cudadude2do you mean the patience we gave waiting for gt4, or the perfection they delivered?
ahhh, very well played sir.
I think i'd rather see 20+ cars on track rather than some just tell me there is going to be such. i'd rather see higher resolution images, rather than someone just telling me there is going to be higher resolution coming.
remember, this demo is NOT GT5, & it should be taken as just what it is. it is a look at what they are working towards.
i do believe they are holding their cards close on GT5. the competiton has gotten stronger & they have to protect their product. GT5 is extremely important to Sony & the PS3, & i dont think they are willing to risk losing anything to the competition just to satisfy a small group of impatient gamer fanboys at a show.
one thing that has to always be remembered, they can't satisfy everyone. even if they had a working high res demo of GT5, there still would be complaints & b!tching goin on. what they didnt do or should have had, etc....