It's a car game, let me drive the cars after a reasonable amount of time and effort. In Gran Turismo Sport I never got to drive any of the 15 and 20 million credit cars because I didn't have 12 hours to grind out credits for each one and I wasn't going to spend money on MTs. They could have made it easier to earn credits normally, but they didn't.
You could have driven them easily if you’d spent as much time playing it as you spend ‘debating’ with people here. I went platinum trophy in GTS a fortnight ago, also hit 180 logged on days at almost the same time, having started it late 2020 in lockdown, only playing a few hours maybe two or three evenings a week on average. So it’s not that much of a big ask. Admittedly, I haven’t driven the 250GTO or Alfa TZ, not fussed about them tbh, but I’ve got absolutely everything else at the expensive end, and that’s in 180 days spread over about 14-16 months.
Not wanting to pick an argument (unlike some others, I enjoy reading your ‘debates’ with people here, you’re a very good devil’s advocate, obviously bright, and I agree with you much of the time) but on this one point, from my own very recent experience, I think you’re massively over-egging the effort involved.
Edit: PS. And the most expensive car I ever got in the workload thing was a Veneno, worth around 3 mil I believe, all the others - 330,GT40 mkIV, D-Type, Daytona Cobra, etc, were all just bought by playing the game. Just played the game for a while, then noticed money saved, then bought sthg. I suspect you come at it from the other end - ‘I want car X, how much is it, how can I earn that?’ - which is a recipe for frustration. Just play the game, save without thinking about it, check occasionally and if the money’s there buy what you want...