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- United Kingdom
- theufc33
Alright, half update, half spiel about the terrible job of quality control I've done with the early part of this career. It should've been near spotless when it launched but it was not. I truly do apologise for it.
TL;DR - No more doc updates after these ones below, and I mean it this time. If something has an issue, the documents won't change.
I think, at last, though it is way overdue, it should be smooth sailing now with few issues. But if something does pop up, I will absolutely fix something in a post reply as an edit the user can make to their copied doc - and this fix would not be large, it would be quick to implement.
It's not fair to keep asking people to re-copy documents or make edits to their copied document, for something I failed to catch.
If you play the Supercharged event in the National League now, please note that it now requires a low-end supercharger. I have updated the document for both Classic and Hybrid, but no need to re-copy if you don't want to, it's a quick edit.
Also, the Two-Face event in the Professional League for both Classic and Hybrid documents now has the correct PP limit (Dodge Super Bee default PP) and Racing: Hard as a tyre limit for regular play with vehicle default as a tyre limit for custom play.
You may want to re-copy the doc, but it's not a large change so it won't take long. Still, I apologise for even bringing up having to make an edit if you want to keep your existing edits.
I accidentally put the PP limit text into the tyre limit text, so that's why I had to change it.
For the Gran Turismo Works and GT Works Group 4 World Tour events in the Expert League for both the Classic and Hybrid documents, the wide body is no longer a required upgrade.
Also, Racing: Hard is now specified as the starting tyre in dry conditions. It was listed previously as the maximum grade dry tyre but it's just specified now as the starting tyre for a dry track.
@pritchyTim alerted me to the Supercharged change and it was something I couldn't not fix, but from here on any issues will stand as they are. They should stand as blemishes against the work and an indication that I didn't do a good job at catching them.
Clearly I rested way too much on thinking my early phase work on the career was watertight enough but it was not. The later stuff is double and triple checked - the early stuff I was assuming was still good but I'm seeing that I wasn't proper enough at the time to ensure it all worked. I did go over it before releasing the career, but not enough. I assumed that, at the time, I would've ensured the event was fine. That's my mistake.
It's not the whole early game that needed fixes, just bits here and there but it builds up and looks very unprofessional. Amateur hour on my end, a big learning lesson, and things like this I will not repeat going forward. I apologise to anyone who has played for all the required edits/re-copies.
Any issues that appear going forward - the documents will not be updated on my end. But, if it's brought up here or on Reddit I will more than happily mention what it should be rather than what it is at that moment.
As most of the post-launch issues were in the early game, and the recent changes has taken care of a lot on that front, I think any future cases would be few.
I will 100% fix anything that pops up "ad-hoc" and post the fix in a reply, but it's silly to keep requiring people to make any edits to their copied documents, or to re-copy the document.
I just can't stand leaving stuff that could be fixed if it's brought up but now I need to let it go in terms of editing docs. If issues are found, I'll happily fix it in a post reply where the OP makes the changes to their document.
They won't be large changes required on the user's end, only small things if need be like PP or tyre limit changes, or a different type of upgrade. Nothing big, that's not fair to ask of people for my mistake of all things.
With that said, the total number of issues from launch was not high. Things I definitely should've caught, but a small part of the overall career - that I am utterly sure of. And all of these early game issues should now be fixed. Still, it should never have happened in the first place.
To reaffirm, and I really mean it this time, if something has an issue (cases should be minimal if any), I won't update the docs. No more changes to them - I will absolutely fix it in a post reply if it's mentioned to me. But the docs are done now. I promise.
TL;DR - No more doc updates after these ones below, and I mean it this time. If something has an issue, the documents won't change.
I think, at last, though it is way overdue, it should be smooth sailing now with few issues. But if something does pop up, I will absolutely fix something in a post reply as an edit the user can make to their copied doc - and this fix would not be large, it would be quick to implement.
It's not fair to keep asking people to re-copy documents or make edits to their copied document, for something I failed to catch.
If you play the Supercharged event in the National League now, please note that it now requires a low-end supercharger. I have updated the document for both Classic and Hybrid, but no need to re-copy if you don't want to, it's a quick edit.
Also, the Two-Face event in the Professional League for both Classic and Hybrid documents now has the correct PP limit (Dodge Super Bee default PP) and Racing: Hard as a tyre limit for regular play with vehicle default as a tyre limit for custom play.
You may want to re-copy the doc, but it's not a large change so it won't take long. Still, I apologise for even bringing up having to make an edit if you want to keep your existing edits.
I accidentally put the PP limit text into the tyre limit text, so that's why I had to change it.
For the Gran Turismo Works and GT Works Group 4 World Tour events in the Expert League for both the Classic and Hybrid documents, the wide body is no longer a required upgrade.
Also, Racing: Hard is now specified as the starting tyre in dry conditions. It was listed previously as the maximum grade dry tyre but it's just specified now as the starting tyre for a dry track.
@pritchyTim alerted me to the Supercharged change and it was something I couldn't not fix, but from here on any issues will stand as they are. They should stand as blemishes against the work and an indication that I didn't do a good job at catching them.
Clearly I rested way too much on thinking my early phase work on the career was watertight enough but it was not. The later stuff is double and triple checked - the early stuff I was assuming was still good but I'm seeing that I wasn't proper enough at the time to ensure it all worked. I did go over it before releasing the career, but not enough. I assumed that, at the time, I would've ensured the event was fine. That's my mistake.
It's not the whole early game that needed fixes, just bits here and there but it builds up and looks very unprofessional. Amateur hour on my end, a big learning lesson, and things like this I will not repeat going forward. I apologise to anyone who has played for all the required edits/re-copies.
Any issues that appear going forward - the documents will not be updated on my end. But, if it's brought up here or on Reddit I will more than happily mention what it should be rather than what it is at that moment.
As most of the post-launch issues were in the early game, and the recent changes has taken care of a lot on that front, I think any future cases would be few.
I will 100% fix anything that pops up "ad-hoc" and post the fix in a reply, but it's silly to keep requiring people to make any edits to their copied documents, or to re-copy the document.
I just can't stand leaving stuff that could be fixed if it's brought up but now I need to let it go in terms of editing docs. If issues are found, I'll happily fix it in a post reply where the OP makes the changes to their document.
They won't be large changes required on the user's end, only small things if need be like PP or tyre limit changes, or a different type of upgrade. Nothing big, that's not fair to ask of people for my mistake of all things.
With that said, the total number of issues from launch was not high. Things I definitely should've caught, but a small part of the overall career - that I am utterly sure of. And all of these early game issues should now be fixed. Still, it should never have happened in the first place.
To reaffirm, and I really mean it this time, if something has an issue (cases should be minimal if any), I won't update the docs. No more changes to them - I will absolutely fix it in a post reply if it's mentioned to me. But the docs are done now. I promise.
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