Gran Turismo 7's Next Update is Coming This Week: Escudo Pikes Peak Returns

  • Thread starter Famine
Probably because of the tuning and all that customization.
That did cross my mind for a while, however:

  • Toyota LMH
  • Suzuki VGT
  • Suzuki VGT Gr. 3
  • Suzuki Escudo
  • Subaru BRZ GT300
  • Rampage Camaro

All of these are race cars, concepts, or pre-built tuned cars with limited performance parts available, usually just limited to an extra turbo or weight option, if even, and no additional cosmetic or aero parts. This makes them have little to no difference in depth of functionality or mod-ability than cars in GT Sport. The others:

Suzuki Cappuccino
Subaru BRZ 2021
*’32 Ford?

*we don’t know yet how much is changeable on the Ford.

Do have widebodies, aero mods, and tuning and such, but the entire lineup from GTS had to receive these, and then a further ~80 cars added with these functionalities between the last GTS DLC drop and 7’s launch. So with 2/3 of the post launch content so far being nearly no different from Sport, I struggle see how new functionality would have slowed 7’s content stream this dramatically.

Also, side note, this makes a very unusual statistic in that almost half the cars added since launch will have been Suzukis.
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PD is still tone death, not reading the room at all, oblivious to what is needed to get the game back on track.

Yes, car modellers can't work on network stability (cars are outsourced anyway afaik) but at this point it's like:

Renter: "My sewage isn't working, I can't use the bathroom"
Property owner: We're sorry, we might do something about it in the future
Renter: "I can't live here like this"
Property owner: crickets
Renter: "Hello, anyone, any updates?"
Property owner: Here are some silhouettes of some potted plants I'll drop off next week to distract you.

Roadmap, patch notes in advance, patch dates, WHERE ARE THEY
Responding to the statements making anecdotes that GT7 now requires a higher standard for assets:

PD is well known for over-developing their assets, and clearly in that link above a majority of the stuff in Sport, and so by virtue of carryover, 7, is 8k ready when the hardware is available.

And even all that is moot, because we could readily see the available high Level of Detail (LOD) models in Sport’s photo mode, which was substantially higher than what we could see with in-race LOD. The cars are already at a fidelity where it’s hard to notice the seams on the folds of the polygons until you’re mere feet or inches away. Pretty much once a higher hardware/render standard is brought in PD can “flip a switch” (exaggerating a little here) and up the in-race LOD closer to the max/photo LOD. GT7 isn’t asking for any higher fidelity models than Sport was, and I’d find it highly unlikely that PD would need to push fidelity much harder even when we’re rendering games at a native 16k or higher standard, and even then I’d struggle to believe it.
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That did cross my mind for a while, however:

  • Toyota LMH
  • Suzuki VGT
  • Suzuki VGT Gr. 3
  • Suzuki Escudo
  • Subaru BRZ GT300
  • Rampage Camaro

All of these are race cars, concepts, or pre-built tuned cars with limited performance parts available, usually just limited to an extra turbo or weight option, if even, and no additional cosmetic or aero parts. This makes them have little to no difference in depth of functionality or mod-ability than cars in GT Sport. The others:

Suzuki Cappuccino
Subaru BRZ 2021
*’32 Ford?

*we don’t know yet how much is changeable on the Ford.

Do have widebodies, aero mods, and tuning and such, but the entire lineup from GTS had to receive these, and then a further ~80 cars added with these functionalities between the last GTS DLC drop and 7’s launch. So with 2/3 of the post launch content so far being nearly no different from Sport, I struggle see how new functionality would have slowed 7’s content stream this dramatically.

Also, side note, this makes a very unusual statistic in that almost half the cars added since launch will have been Suzukis.
I also considered this, but PD prioritizing unmodifiable cars like these might just indicate how much time they spent on a car like the Cappuccino due its upgradable nature. The new Subaru BRZ road car was probably easier to finish as they could rely heavily on the GR 86 for audio and such.
I find it odd the Gr.3 Suzuki arrived as soon as it did. Usually, with such announcements, a car would debut six months after.
Why does the Suzuki need to be Gr3? Maybe it's a touring car version to fall in line with the Miata and Civic touring cars.
It's so Suzuki can take part in the manufacturer series.

