Absolutely no surprise that people are still defending PD and their "economy" and drive for MTs after this move. Some will clearly defend literally anything.
You want a game to last for years do you? Well good, because that's what you've got.
We don't know the price for all cars yet, but it's currently at 277 million with 64 to go, many of which we know are going to be pricey. Let's be conservative and say the final total is 320 Million. But you're also going to want to upgrade those cars, take advantage of the excellent upgrade system. If we put that at a conservative 100K per car, that's another 42 million. So that's a total of 362 million credits to own all the cars and make good use of them, have fun with them.
We've just been told that the FASTEST method of earning credits has now been nerfed to 850,000 per hour. So if you do that, repeating the same race over and over to earn credits, it will take you....425 hours total to earn enough credits. 425 hours of the same single race. If you did that for four hours a day, every day (because you're some sort of masochist) that's three months of your life, gone, driving around the same race track so you can buy some other cars. No time to do anything else.
If you are less of a masochist and only do it an hour a day, that's over a year.
That's insane. So what if you don't want to do that, what if you decide to do a variety of races, like custom races. Well before this patch the best rate for those was around 200,000 per hour. 1,600 hours total. So, do custom races for four hours a day, every day, and you'll have enough credits in......400 days.
Most people are not going to play the same game every day, without missing one, for four hours though. So what if they manage a pretty reasonable 10 hours a week? That's still going to take over 3 years. 10 hours, every week, for three years. At which point you can FINALLY just have fun with the cars that came with the game.
Sport Mode and Online? Even slower.
"Just drive" they say. "Just go race, it's meant to last for a while". Yeah, no. This is absurd. And remember, that is me being conserative with the totals required. It may be even more. Not to mention the cost of any cars they add in updates.
The numbers boggle the mind.
Just think, if so many huge car racing nuts have no interest in doing this, so many big fans here don't, the biggest "celebrity" players don't, then who on earth will? The casual millions are going to get bored and lose interest even faster. So who is left playing the game? The PD defenders, who will do anything.
And let's not even get into the fact PD have made two patches for this game and both were broken. The first one broke a load of stuff in the game, the second one is seemingly so poorly tested that it's broken the entire system for over 12 hours.