Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
It’s not hard to find some clean online lobbies either if you want a greater challenge than racing slow ai.
That's not a solution. Some people dont like playing online. I go through periods where I only play online or offline, and during those periods I may do the opposite occasionally for whatever reason. Sometimes I want a good race, my way, my rules, without the faff of waiting for other people and then getting rammed on the first corner. Some people detest online, so e people want to win but with a good battle, something they dont get to choose online. It cant be this hard for some of you to understand that can it that you need to do mental gymnastics for offline players to avoid AInall together, which they cant do anyway because they need cars for online.
The problem with my PS4 slim is it only supports SATA II Speeds which is around 180MB/s. The PS4 Pro has an upgraded SATA III Controller so I'm going to get a PS4 pro. I would buy a PS5 but they are still being scalped and a MSRP one is very very difficult to find. Theres a slightly faster load time in my PS4 Slim and its much quieter with the SSD in it but it should in theory be much quicker with a PS4 Pro. Not only that but GT7 will look much better on a PS4 Pro.
The PS4 Pro was insanely loud in my experience. Honestly glad it’s gone now. The PS5 has ridiculously superior hardware.
The PS4 Pro was insanely loud in my experience. Honestly glad it’s gone now. The PS5 has ridiculously superior hardware.
My brother has a PS4 pro and it isn#t that loud when playing GT Sport for hours. Its barely louder than my PS4 slim
The problem with my PS4 slim is it only supports SATA II Speeds which is around 180MB/s. The PS4 Pro has an upgraded SATA III Controller so I'm going to get a PS4 pro. I would buy a PS5 but they are still being scalped and a MSRP one is very very difficult to find. Theres a slightly faster load time in my PS4 Slim and its much quieter with the SSD in it but it should in theory be much quicker with a PS4 Pro. Not only that but GT7 will look much better on a PS4 Pro.
I think you might be surprised by how little difference it would make. Loading times can be more down to the CPU and the SSD seek speed. I have an SSD in my PS4 slim and it didn't make much difference to GT Sport loading times compared to the original 5400rpm HDD. I've also read people with a PS4 Pro saying it didn't make much difference either.
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Online dailies being open tuned is a massive turn off. I hope they reinstate BOP races. I want to race, and know it’s a fair fight. Staring at sliders and menus instead then wondering if I’m losing because I’m slow or because my tune is no good seems like a big downgrade from sport. I think most players will be similarly unsure about tuning and will turn to posted setups resulting in meta tunes and cars.
Aren't they limited / balanced by the PP?

I noticed in Super GTs review, the cars had the model above them in the race. And when he overtooktcars, a little picture and tag popped up on the right hand side.

Is this new to 7, or a setting I missed in Sport? I like it either way, many times I see cars, and wonder what they are!
I think you might be surprised by how little difference it would make. Loading times can be more down to the CPU and the SSD seek speed. I have an SSD in my PS4 slim and it didn't make much difference to GT Sport loading times compared to the original 5400rpm HDD. I've also read people with a PS4 Pro saying it didn't make much difference either.
It made a nice differents in loading times for me in my PS4 Slim. Its still not hugely fast but the 5400rpm HDD load times were horrendously slow compared to the SSD
I noticed in Super GTs review, the cars had the model above them in the race. And when he overtooktcars, a little picture and tag popped up on the right hand side.

Is this new to 7, or a setting I missed in Sport? I like it either way, many times I see cars, and wonder what they are!
This wasn't in Sport, and I guess it's part of the whole collection aspect of 7, so you know what car you passed so you can go and see if you can buy it later on...
I've just read through a number of the reviews and this is what I found so far for the AI and race format.
The term “old-fashioned” applies to other, much more important aspects of the game. First, racing with AI is barely fun. Virtual drivers are still glued to the ideal racing line and very reluctant to react to your presence near them. They can push you out of the road simply because you crossed their path. Moreover, even on Hard difficulty level they tend to drive slower than you despite using faster cars. However, they start every race far ahead, so catching up with them during just two or three laps may prove difficult if you don’t upgrade your machine. Truth be told, it feels more like an obstacle course than actual racing.
There are, however, some problems with the racing in Gran Turismo 7, and chief among these is AI that doesn't quite feel up to par. Challenges where the player can't make contact with any other racers can feel particularly frustrating down to the opponents' desire to clip the player's rear end, while on long-form races the player may find that blue flagged cars don't get out of the way. In comparison to the aggressive and challenging AI in the likes of F1 2021, Gran Turismo 7 does feel a little basic.
However, it remains a shame that Polyphony keeps compromising its high-quality driving by persisting with frustrating rolling starts for career mode events, repeating the same mistake GT6 made. In a real-life motor race, cars cruise closely in two rows for rolling starts. But in GT7 career races, the cars are arranged in single file, 50-odd metres apart, and we are always placed in last. In a race with 20 opponents at Mount Panorama, this means the leader is already all the way up Mountain Straight and approaching the Cutting by the time we cross the starting line. In simple terms, that’s well over a kilometre away. These ridiculous head starts mean career events are less a race than they are a chase. We’re not dogfighting for track position with backmarkers; we’re simply blazing past them trying to negate the immense starting deficit. The racing really just amounts to an overtaking challenge, which GT7 already officially has a bunch of in its addictive set of driving mission challenges.
Which is actually quite surprising, far more being negative on this aspect compared to GT6.

