Gran Turismo HD officially canned - Next stop is GT5

  • Thread starter amar212
Famitsu also scored commentary from Yamauchi on a variety of Gran Turismo topics. The producer joked that the upcoming GT HD download service would be like iTunes, referring to it as a GT Tunes. He also provided some relief for those worried about the expense of downloading cars and tracks for GT HD. Polyphony hopes to make content that has been downloaded for GT HD available for use in the next GT.

Will this mean GT5 has the same micropayment model as GTHD?

Btw, I heard a rumor that cars wil be available in GTHD (classic) to be unlocked via normal gameplay. People who don't have the patience for this, can buy the cars they want.
New Intereview with Kaz in latest issue of Famitsu - Ign just took info they thought was intresting, here is the rest.

- extra AI-opponents as download,
- licence system to determine each one driving rank for online (if I understood well),
- online should be world-wide (chat included).
I can asume from what i've read about this latest news that:

a) Sony really want a GT title available on or around launch.

b) PD don't want to rush out GT5 (as if they could!) so will release a Prologue style stop gap, or two.

c) PD have actually listened to what the fans want this time.

d) Sony/PD want to test the waters with online modes of play and online downloadable content and get it working well and sorted before they fully jump in with their flagship title (GT5)

I would also guess that you might be able to download a car or track and use it for a limited amount of time (a test drive) before you commit to purchasing it. I have no interest in 75% of GT4's cars, only dipping into this 75% if i need a car for a certain championship or race and probably never using it again. I therefore don't really mind about starting the game with few cars and actually buying the cars i really want. As long as these 'prologues' are cheap to buy in the first place (or even free as L4S said) i think its all good news.

I absolutely, completely agree 100% with everything you just said! :)
And i think it needed to be said, PD isnt just doing this for the money they could make from it, (although i suspect that aspect did enter someones mind somewhere along the line.) since in some peoples eyes GT4 was a little dissappointing they've adressed that issue.
By improving and testing thier graphics engines, models, and other functions including online play, and awaiting feedback, GT5 will be much improved over GT4, and i for one would buy this GT:HD. Not just so i can have the complete GT collection, i want to experience the new era of Gran Turismo, i like to see how the game has been improved over time.
I personally cant wait for the new GT :)

ps. TheCracker +Rep 👍
Can you say half arsed money making ploy. Sorry, but it's just a lazy stop gap till the true sequel.

And charging so much for evey single car and track, disgusting. I know it's just rumours, so I hope they wise up.
There seems to be an awful lot of moaning about the cost of downloading stuff going on here. We don't know a) How much the game will cost to start with, it might be cheap or even free with the PS3. b) We don't know exactly how much each download will cost us. We are basing everything on some vague interview probably messed up in translation to some extent.

For me, downloadable content is the best thing to happen to GranTurismo since PD decided to make it a series. You are not stuck with just the cars that come with the game, you will constantly be able to download the 'latest' cars keeping your garage fresh and you won't get stuck with 400 cars you'll never drive. The guys in the PD team who produce the cars and tracks won't have to rush things to meet the games release deadline, they can constantly keep knocking out good quality, well modelled cars and tracks for our pleasure.

It will be like having your own personalised GranTurismo with more stuff that you do like and less of the stuff you aren't arsed about.
I don't mind paying for cars as long as they're cheap and there are no 'limited edition' cars.
And when the trend is seen that the vast majority of people all download the high performace cars the lower powered regular cars will be phased out because they arn't as profitable. Yeah, that's the best thing to ever happen to the Gran Turismo series, just turn it into every other damn racing game out there content wise. If I could download all the tracks and all 770 cars for no more than £40 then I wouldn't mind that much, however the beauty of Gran Turismo is being able to choose anything. The bottom line is GT:HD classic is likely going to cost more than GT4 for less content than GT3 had, say it is £1 per track, 50 tracks that's £50 and not a single car to race on them yet, say 20pence per car that's 5 cars for £1, 770 cars that's £154 for all 770 cars and both thoes prices are less than what's been circulating the net, even 10 cars for £1 still puts it at over £75 for just the cars. No matter how you look at it, your paying a lot more for a lot less. How anyone can consider that to be the best thing to happen to Gran turismo is well beyond me.
From what I've read so far, this sounds complete and total balls.

totally unpleasant havent-showered-in-ages balls.

but woo. theres ferrari. woo. maybe they'll charge 4 times as much for them, to reeaaally inspire that ownership lust. bahah.
i highly doubt people will need all cars to have an absolutely great time playing GT. in any given iteration of GT i only used maybe five (5) on a regular basis and i still think i've had an optimal gaming experience everytime i play the game.

