I'm pretty sure GT7 will indeed be a sales success for Sony, doesn't negate the opinion of many that the AI is terrible does it?
That's 1 review in tens of them with different viewpoints. Present me with data that proves majority care about AI and race formats.
They won't but they'll continue to argue that they know better than the reviews, as well as developers and publishers who have access to all of the data from the previous 3 games demonstrating where players spent most of their times, which points out obvious things like "not everyone wants to do a 24 hours race", or, "not everybody wants to get stomps by bots".

When really they don't know **** from apple-butter.
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What about most reviewers having a massive conflict to interest to deal with and having to rub the industry the right way, especially a few days before release date... It's like those movie critics attending premieres of Wonder Woman 1984 and claiming "wow best movie ever"
But games like PC3 or iirc GRID 2019 didn't get rave reviews.
Ok. Stop saying NPC. Its clear where you sit politically so as such you deserve none of my advice towards actually becoming a decent human being. Or learning from your fallacies.

Wallow in your shame. Ignored. Moving on with my life.
I don't really know what all this is about, but "NPC" means "non-player character". As in the people in the game who aren't the player.

Weird that this somehow becomes a pitched battle about politics...
Funny to see so many critics comparing it to Horizon 5. I understand they're both car games but they're so different. Should be being compared to FM7 really.
It desperately needs to be compared to the new FM game that is yet to be seen.

And... how did this thread became from GT7 to politics? lol
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The closer we get to release, the more I'm sifting through arguments that aren't going to get solved, looking for comments that are interesting.
And it's always the same 5-6 people trying to convince everyone else that the game terrible because of one particular gripe, then becoming aggressive and argumentative when they're challenged on their BS + the fact they've got no source or data to prove said BS...
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And it's always the same 5-6 people trying to convince everyone else that the game terrible because on one particular gripe, then become aggressive and argumentative when they're challenged on their BS...
And what on earth are you adding to the forum with posts like this? Nothing. We're trying to discuss parts of the game, you're just here seemingly to moan about people who don't share your views. The only aggressive one here is you.
Not really. Jordan covered the poor AI and how disappointing he found it but still gave it a 9 overall because if everything else. Scores alone don't tell the whole story.
If I just saw the score and didnt know much about the game, bought the game based on the score and all the rave reviews from people that are in fact promoting the game not reviewing, I'd be pretty pissed and shocked. Imagine buying UFC for the single player and it looks amazing, gets rave reviews but the AI just constantly run away from you then those reviews would mean nothing particularly if they were given the game. Its funny because after state of play people were saying what we saw was on easy setting, dont worry. The AI is a major factor in a single player and that should be a big factor in the score of a game that is pointing itself at single player gamers. No amount of pretty graphics is gonna cover that up for me.
And it's always the same 5-6 people trying to convince everyone else that the game terrible because of one particular gripe, then becoming aggressive and argumentative when they're challenged on their BS + the fact they've got so source or data to prove said BS...
Then add them to your ignore list, don't reply to them, or offer an on-topic rebuttal.

If the posts they are making are within the AUP then they are perfectly valid posts.

Off-topic moans about how you don't like others opinions are not.
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It desperately needs to be compared to the new FM game that is yet to be seen.

And... how did this thread became from GT7 to politics? lol

It does but that isn't anywhere near release so FM7 really is the closest thing we have. It will be interesting once that does hit to see where it falls. Given its means to be a reboot of sorts.
But games like PC3 or iirc GRID 2019 didn't get rave reviews.
Compare what's comparable. AAA games gets a lot of praise at first, which a big marketing machine, and then tongues are loosened. Might even be a bit unconscious from all these early hardcore players happy to play something they have waited for years. I'm just saying, don't trust everything you read! We'll all try that on Friday and debrief next week!

Last game I can think of is Battlefield 2042. Critically praised (for those I have read), 1 month down the release it has lost 60% of player because it sucks and the dev are doing a mea culpa. Horizon 5 also, superb critics, sells millions, but now everyone seems to say it's Horizon 4 in a desert (I find it terrible).
I think it just goes to show how rare AAA racing games are these days.
They're a dedicated racing game channel so naturally they'll know their stuff, but the rest of the gaming press aren't on that level so they'll naturally compare it to the nearest equivalent, that plus it's something their audience are more likely to understand as opposed to someone reviewing in comparison to ACC or iRacing.
How does the paint buying work? Do you need to buy just once and you can use it on unlimited cars, or do you have to buy it separately for each car?
I'm still 7 pages away from the most recent post but the one answer I saw since seems wrong for the special paints.
In on of the twitch streams, the guy bought a red flakes colour and used it on his car. Later he bought another colour and as far as I remember the red flakes he bought were still available as an option in the livery editor's special colour tab even though this was now a different car, so you may like GT Sport only have to buy a colour once, which would be the preferable way to do it. At least I hope it's that way. It'd be frustrating to have to commit to a colour without knowing what it'll look like on your car. I'd also guess that's why the paint shop in GT Auto uses a trio of sample cars to show the colour rather than the car you're currently in - you're buying the paint itself, not the paintjob for the specific car you're in.
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Online dailies being open tuned is a massive turn off. I hope they reinstate BOP races. I want to race, and know it’s a fair fight. Staring at sliders and menus instead then wondering if I’m losing because I’m slow or because my tune is no good seems like a big downgrade from sport. I think most players will be similarly unsure about tuning and will turn to posted setups resulting in meta tunes and cars.
VGC had double standard regarding this and FH5 with the "dialogues" or such.
Is it really double standard if those were reviewed by 2 different person? Reviews are subjective, just stop being offended by reviews you don't agree with.
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