Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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Destiny had a very weak story though didn't it? the online helped the sales a lot.
The quality of the story's not really relevant is it, it's akin to saying GT5 sold loads because the online made up for the rubbish AI.

Fair point but I'd say only a minority buy games like BF/COD for the single player. Even the new COD will have an online hub space so the titles I've mentioned have MP as the primary focus.
I'd love to see numbers supporting that, as I'm not convinced it's as significant as that, not that it translates directly to racing titles.
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This is hard to guess. I also regret that I did not get the preorder bonuses for GT5. But I would take an example for FINAL FANTASY XV Collector Edition contents, they was exclusive for collector owners for some time but later those contents are available (sold) to all. So there is a chance but it depends to PD/Sony.

But I am getting the GTS CE on day 1 so I no need to bother lol.
I sure hope so. For personal reasons, I don't really want to get the game on day 1, I want to buy it later on. However if it has pre order bonus cars that I won't be able to obtain any other way, then I probably will pre order it since I hate to miss out on pre order bonuses. I want to get GTS, but on my own terms.

I can't provide actual numbers for all games. But Battlefront sold like hot cakes, and the best selling game this past few months has been PUBG. I get your point (and I am not bringing up GTS, just the fact that MP focused titles do well/better than SP focused titles).

@ImaRobot Aside from IW, almost every COD this gen had very bad single player campaigns, yet they all sold a lot.
I can't provide actual numbers for all games. But Battlefront sold like hot cakes, and the best selling game this past few months has been PUBG
Battlefront was also widely criticized for it's lack of single player campaign mode that we came to expect from the past iterations. This time around they're putting a heavy focus on it, and can you guess why?

I get your point (and I am not bringing up GTS, just the fact that MP focused titles do well/better than SP focused titles).
I still haven't seen anything showing these purely online games hitting the charts like those games that don't share that focus. You've continued down a route answering a question with an answer that was little relevant to the question asked, and used examples of games that have a pretty extensive offline counterpart to say that they sold well purely because of the online component.
GTA V, Rocket league, PUGB, Destiny, The Division , BF, Rainbow six, FIFA, COD, I could go on. I know almost all of these have a single player component but they keep charting because of their online component. The only purely single player game that can compete with these is Uncharted 4 and even that has a huge MP aspect.

I'm not an online guy but I can see the shift to MP and games as a service type games being the most popular this generation (not that there is no place for single player only games mind).

I only have experience with GTA V, (Star Wars) BF, and Rocket League, so I won't speak on the others. But GTA had a whole ton of offline content when it launched. And, perhaps most importantly: GTA Online gets regular updates. I agree that the online aspect is what has kept it selling for nearly four years (!!!), but I sincerely doubt it would have done so had Rockstar not constantly worked on it.

Rocket League is a slightly different situation. It's a team-based game, it's not full price, and it requires a relatively low level of skill to jump in. It too has received a steady stream of updates.

What I get from this is that these games need to stay fresh in peoples' minds with constant improvements/DLC. Polyphony has hinted at post-release support, support that mercifully won't take as long as GT5's to come on-steam. But we don't really know any other details. GTAV has free updates, but it has all those shark card microtransactions (something Kaz said won't be a part of GT Sport). It sold substantially more than GT pretty much anything, so I'm guessing that makes it easier to "write off" the constant post-release support. SWBF had pricey DLC. Rocket League has a lot of at-cost stuff too (though more reasonably priced).

The lack of a Season Pass makes me think there isn't a set schedule for GT Sport's DLC yet. It also means there's a chance it could be free. We'll find out soon enough...

...And the livery editor, and brand central, and the campaign mode (even if it's criticized for being pointless to some). I do agree that the online component is crucial though.

The livery editor looks, in ways, better and worse than other offerings out there. That being said, knowing how much time I've sunk into those other ones, I can see myself doing the same in GT Sport — I'll just run out of car-specific ideas far quicker!