I will. I am a collector.

My personal 100% mark in GT4 was only when I got ALL cars. My optimal experience is to collect and try them in different situations.

Yes, I bought korean GT4 just for Hyundais.

If you put my gameplay into an histogram, you'll see that my car use rate is very well distributed.
There seems to be an awful lot of moaning about the cost of downloading stuff going on here. We don't know a) How much the game will cost to start with, it might be cheap or even free with the PS3. b) We don't know exactly how much each download will cost us. We are basing everything on some vague interview probably messed up in translation to some extent.

For me, downloadable content is the best thing to happen to GranTurismo since PD decided to make it a series. You are not stuck with just the cars that come with the game, you will constantly be able to download the 'latest' cars keeping your garage fresh and you won't get stuck with 400 cars you'll never drive. The guys in the PD team who produce the cars and tracks won't have to rush things to meet the games release deadline, they can constantly keep knocking out good quality, well modelled cars and tracks for our pleasure.

It will be like having your own personalised GranTurismo with more stuff that you do like and less of the stuff you aren't arsed about.

I do like the downloadable content thing they are doing, but i've rather see it come as a packaged product with many cars, and then downloadable cars if you want extras. Even though GT4 came with a set of 719 don't have to buy all of them in the first place, so it wouldn't matter if they were downloadable or not. But i like the idea of downloading EXTRA's to the already packaged product, and hopefully GT5 will be this way.

EDIT** I'm a car collector as well in GT4...i have all 720+ cars....and i do enjoy driving a new one once in awhile....but i wouldn't want to have to pay for all of it, unless it was like 50, or maybe 100 bucks for all of them. Even 100 is pushin it. Oh well, like everyone has said, it's hard to say what it's going to cost us to play it, since the japanese version will be released first anyways...maybe they'll change some things around.
For me, downloadable content is the best thing to happen to GranTurismo since PD decided to make it a series.

Yeah but not having a single car/ track in the game is a con. A total con. After making you pay a small fortune for the machine, you now have to pay another fortune to play an updated ps2 game. What a great deal...

This doesn't give you more choice, it gives you more limitations.

It will be like having your own personalised GranTurismo with more stuff that you do like and less of the stuff you aren't arsed about.

Less is better....riggghhhttt...

At the end of the day, it's a sad half arsed attempt to use the GT name to sell machines, when all they have is a demo with 20 cars, and an unfinished ps2 conversion, which you have to download and pay for every feature. Garbage.

If MS did this with Forza 2, it would get ripped apart by those praising PD for doing this.

I'll be buying a ps3 when GT5 comes out me thinks.
I think it's cool. But I'm not down with constantly paying for new cars/tracks. There should be a premium setup where you can download all you want.

But it's better then waying 2.5 more years for GT5.
code_kev's previous comments were SPOT ON!
Well done, sir. Now you may leave this thread, indefinetly.

Thats what I've been meaning to say in quite a few posts through-out this thread. I mean everybody's got issues, someone has BIG WALLS (lol, thats still funny), so they cant access internet where their PS3 will be and cant buy cars :P , Some dont have broadband atall, some are too poor to buy virtual cars online, etc etc. I mean I work and earn myself, so I dont mind paying a bit here and there and customize my GT:HD Premium and collect new contents as an when they come. This is very subjective, coz some people may like it, some may not. But what is annoying is trying to persuade people who are convinced that this is a good idea and can actually play a GT5 game as soon as they buy the PS3 within a few months... People who dont like this idea (of paying for new content ever few months) can seriously wait and buy the GT5 as a whole package, when it comes out in 08. It may not have 770 cars, but it'll have plenty of cars and tracks and definetly all the updated features and textures and whatnot.
I am not saying to not raise questions and post comments, but seriously this whining over the "pay over internet" matter is just not ammusing anymore. You guys have made your point, shared ur your financial issues, and blue prints of your homes which are badly planned with "Stone Walls" (lol :D ) ... And many of us have ignored them and moved on...

I dont mean to be rude at-all or offensive in anyway, its just, reading same comments by same people over and over again is quite dull in an annoying way..

