Gran Turismo Sport Director on Career Mode changes

  • Thread starter urmie
Between 4 and 5 200k difference and then half of the number sold only two years later and with the maximal possible instal base at that time can have as many variables as you like.

Are you even aware of what you are arguing? Let me refresh your memory.

My point is that the interest in cars in general and cars related games is decresing since the 2000's while people don't mind buing basicly the same shooters every year without complaining. And now when PD made a bold move most of the people is complaining that the game is not the same as it used to be.

So apart from your sales figures being miles off, nothing you have argued after that has done anything to further your argument.

Yes, GT6 sales dropped off, but there is nothing indicating 5 million people lost interest in racing in a span of a few years.
Well, there you have it. Thanks 'new users'.

"Twenty years ago, when we did the first Gran Turismo, people knew what happens when you change an air filter or increased compression ratios do to your car. But the new users don’t have that knowledge anymore because they’re not as interested in the cars, so we’ve simplified [some areas of the game] so you can do the exact same thing you were doing in the past, but it’s more user-friendly for people just getting into cars."

Sony's golden goose is severely wounded and the competition is out for blood. You can't be that naive running a business. How do you create a car game based solely on online competitive racing only to dumb it down because you believe "new users don’t have car knowledge anymore because they’re not as interested in the cars". Are you serious.. Does that make since to anyone?
Even if you are one of the few who really likes the new direction of GTS just think what all your missing out on because of that logic. How much of a better experience could you be getting out of GTS if they believed you were into cars. Unbelievable!!!

So far unless your on GTPlanet the overall reviews and comments on GTS are less than favorable and making statements like that is only throwing salt in the wound. The competition has caught up with Grand Turismo and you better believe they are watching very closely as to how people are responding on this new direction. Somebody is going to succeed on getting it right for the PS4 or PS5 and that might mean staying with the new direction, going back to the old way or combining both together but the first company to do so will take PD down and become Sony's new golden goose because PD has lost it and is completely out of touch with planet earth. I think Yamauchi probably axed more out of GTS than just an in-depth career option and in the end will have axed themselves.
I believe the article title is very misleading. As @Vspectra posted.
Kazunori Yamauchi never stated that they removed the carreer mode rather then simplified it (making it more user friendly) compared to classic GT Mode.

The title mentions that "GT Sport Director axed carreer mode because players aren't that into cars anymore". This is not the case, there is no mention of carreer mode being removed/axed because the players lacks knowledge of cars (or are not that into cars).

In the article as I mentioned above Kazunori states: the classic GT Mode has been simplified rather then completely removed. Sure the guy can have his own opinion expressed on Kaz's quote but to say it has been completely removed is simply misleading IMO. While I also show my disgust for this new approach (because it seems to be a fairly narrow GT mode) I understand it makes it more user friendly starting off with "driving school" (same as licenses in classic GT) to mission challenges ("classic GT Mode as quoted by Kaz").

On behalf of players that are not into cars anymore, this has no connection whatsoever to the carreer mode being "removed" rather than the missing GT upgrade shop/car parts also being simplified.

As much as we want the past GT style back, I am afraid this is what we will be getting in the future. It is only a matter or take it or leave it from Sony PD.
Thanks all for the feedback, title thread changed. Admittingly, I did just copy/paste the author's article title. I don't agree with Kaz's approach, would like the old school career mode. But like most heads of studios, they are going to spin it either way. Kaz excusing the missions as a career mode is simply wrong and quite frankly, after 4 years, shows, to me, he was still behind in development to implement a proper mode with the shop/upgrades. (unless this was his plan from the beginning??)

Who knows, maybe down the line, they release a proper GT7.....when PS5 Pro X Special Edition Upper Plus comes out.
Thanks all for the feedback, title thread changed. Admittingly, I did just copy/paste the author's article title. I don't agree with Kaz's approach, would like the old school career mode. But like most heads of studios, they are going to spin it either way. Kaz excusing the missions as a career mode is simply wrong and quite frankly, after 4 years, shows, to me, he was still behind in development to implement a proper mode with the shop/upgrades. (unless this was his plan from the beginning??)

Who knows, maybe down the line, they release a proper GT7.....when PS5 Pro X Special Edition Upper Plus comes out.
I was actually reffering to the article title itself and also realized that you copy pasted the title as soon as I opened it, otherwise I would have said thread title.

But yeah agree on the things you say here.
Are you even aware of what you are arguing? Let me refresh your memory.

So apart from your sales figures being miles off, nothing you have argued after that has done anything to further your argument.

Yes, GT6 sales dropped off, but there is nothing indicating 5 million people lost interest in racing in a span of a few years.
If you want to be exact start from the highest selling game.
I think they made a huge mistake calling this game GT-anything. It should have had a completely different title, something that reflects what PD's current and future ambition actually is. A lot of people have valid complaints when comparing GTS to past iterations, a new name may have been a way to separate it from the past, and allow it to be judged for what it actually is/will be on it's own.
I think they made a huge mistake calling this game GT-anything. It should have had a completely different title, something that reflects what PD's current and future ambition actually is. A lot of people have valid complaints when comparing GTS to past iterations, a new name may have been a way to separate it from the past, and allow it to be judged for what it actually is/will be on it's own.


Race cademy might have been an ideal title for this. Maybe even E Race Sports.

But there is next to nothing "gran turismo" about this title.
Whether you disagree with Kaz or not, if you read his quote he said is he considers Mission Challenge the same as the old GT career mode and they streamlined it into a new user interface.

“In a narrow sense, the part that was the GT Mode in the past is now called Mission Challenge,” he said. “It’s single player, there are various different types of races, from the very short to the very long, with different regulations, and you can tune up the cars that you purchased to participate in those races.”

“When people are talking about there’s no campaign mode, or no GT Mode anymore, that’s not quite true,” Yamauchi told us. “It’s just a change to the UI (user interface). All the things that you were able to do in the past in those modes are in the game.”

"Twenty years ago, when we did the first Gran Turismo, people knew what happens when you change an air filter; people knew what increased compression ratios do to your car. But the new users don’t have that knowledge anymore because they’re not as interested in the cars, so we’ve simplified that area [of the game] so you can do the exact same thing you were doing in the past, but it’s more user-friendly for people just getting into cars.”​
Well, obviously Kaz's mind is not much good at remembering things these days?
"All the things that you were able to do in the past in those modes are in the game.”
Well alright, point me to a championship please Sir. :) One with oh, lets say a 10 race GT Championship. Is that in there with the Mission races?
Oh really, come on Kaz, call it for what it is, a cut down GT. 👎