From what we've seen of the campaign, it certainly doesn't look substantial in the same way its competitors' do. There's still more to see of course, but a bit over 100 training missions and one-lap-magic style events doesn't sound the same as simulated multi-year experiences in the motorsports world with contracts and invitationals. Or even what was possible in previous GT careers.
I already love the campaign mode ! Circuit Experience et Racing Etiquette are the best in my opinion.

Learn all tracks sector by sector and in full, this is something that I find very useful. This was besides the best special mission in Gran Turismo 5 where we have to master Nurburgring. Really, this is great news.

And the Racing Etiquette seems to be very promising! :)

Yeah, I plan to Gold all of the Campaign mode events, and continually use the Circuit Exp. to make sure my lines stay sharp. It looks to be much better than all of the license test in past GT games.

Regardless of whether some will/won't use them, it is a substantially useful tool to have.
Yeah, I plan to Gold all of the Campaign mode events, and continually use the Circuit Exp. to make sure my lines stay sharp. It looks to be much better than all of the license test in past GT games.

Regardless of whether some will/won't use them, it is a substantially useful tool to have.
It definitely will be a useful to for many users, but this mode is no reason to exclude a properly set up offline component with some sort of progression or championship style races against AI.

Is the online component locked out until you finish these races? I would imagine not, but I haven't read anything on it.
Battlefront was also widely criticized for it's lack of single player campaign mode that we came to expect from the past iterations. This time around they're putting a heavy focus on it, and can you guess why?

I still haven't seen anything showing these purely online games hitting the charts like those games that don't share that focus. You've continued down a route answering a question with an answer that was little relevant to the question asked, and used examples of games that have a pretty extensive offline counterpart to say that they sold well purely because of the online component.

I hope you're not expecting a substantial offline campaign in BF2. Neglecting the fact that GTSport isn't an online only game -- fine the best selling game the past few months has been PUBG and 2 months ago Friday the 13th was the best selling NPD game IIRC.
It definitely will be a useful to for many users, but this mode is no reason to exclude a properly set up offline component with some sort of progression or championship style races against AI.

Is the online component locked out until you finish these races? I would imagine not, but I haven't read anything on it.

I hope you're not expecting a substantial offline campaign in BF2.
Why not?
fine the best selling game the past few months has been PUBG and 2 months ago Friday the 13th was the best selling NPD game IIRC.
What is PUBG?

I see you'd rather continue with childish replies than continue a discussion. No reply at all would have been more commendable than what you have been posting to both discussion. It's a sad thing to see, considering you've been so well at discussing in the past, and how easy it was to interact with you even if we disagreed.

@ImaRobot SW Battlefront sold 15 millions, and it s an online only game at launch
Yes it sure did. I didn't deny the fact, I was just waiting for someone to supply some context. My point was that even though there are purely online games that do sell well, they are not dominating the market.

Would you deny that the game would have sold more if it had released with a substantial offline aspect to it?
Why not?

What is PUBG?

I see you'd rather continue with childish replies than continue a discussion. No reply at all would have been more commendable than what you have been posting to both discussion. It's a sad thing to see, considering you've been so well at discussing in the past, and how easy it was to interact with you even if we disagreed.

Yes it sure did. I didn't deny the fact, I was just waiting for someone to supply some context. My point was that even though there are purely online games that do sell well, they are not dominating the market.

Would you deny that the game would have sold more if it had released with a substantial offline aspect to it?
I don't know, it s hard to predict if a game depending of his content will sell very well or not
I don't know, it s hard to predict if a game depending of his content will sell very well or not
I for one think that more content would help out with a games sales, than if we had one released on a parallel timeline with only an online aspect of the same game. You're right though.
That doesn't change the fact that it's an FPS game, which has a much larger audience than racing games.

...and it had the name recognition of arguably one of the biggest brands in all of pop culture. And it's been almost permanently discounted for the past year (or more).

It's all part of what makes the sales talk about GT Sport so fascinating to me. There's nothing to compare it to directly. It's so unlike what's come before that I have no idea where it'll land.
I see you'd rather continue with childish replies than continue a discussion. No reply at all would have been more commendable than what you have been posting to both discussion. It's a sad thing to see, considering you've been so well at discussing in the past, and how easy it was to interact with you even if we disagreed.