Remember folks, this is how you get improvements in a game. Would GT Sport have finally upgraded the sounds if it wasn't for pretty much every review of GT6 stating how poor they were? Maybe not. Would they have added single player stuff to GTS if lots of people weren't vocal about how it was lacking? The same goes for many other aspects of the games. If everyone just stays quiet and says everything is fine, nothing is going to get improved.

Nobody is criticising the game because they enjoy criticising the game. We are doing it because we hope PD take notice and make improvements. When they do, everyone wins. I remember some people back in the GT6 days say they didn't care about the sounds but I'm pretty sure those same people certainly noticed the huge improvements for GTS. They're happy, the people who criticised it are also happy.

Same is true for AI. Many people saying they don't mind the slow AI but they will surely appreciate an improvement just as much as those who criticise it will.
That's not a solution. Some people dont like playing online. I go through periods where I only play online or offline, and during those periods I may do the opposite occasionally for whatever reason. Sometimes I want a good race, my way, my rules, without the faff of waiting for other people and then getting rammed on the first corner. Some people detest online, so e people want to win but with a good battle, something they dont get to choose online. It cant be this hard for some of you to understand that can it that you need to do mental gymnastics for offline players to avoid AInall together, which they cant do anyway because they need cars for online.
It is a solution, whether or not people want to do it is their own prerogative. Sure you're not always going to be using you favorite car on your favorite track but it's ridiculous to see people constantly complaining about how slow the ai is meanwhile they are completely unwilling to give online a chance. The way I see it, this is basically like an offline fps player complaining about how bad bots are but refusing to play online.
It made a nice differents in loading times for me in my PS4 Slim. Its still not hugely fast but the 5400rpm HDD load times were horrendously slow compared to the SSD
It made a big difference in some games but not in GT Sport for me at least. (Yes I am sad enough to have timed both so I could see the difference!)
Also haven't seen anyone else mention these so I'll drop en here as well. A widebody Pantera and R32.
Sales don't prove anything. I bought GT6 and GTS, doesn't mean I was happy with the AI. I tolerated it until I'd had enough and didn't finish either game. Millions of casuals could do the same.
I actually enjoyed gt6 a lot, I also got the platinum trophy (easy, but still). Loved the Sierra Rally and Senna dlc
It is a solution, whether or not people want to do it is their own prerogative. Sure you're not always going to be using you favorite car on your favorite track but it's ridiculous to see people constantly complaining about how slow the ai is meanwhile they are completely unwilling to give online a chance. The way I see it, this is basically like an offline fps player complaining about how bad bots are but refusing to play online.
Have to agree with you big time on this.. actually I was one of those people… All I cared about was AI and free run to compare cars and get better with driving… playing GTS gave me a whole new perspective on motorsports. I played college ball at Rutgers back in the day and played football all my life… I swore football was the hardest sport until I start racing online! You cannot compare a endurance race with AI vs real people.. 90 mins has been my longest race playing GTS but normally 60 min is where I’m at. Usually when I’m done I go straight to bed because I’m just exhausted lol. I have so much respect for race car drivers because while I’m taking a turn in GT at 90mph in my room… I can’t ever see me doing that like you see the pros do in In reality.

I race with a bunch of great folks in the SNAIL and ARL series, and learned things you could never learn from a AI, or build real relationships from people across the world from me and I’m grateful for that! While I will deeply agree with people saying the AI is trash and need an upgrade PD has giving the player a remedy to fulfill your racing needs.. the online aspect of GTS was really good and the best for me out of all the racing games I’ve played… and to take it further you have GTP the best damn site on the planet makes it extremely easy for a person to find a league to their preferences and race with good people, which beats sports mode anytime in my opinion.

It’s funny because you might see where people say PD is stuck in old times and in their old ways, but when you give people suggestions to maybe get a better experience they don’t want to adapt to the situation or feel more comfortable doing things they normally do which is kinda stuck in old waysish… again say what you want and feel as you like it’s cool with me just my observation! March 4 is going to be a good day! Thank you Jordan for the great write up!!
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I may give it another go indeed, it's probably still the most beautiful game on PS5 and unfortunely one of thos developed only for PS5 (with Ratchet, maybe others). I wish GT7 had been developed for PS5, it would look so much better...

But first I have Dying Light 2 which is really fun (and not that easy I'd say!) and starting friday , finally GT7!

On Demon Souls I stopped after I won Phalanx "alive" and then I started visited a bit the cathedral or whatever it's called, I stupidly fell for my death from the stairs. I was disgusted and never played again! I'll start again and choose the easiest class, if there is one.
Magic is OP in Demon's, use that for "easy mode". Honestly some spells 1 or 2 shot late game bosses it's ridiculous.