Regarding the ⚠️ I had a 63 Vette with that issue, all I did was remove sport suspension and suddenly it was available. Put the sport suspension back on, ⚠️ again. Getting real sick and tired of developers ruining their game with their updates. We are the Guinea pigs. There’s a few performance parts on the car, nothing too outrageous. I remember I couldn’t handle the car so I put sport suspension on, now that’s the deciding factor of it glitching out?
If you want to be the best real driving simulator, then make your game to the best of your ability, test it, then sell it. If we don’t like it, try improving from the feedback on your next release. The problem comes in when you update, everything feels different and we’re back to relearning. Updating physics is admitted you got it wrong in the first place. I’m even ok with an update for the better but an update ALWAYS introduces some other thing that’s totally messed up. Like yay, slip angle is better… but not on all cars, some it’s actually worse and what’s this oscillation suddenly on the g pro, where’d the trueforce go? That type of stuff grinds my gears.