Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.52 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter notarjy
I got involved in this thread because of the exaggerations. Claims that the game is broken. I see no evidence that the game is broken. I see minor issues being blown way out of proportion.

They aren't, electronic are, but that's a different issue.

Once again, this is ridiculous over statement. A problem with the physics model would affect ALL CARS. Not the, so far, two to three minor issues that people keep pointing to. That says the problem is not the system, but the setting of those specific cars, post update.

And the most vocal keep going back to 1.49. This is a 1.52 thread. The issues are not the same. Saying "since 1.49" is absolutely ignoring the current state of affairs. As you say below, obfuscating legitimate feedback.

I don't want PD to fix something that currently is not broken. Because there is absolutely NOT a "problem in the suspension physics model". There MIGHT be a problem in a handful of cars, and it's debatable, which is why this thread lives.

What I have seen is that there are (so far) two to three cars whose stock suspension might need a tweak post 1.52. THAT is legitimate feedback. Maybe an evo or two and maybe the s800 (although I haven't tested it)

People say the GT-R's are broken, yet hundred of thousands of people having completed the time trial event. How can both those statement be true? Either the GT-R is broken and pitches people off track OR it's not broken and hundred of thousands of players have completed the event (myself included).
Personally I never said the GT-Rs are broken, I said the amount of yaw they exhibit on hard braking—before I even turn the steering wheel—is generally unrealistic. It can absolutely be adapted to and driven around. I’ve done it myself and easily won the weekly challenge race. But I don’t enjoy the car as a result.
There’s always room between perfectly fine and completely broken for things to be addressed.
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s800, as stock as I could make it, with SH tires as was mentioned earlier in this thread. What am I supposed to be seeing?
Why do you drive it on a circuit without kerb stones when I’ve repeatedly said that the issue is triggered by hitting elevated kerb stones? Another example of you obfuscating the discussion instead of trying to cooperate. Besides, it doesn't even look like you’re using stock suspension. Overall the car has a modified look to it.
Why do you drive it on a circuit without kerb stones when I’ve repeatedly said that the issue is triggered by hitting elevated kerb stones? Another example of you obfuscating the discussion instead of trying to cooperate.

I drove it at Kyoto. Nothing. I drove over curbs. Nothing. I drive over jumps in the video. Nothing.

Besides, it doesn't even look like you’re using stock suspension. Overall the car has a modified look to it.
It has widebody. I'm not buying a new one to prove a point. If you think I'm going to go to the trouble of adjusting a racing suspension to hide a bug, then you are over estimating what I'm willing to do to show that I'm not experiencing these issues. Flipping the suspension to stock and doing a lap is all I'm willing to do.

This bug is a CNR (Cannot Reproduce)

Meanwhile, you haven't posted anything to show the issues that you are (supposedly) experiencing. If you want something fixed, PD would need to see it in action.

Good luck, have fun.
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Nothing to see here...

Edit, McLaren locks the brakes too easily because the front compression & expansion is too soft so it understeers in big braking zones, this should not happen to this car
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I agree, nothing to see there at all

You can't be this dumb...

You realise that entire video of yours not a single car is launched up and over onto it's roof by either curbs and or suspension, or anything really.
Also, that isn't new. You could roll the cars in GT5, GT6, and GTSport doing something like that. What are expecting? Stadium truck level suspension?
Yes if you intentionally try roll a car in a game or real life it will roll, well done for figuring that out...
You've had multiple examples from multiple people now that have not intentionally gone out of their way to roll a car and you're still being this stubborn.
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Edit, McLaren locks the brakes too easily because the front compression & expansion is too soft so it understeers in big braking zones, this should not happen to this car

Also, you are driving too deep into the braking zones, which I have active in my version of the game. I show a lap with ABS weak, then ABS default, so you can see the differenced, and we al know this is something that has changed immensely.

After that clip, I went back and ran with ABS weak again, trying to be mindful of braking, etc.

You can't be this dumb...

You realise that entire video of yours not a single car is launched up and over onto it's roof by either curbs and or suspension, or anything really.

Yes if you intentionally try roll a car in a game or real life it will roll, well done for figuring that out...
You've had multiple examples from multiple people now that have not intentionally gone out of their way to roll a car and you're still being this stubborn.
I don't know why you need to resort to name calling. I simply disagree with the assertions that these issues are grave and/or game breakers. I might stretch to say they are a minor inconvenience at worst.

In every video the supporters have posted, there's been bad driving. Aggressive attempts to prove a point. I drive, trying to be smooth and fast, and I don't suffer these issues. Draw from that what you will. What I take away is that it's driver error.