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Still waiting for this car to come as it was too in the datamine.
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View attachment 1162577

It's pretty interesting that we're getting the Escudo but I would love to see this return.
Why wait for cars from previous numbered games to appear in GT7, they should have been already in this game at the start if it was a true GT7. But GT7 is not a true numbered game, all it is a GT Sport type game that is being DRIP FED with content form previous numbered games.

You guy's are being sucked in thinking GT7 is a NUMBERED GAME because it is definitely not one, because as I said it's a GT Sport type game being slowly DRIP FED with content form previous numbered games.

Perhaps GT8 will be the true numbered game with all the content from previous numbered games already in, but the way PD has designed GT7 the next numbered game called GT8 may not be any better. Who knows GT8 most likely will get content Slowly DRIP FED from GT7.

People who like a Gran Turismo numbered game to have content slowly drip fed from previous numbered games over time, are the really stupid people because all they see is a not true numbered game from PD, instead you have to wait for content from previous games which is BS.
Why wait for cars from previous numbered games to appear in GT7, they should have been already in this game at the start if it was a true GT7. But GT7 is not a true numbered game, all it is a GT Sport type game that is being DRIP FED with content form previous numbered games.

You guy's are being sucked in thinking GT7 is a NUMBERED GAME because it is definitely not one, because as I said it's a GT Sport type game being slowly DRIP FED with content form previous numbered games.

Perhaps GT8 will be the true numbered game with all the content from previous numbered games already in, but the way PD has designed GT7 the next numbered game called GT8 may not be any better. Who knows GT8 most likely will get content Slowly DRIP FED from GT7.

People who like a Gran Turismo numbered game to have content slowly drip fed from previous numbered games over time, are the really stupid people because all they see is a not true numbered game from PD, instead you have to wait for content from previous games which is BS.
Rather than saying this isn't a numbered game, it seems more like this is what we should expect from numbered games in this series. It's been over 8 years since the previous numbered game. Why should we expect a return to that many more years from now, if/when GT8 releases? GT7 was the promised return and it didn't deliver.

This is the standard they have set.
Why wait for cars from previous numbered games to appear in GT7, they should have been already in this game at the start if it was a true GT7. But GT7 is not a true numbered game, all it is a GT Sport type game that is being DRIP FED with content form previous numbered games.

You guy's are being sucked in thinking GT7 is a NUMBERED GAME because it is definitely not one, because as I said it's a GT Sport type game being slowly DRIP FED with content form previous numbered games.

Perhaps GT8 will be the true numbered game with all the content from previous numbered games already in, but the way PD has designed GT7 the next numbered game called GT8 may not be any better. Who knows GT8 most likely will get content Slowly DRIP FED from GT7.

People who like a Gran Turismo numbered game to have content slowly drip fed from previous numbered games over time, are the really stupid people because all they see is a not true numbered game from PD, instead you have to wait for content from previous games which is BS.
..but, but.. GT Sport was GT7. An unnumbered game that was a numbered game, but officially wasn't numbered on the box. So, if GT7 is not a numbered game, but is GT Sport. It's now, officially, a numbered game on the box. If a numbered game is said to have all the content at debut, that means all the numbered games are not numbered games because, there are features missing in those past numbered games, that came later and/or not at all.
[QUOTE="CBH, post: 13761131,

People who like a Gran Turismo numbered game to have content slowly drip fed from previous numbered games over time, are the really stupid people because all they see is a not true numbered game from PD, instead you have to wait for content from previous games which is BS.


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
The ONLY video game decision that would get my heart rate above 45bpm, is if Rockstar Games doesn’t allow me to take a baseball bat to the teeth of any street workers in the next Grand Theft Auto.

Other than that, I’m good 🤷🏼‍♂️
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It still doesn't make much sense to complain about a particular update without knowing what's actually in it.
If only there was a thing called communication. It's not like the devs don't know what they're putting in the update (one would hope).

Other live service games are happy to broadcast the contents of upcoming patches well ahead of time but PD seems either uninterested or incapable of doing so.
Suzuki looks to be PD's new partner in crime. OK maybe not in crime but anyway. I can't say I didn't expect the Escudo to show up in GT7 because it is a part of GT folklore and fits the "nostalgia" theme that's been pushed soo hard. Also, the 32 Ford better have a heap of customisation or I will have a fit.