Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Does anyone have the Super Bee? I’d like to see if it has a widebody.
It does, but it's done by swelling the fenders, like the guys in the animation literally just pulled on the fenders. Not terrible, but I would rather it be flares. The 69 Camaro is the same way.
Those who have done the 600pp WTC championship around cafe level 31/32/33 can I ask what car you used?

I’m struggling abit as keep getting 4th overall (3/4/4) and whilst an element of get good I’m wondering if I can pick a better car.
I used the 911 RSR with some restrictors and ballast lol. Tyres were Inters incase of Rain. Seems illegal to use a GT3 against road cars bit it didn't say you couldn't🤷🏾‍♂️.
Ok so I don't know if it's just me but oval racing on this game feels terrible. At least with high speed cars. I don't know how to describe it. My wheel feels stiff and if I turn even just a little bit the car wants to spin out. I can't be aggressive with the wheel. If I'm running at the top at stage x for example and I wanna drop down low it's impossible to do because I'm gonna spin. It feels like when I turn the wheel wants to center itself back out. This is only a issue at oval tracks with high speed cars. Mainly Daytona and stage x. Is anyone else having this issue? It could be my wheel settings but I don't wanna touch that because it feels fine when I do road courses. I don't understand what to do because I really do enjoy driving at Daytona and stage x and if it's gonna be feeling like that then I don't think I wanna drive at those tracks. I'm using a thrustmaster t300rs btw.
I'm using a Dual Shock controller and am loving the new physics. Ovals are great too. Have to slow down before entry and ease through the bends being very careful with throttle application. I love how the car moves about in the bends and having to be extra careful applying brakes in them if need be.
Ok so I don't know if it's just me but oval racing on this game feels terrible. At least with high speed cars. I don't know how to describe it. My wheel feels stiff and if I turn even just a little bit the car wants to spin out. I can't be aggressive with the wheel. If I'm running at the top at stage x for example and I wanna drop down low it's impossible to do because I'm gonna spin. It feels like when I turn the wheel wants to center itself back out. This is only a issue at oval tracks with high speed cars. Mainly Daytona and stage x. Is anyone else having this issue? It could be my wheel settings but I don't wanna touch that because it feels fine when I do road courses. I don't understand what to do because I really do enjoy driving at Daytona and stage x and if it's gonna be feeling like that then I don't think I wanna drive at those tracks. I'm using a thrustmaster t300rs btw.
I feel like it depends on the car and especially the level of downforce how often you'll spin out on ovals.
It does, but it's done by swelling the fenders, like the guys in the animation literally just pulled on the fenders. Not terrible, but I would rather it be flares. The 69 Camaro is the same way.
Well, if the tyres can be as wide as the Camaro, that’s a win for us. Hope it’s the same for the Superbird.

Edit: Here’s the retweet of that 4K video from Kaz

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Spa with no 24 hour dynamic time
Pretty sure you can create custom races on any track with a 24 hour cycle, and you can speed it up or slow it down as much as you want.

3.64 million CR is a steep price but if you get the invitation for this one, IMO go for it because this is a great car to drive and very pleasant to watch in replays. Even barebone stock on its SM tyres it’s a very pleasant ride.

View attachment 1121175
That's good news because that car was useless for anything but Route X in GTS.
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I'm really loving this, there's lots of little improvements over GT Sport. Wobble 2 is just great for cockpit view.