(BTW, I havent read whatever I've read so, if it doesnt make much sense, please ignore) :P

Edit - Just saw the "mentioned" video and they're definetely not real cars, neither do they seem ingame car models, more like 3d renders for an intro movie or something, or just the trailer to show off Ferrari :) !
code_kev's previous comments were SPOT ON!
Well done, sir. Now you may leave this thread, indefinetly.

Thats what I've been meaning to say in quite a few posts through-out this thread. I mean everybody's got issues, someone has BIG WALLS (lol, thats still funny), so they cant access internet where their PS3 will be and cant buy cars :P , Some dont have broadband atall, some are too poor to buy virtual cars online, etc etc. I mean I work and earn myself, so I dont mind paying a bit here and there and customize my GT:HD Premium and collect new contents as an when they come. This is very subjective, coz some people may like it, some may not. But what is annoying is trying to persuade people who are convinced that this is a good idea and can actually play a GT5 game as soon as they buy the PS3 within a few months... People who dont like this idea (of paying for new content ever few months) can seriously wait and buy the GT5 as a whole package, when it comes out in 08. It may not have 770 cars, but it'll have plenty of cars and tracks and definetly all the updated features and textures and whatnot.
I am not saying to not raise questions and post comments, but seriously this whining over the "pay over internet" matter is just not ammusing anymore. You guys have made your point, shared ur your financial issues, and blue prints of your homes which are badly planned with "Stone Walls" (lol :D ) ... And many of us have ignored them and moved on...

I dont mean to be rude at-all or offensive in anyway, its just, reading same comments by same people over and over again is quite dull in an annoying way..

(BTW, I havent read whatever I've read so, if it doesnt make much sense, please ignore) :P

Edit - Just saw the "mentioned" video and they're definetely not real cars, neither do they seem ingame car models, more like 3d renders for an intro movie or something, or just the trailer to show off Ferrari :) !

I'm really quite incredibly wealthy. I didn't get there by being ripped off.
The donwload-mode sounds nice, but pay for it is just unfair.
Remember there are over 700 cars...that makes over 350 €/$ to get just all cars!
That´s why--in my opinion-- this mode sucks in the endeffect (due to to fact that we have to PAY for those "updates"), but WITHOUT extra money it would be a nice option so that everyone can set up his or her OWN Version
of Gran Turismo HD ;) PD please think about that again...we all love this game and we don´t want to hate it....
And when the trend is seen that the vast majority of people all download the high performace cars the lower powered regular cars will be phased out because they arn't as profitable. Yeah, that's the best thing to ever happen to the Gran Turismo series, just turn it into every other damn racing game out there content wise. If I could download all the tracks and all 770 cars for no more than £40 then I wouldn't mind that much, however the beauty of Gran Turismo is being able to choose anything. The bottom line is GT:HD classic is likely going to cost more than GT4 for less content than GT3 had, say it is £1 per track, 50 tracks that's £50 and not a single car to race on them yet, say 20pence per car that's 5 cars for £1, 770 cars that's £154 for all 770 cars and both thoes prices are less than what's been circulating the net, even 10 cars for £1 still puts it at over £75 for just the cars. No matter how you look at it, your paying a lot more for a lot less. How anyone can consider that to be the best thing to happen to Gran turismo is well beyond me.

Then make the best cars unavailable until you reach a certain level. Problem solved. I agree about the rest of the post though, GT is all about choice.
I'm really quite incredibly wealthy. I didn't get there by being ripped off.

So basically you are intelligent enough to customize your own GTHD:Premium and not buy every Daihatsu and different Versions of Supras and Evos and Skylines. You can buy the ones right for you? Or are you just too bored to go online and spend money over virtual cars and tracks? Either way you can wait till 2008 (till the actual GT5 "Full Package" comes) and get your Daihatsus and Supras and Skylines etc. and stop saying the same things over and over again..

I am sure if there was no such thing as GTHD and had Kazunori Yamauchi annouced that there will be no GT5 for PS3 till 2009, you would've whined about that aswell. I already am feeling a little deja-vu, of the same thing that I'd read by different people just around the GT4 release. And I know a healthy arguement is always good (and I can see your avatar saying - debater), but whining about the same thing?? Thats neither arguing nor debating, its just whining :P !

All I mean is, if you see this clearly, this isnt ripping people off, its giving them chance to build a GT game the way they like it. If that is not good enough for you... Just wait! (isnt it simple?), I agree English isnt my first language, but I am sure I am not writing hebrew, specially for a "really increadibly wealthy man" you sure cant seem to understand what I am trying to say here. I am almost doubting, whether what I am saying isnt making any sense surely now..
I've had a chance to look at some of the Tokyo Game Show 2006 footage as well as some other stuff. I'll focus on the TGS '06 footage here first and foremost.