1) I never said the campaign mode was a reason to exclude off-line race series
2) I never said that online was locked

It's not easy to interact with you when you tie me into claims I didn't make and I don't feel like going back-n-forth dancing around points and explaining intentions.

So... OK. Another day, maybe.
1) I never said the campaign mode was a reason to exclude off-line race series
I never said that you said that. You seem to follow a train of thought that if you didn't say it yourself that it can't be added to the discussion. That is not how it works, and it was an extension and reply to your point.
2) I never said that online was locked
I'm even more confused at this second post, more so than the first one. I asked a question. Again, I didn't say that's what you said.

It's not easy to interact with you when you tie me into claims I didn't make
Not a single soul is doing that.

I don't feel like going back-n-forth dancing around points and explaining intentions.
see you around then. Or likely not, if you're just going to make up situations that aren't happening. I expected more from you than false accusations.
It's akin to H1Z1 sort of type (think they're called Battle royal games). To quote Zoolander "it's so hot right now"
It is a big game, I never denied they existed. I had asked if we'd find a multitude of specifically single player games topping the charts in this age. They exist, but they aren't tipping the scale in anyway, as almost every major seller* recently has been games that focus on both aspects, rather than one.

*I seemed to exclude it from my initial post, but everyone seemed to follow suit anyways, but I was mainly talking about console releases. I know it's too late to change the point now, as I don't want to make it seem like I'm trying to alter my view point though.
I already love the campaign mode ! Circuit Experience et Racing Etiquette are the best in my opinion.

Learn all tracks sector by sector and in full, this is something that I find very useful. This was besides the best special mission in Gran Turismo 5 where we have to master Nurburgring. Really, this is great news.

And the Racing Etiquette seems to be very promising! :)
You know chap, you are literally the most optimistic guy in this forum :lol:,
I also will give this "campaign mode" a try since it will hopefully bring some nostalgic licence test vibe back in the old days, but surely is there not anything you find a flaw in the game?
Physics, sounds, lack of dynamic TOD and weather??

Never change pall never change :lol: :cheers:
I already love the campaign mode ! Circuit Experience et Racing Etiquette are the best in my opinion.

Learn all tracks sector by sector and in full, this is something that I find very useful. This was besides the best special mission in Gran Turismo 5 where we have to master Nurburgring. Really, this is great news.

And the Racing Etiquette seems to be very promising! :)
While we each have our own idea of what is appealing in a game, I can't get my head wrapped around how an experienced sim pilot would be even remotely entertained by a game designed for people aged 7-77, guiding you through circuits corner by corner. Especially so when you're already familiar with some of the tracks in the game.
While we each have our own idea of what is appealing in a game, I can't get my head wrapped around how an experienced sim pilot would be even remotely entertained by a game designed for people aged 7-77, guiding you through circuits corner by corner. Especially so when you're already familiar with some of the tracks in the game.
What's appealing in a game is different for everyone. I've been playing racing games since Sega Megadrive days and yet the GT 6 licence tests were great fun for me and some of my friends. The leader-boards made each one like a mini-game for us and we were always challenging each other to beat our times on specific tests. If the same sort of leader-boards are on the GT Sport track tests, then I can see us again challenging each other to go way under the gold times again. Fun is what you make of things sometimes, even for experienced pilots in a game for all ages.:)
Yeah, I totally agree. I definitely want to see more about the livery editor and preferably in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing and is decent at making liveries.

Still a few unanswered questions in my mind in this area. I get they likely don't want to divulge everything, but man, that short vid dosen't really show much of anything.

The wait continues. :indiff:
Yeah, I totally agree. I definitely want to see more about livery editior and preferably in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing and is decent at making liveries.

Still a few unanswered questions in my mind in this area. I get they likely don't want to divulge everything, but man, that short vid dosen't really show much of anything.

The wait continues. :indiff:
Did you not see the PS Access video? As someone who doesn't create liveries in racing games, I'm not sure how good this looks.

And the video might not include everything possible.