My only beef is why can't you change TOD settings and your car in menu screens in arcade races? You could in Sport. Big step down to back out through all the menus to change cars.
Ok so I don't know if it's just me but oval racing on this game feels terrible. At least with high speed cars. I don't know how to describe it. My wheel feels stiff and if I turn even just a little bit the car wants to spin out. I can't be aggressive with the wheel. If I'm running at the top at stage x for example and I wanna drop down low it's impossible to do because I'm gonna spin. It feels like when I turn the wheel wants to center itself back out. This is only a issue at oval tracks with high speed cars. Mainly Daytona and stage x. Is anyone else having this issue? It could be my wheel settings but I don't wanna touch that because it feels fine when I do road courses. I don't understand what to do because I really do enjoy driving at Daytona and stage x and if it's gonna be feeling like that then I don't think I wanna drive at those tracks. I'm using a thrustmaster t300rs btw.
I'm really curious to see how SS tires compare to inters within the third bar. SS tires are still serviceable in that area.
From racing the R8 my understanding is that from empty to the first bar is good enough for dry compounds (even if there is spray), from the first bar to the second is intermediates and after that they start to aquaplane and you need the full wets. For career mode/missions the weather is accelerated so much that it's probably worth skipping the intermediates to play it safe.
I encounter the same issue with the Ford GT LMGTE at high speed ring.

However I came across a temporary solution until it’s fixed: Have more rear aero.

At max rear, minimum front the GT is much less inclined to kill me and feels more stable. The trade off is that you get understeer, so right now I’m playing around with aero settings to find the optimal balance that I can control and make the car as quick as possible.
Cars experience a tremendous amount of load on banking at high speed and that load is transmitted through the steering wheel. That's why the wheel feels tight. Turn your FFB down if it's too tight. As for the sensitivity, turn that down and/or increase your wheel rotation limit if you're not able to be precise enough at high speed.
So i just went to check the wide body option for the Swift and i was pleasantly surprised 😀
Do you guys know how i can earn roulette tickets? I've completed the menu books, collector's level 32 and i can't find a way to get any tickets from now on... I just want an engine swap ☹️
PD took people’s desire for a better campaign too literal. GT7 is the most linear game I’ve ever played in this genre, and that’s not what people wanted. Why is it so hard for them to deliver a modern take on the classic GT formula? Simply include a myriad of events and an open-ended structure where people can write their own story like in the old days of GT. The most frustrating part is how GT7 has all the classic elements, but the cafe controls every step of the journey. Ouch.
Do you guys know how i can earn roulette tickets? I've completed the menu books, collector's level 32 and i can't find a way to get any tickets from now on... I just want an engine swap ☹️
This is also a concern for me. One a day through the mileage exchange seems like a pretty piss poor chance of getting anything decent :irked:
I mean, characters talking to you is not something usual for a Gran Turismo game.
Man, did you forget Zombie Jeff Gordon explaining NASCAR to us :lol:
Had a smile from ear to ear watching the AI deal with the jumps in the GR.B rally stages. They full send it over each one and rarely make it out alive.
Artificial Intelligence adapting to human inputs :eek:
I mean grinding is not a big deal… and even your Forza example maybe you didn’t see it as grinding but, driving the same tracks over and over even in different cars the events still felt the same and redundant to me… You also said yourself you don’t play these game for long time… there will be a point where the in game stuff will become redundant… That’s more of a personal preference you didn’t see it as grinding and enjoying the events. I have been playing GT forever and it not any different.. If you want something nice you’re going to have to grind/work for it when you add the GT style of gameplay it all works out for me… yes it’s grinding but it’s not miserable… just because someone grinds doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it. I tell people enjoy your game the way you want… I’m not the one to really questions how someone plays and enjoys their game because we all have different likes and dislikes..
I don't think you mean the same thing as I do when you say grinding. You seem to see anything that's repetitive as grinding, and the fact that you put "grind/work" as if they're synonyms sort of reinforces that.

You say you're not one to question how people play and enjoy, but you seem to have omitted that I've been calling for changes that would leave "traditional" grinding as an option for those who like it but would add other ways to make money at endgame at a reasonable rate for the people who would prefer something else. Should those people get to play in a way they find fun, or should they just be told that "grinding is not a big deal"?
I guess we all need to understand that grinding for credit = seat time in a car/ on a track.
Which is what real drivers do to get better at driving. Same with tunes/ setups, its all about the minor tweaks to get the most out of your car.

Not much fun when everyone is driving with the same car, suspension set up and gearbox.