I guess I learned something about Kazunori Yamauchi- he's a big Abercrombie and Fitch lover since that's what he had on in two different videos. I learned that we aren't exactly getting old Grindelwald back, but the course does look pretty challenging. The roads are narrow like most real rally courses are. GT4 was sort of a step in the right direction in terms of making courses seem and feel like real rally racing, except that the point-to-point rallies are still not there. This Eiger Nor... (don't worry. I'll learn the name of the course and spell it properly one day) looks like a pretty simple track at first. That simplicity turns into a ride through Hell. It is a closer deal to some real tarmac racing than almost any other rally course in the GT series. Most of the course still seems pretty simple. It's just those tough hairpin sections which really seperate the men from the boys (or the women from the girls), so to speak. I'd love to see what a lap around the full course is like. I looked to an IGNore ( video on this track, and I noticed more of the track. The typical bad driving of some of the demo players really shown through. Nit-pickers would complain that you can't fly off the cliff or badly damage your car judging on the two videos on IGNore.

If this was an American show, I'm sure we would be like "finally, a reason to love Gran Turismo- FERRARI!" I don't want to think of this is as "Gran Turismo... and oh yeah, Ferrari. Wait... FERRARI? SW33TNESS!" The game is still the same no matter what car companies are represened in the Gran Turismo series. My North Texas buddy, * McLaren * brought up a good point in Post #445 { }. A game probably gets a little more attention because Ferrari is featured. It doesn't mean, however, that the game is automatically better than past GT's with this deal. Hark back to Squaresoft's (now SquareEnix) failed racing game called "Driving Emotion Type-S." Was DET-S the game to knock GT off its throne? Ask the many unsatisfied gamers. I know this game featured Porsche, but I think Ferrari was there too. I've defended the notion of no Ferrari and such in past GTs because I can always look for other cars to be excited about. Either excited or interested based on your perspective.

Sheruken was also true in that you can build the GT you want instead of having a lot of here-and-there cars most people don't even want. You want that all-sports car GT? You can build it and put in as many tracks as you want to have. Maybe you only want to compete in America with muscle cars. Either that, or have the muscle cars only to give high-dollar supercars a spanking. So it's all good regardless.

I'll comment if I have something else to bring up.
Then make the best cars unavailable until you reach a certain level. Problem solved. I agree about the rest of the post though, GT is all about choice.
And that's a good business strategy from Sonys point of view how? This whole start with nothing concept sucks, royally.
is it me, or is GTHD not going to come out until the end of next year? because i have that feeling, and i want to know if any of you are having this feeling, too?
Nice to see the Impreza WRX STi Spec-C Type-RA in the game. Limited edition to commemorate Subaru's attempt at the Nurburgring lap record.
is it me, or is GTHD not going to come out until the end of next year? because i have that feeling, and i want to know if any of you are having this feeling, too?
I have a slight gut feeling that this will be delayed... for maybe a month or two. Definitely not a year.
No, I don't think a game with no content can be delayed.


You have to remember though, part of GTHD is the Premium part of it, aka GT5 Prologue. They're only 60% though with that I think.
So basically you are intelligent enough to customize your own GTHD:Premium and not buy every Daihatsu and different Versions of Supras and Evos and Skylines. You can buy the ones right for you? Or are you just too bored to go online and spend money over virtual cars and tracks?

Gran Turismo has always been about depth of vehicles. If I want to drive a 1982 Ford Sierra suddenly, then, so long as it's part of the game, I can without having to download it.

Either way you can wait till 2008 (till the actual GT5 "Full Package" comes) and get your Daihatsus and Supras and Skylines etc. and stop saying the same things over and over again..

The same things like "I'm waiting for GT5"?

I'm waiting for GT5 (which will probably have the same crap attached to it).

I suggest you go back and re-read my post - which was a short piece on why this is a marketing slip-up by Sony, rather than a destitute moan - before you accuse me of "whining" again.
[COLOR=#0d000]Gran Turismo has always been about depth of vehicles. If I want to drive a 1982 Ford Sierra suddenly, then, so long as it's part of the game, I can without having to download it.[/COLOR]

Very weird. Perhaps black is the color of Famine when he is in pure anger.
It's that metomorphosis I was talking about in that thread in the rumble strip.