Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.54 Discussion Thread

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It could be, but in English it's also a term for a rentable companion.
It was also the name of a gentleman's magazine in the UK, or so I've heard...
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Dude, that's a HUGE yikes. :nervous: Unless said word is uncensored before the update, but that's very unlikely. Is there any car in GT7 with their car's name censored by PlayStation?
I once made two liveries (a paid livery, actually) for someone racing in a high up event in Spain - his nickname (which he had gotten off his cat) made the livery name censored too.

If you wonder, the name was coon. I had a custom made logo for him as well, made the O's into cats.
That is a gold star comment.

Tips hat knowingly 🤣

Can you imagine the Mondeo ST-D
Or how you'd buy said Mondeo, you'd have to drive the Ferrari FXX K first ;)
, the terrible problem of novelty vs usability. For novelty, it'd be fantastic to have a Routemaster bus, Goggomobil dart, and a '59 Cadillac, but in GT7 they'd be exclusively for time trials and one added World Circuits event each; to hold one opponent's text box about how cool their car/bus is.
(Singing) i wish I had an oscar mayer Weinermobile....
Black painted rear lights. And they put a black cap screw on the front and rear plates instead of white and yellow where the 6 is. And is that yellow painted wheel weights on outside of the rim?
Well, there was also Fiesta and Sierra. It was just a surprise when the Mondeo came out it wasn't called Razzle.
There's a pony called Razzle at a local stable where my daughter goes.

brings a wry smile to face when they call out it's name:D
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And that is a bad word? I know other words that describe same but Escort is so ambiguous that it's hardly negative.

(No further comment from me on this)

That's not for me to say, but it doesn't take much thought to arrive upon "all of the PSN ToS and CoC is aimed at family friendliness and maybe PlayStation doesn't want people talking about prostitutes".

I admit that may be true. 😆
Agree it's not that bad a word at all, that it should be censored. Ford escorts were very popular in the 80s/90s uk, and i suspect many wouldbt automatically think the other meaning, when in context of cars.

Perhaps younger gen will more likely link it to the other meaning. But still... it's not a remotely offensive word imo.

That said, escort now pretty much always means prostitute. Whereas back in 90s prostitute were curb side dwellers, or brothels. Escorts seemed to mean 'higher class' lady (or man) that you could hire as a companion for functions, dinner etc and sleeping with each other 'may' be on the cards.

So the meaning has shifted to blatant prostitution now, in recent decade or so.

Probably due to even more of stigma saying you're a prostitute over escort. In the same way people say I'm putting the dog in its crate, rather than cage. Less negative connotations...
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is the update out yet?
If it were you'd be able to play it on your console and read about it on GTPlanet's news page - which would be linked into this thread.

We can surmise that it is not.

The usual update timeline is:
Fri-Sat-Sun: Yamauchi's teaser
Mon-Tue: Maintenance period announced
Wed (at about 1500 UTC): YouTube video showing the cars, PS Blog post revealing cars/track (if there is one)/new races/Scapes
Thu (at about 0700 UTC): Maintenance starts, update arrives, patch notes with more detail
Is grinding credits on the same 3 races STILL the first thought you guys have when seeing cars such as that, GT One, MP4/4 etc. ?????
No, never.
I'm really worried for the future of this franchise.
Being worried for the franchise over PD’s questionable management of event payouts is a stretch. It’s not ideal how players are given the incentive to repeat the same few events, but there are still plenty of ways to make decent credits and enjoy the game at a normal pace.
Ain't that the case for a lot of the cars in the game, though?

Like what rivals does Suzuki Escudo have? 🤣 or how about the RA272...
PD logic....
An other one Jimny why??
Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF

Porsches are always wellcome even the Mission X..
Escort Cosworth rocks
And the Merc (i hope for #722 300SLR) is great car!!!
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