I'd shrug. Because that's what I do when someone makes a wild claim on the internet with no proof whatsoever. If what you say is true there would be lawsuits all over the place. There are none. Not 'a few', none, zero.
The simple reason is that these companies have investors/publishers and as are bound by fairly strict rules and laws preventing them from doing this (as it exposes them to lawsuits). Hell, the UK authorities even investigated Hello Games (No Mans Sky) for a false advertising complaint and decided there was no case. Wonder why there's no class action lawsuit against them? Because there are no grounds. And that was way more hyping than Kaz has ever done for all of his games combined.
People should stop looking for malice behind every action as usually there is none. Over-ambition? Sure. Incompetence? Sure. Lying to drive sales? Nope.
Yeah mate I exaggerated the entire deal. I'll grant you that. But yeah I'm feel confident saying that companies (early on) set goals that are overly ambitious and I'm confident a lot of people within the company know when they do.
As example: companies I worked for have often started projects that where overly ambitious at start. We the engineering department would explain why and how that is overly abutious yet that doesn't matter. No they tell us we are pessimists.
So yes I have the guts to come out here and say that certain people knew those claims where overly ambitious and yes I admit that stupid people with little to no technical background eventually make descisions on that behalve. This leads to claims that are considered overly abituous while by the time they did put them out (very early development stages) they have been told time and time again it won't work in time. This is on purpose. If not then they refuse to learn from their own mistakes.
And as Einstein once said: "insanity is repeating the same experiment over and over expecting diffirent results."
So you draw your conclusions on marketing.
Then when the true advertising starts they afvertise the real content available. Because there are laws that prohibit them frop falsly advertising.
See the diffrence? I give way less leeway in what is considered overly ambitious.
Take gts overly ambitious kind of is an overstatement. This game had a release date in november 2016 here we are summer 2017 and the closest to a releasedate we get is .... Fall 2017.
One year delay is not something that just happens. This is a huge misunderstanding of the amount of work that is required to develop a game.
So what's more plausible they ran into a series of unexpected hick up's that made thel delay the launch by a full year. Or they set their goals totaly wrong whith some people in company knowing it and some people withint the company in denial. My personal experience shows the latter, and yes denying as those exact same people are then mad at the people who warned them it's impossible....
So yeah mate I was somewhat harsh and cutted a few turns when I exlained what my opinion is on those marketingstrategies in the very early developmentstages.
Again no I do not claim false advertising I claim willfull ignorance from the marketing departments and people that have to check for false advertising don't know ... About the technical world.
Yes this a claim and opinion that I extrapolate from my own life as a mechanical engineer. So if you know people in simmilar jobs who encounter a diffre't way of working please do ingorm me as I understand anecdotal evidence is pretty much worthless.
I also hope you understand I do not mean they're sitting in a room mwuahahah how can we falsely advertise this game. I just believe in early development they rather tell us what they wish the game to be rather then what they might be able to accomplish. Is that more rational?