Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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But the ball is being played by the man
Its not a subject for debate or discussion.

Do it again and you post gets deleted and you will get a warning, try and argue an exception for yourself and the same will happen.

The staff have had to do the same for posters of both 'sides' of the debate in this thread numerous times, you will not get a pass on it.

Argue the point, do not target the person.
This is actually true. NFS was a monster series back in the day and caught more attention from racing fans than any PC Cars or Forza could ever. The racing genre has massively declined, Europe is the only region where the genre is still bustling and thats mainly due to GT. If GT collapses (2-3 million lifetime), which it won't, the genre is in serious trouble in the eyes of AAA pubs.

GT is way closer to iRacing for instance than NFS to GT imo (at least as how I see it and how I play it - looking for something closer to reality and closer to the races I see in real life and trying to replicate them in a game).

NFS Hot Persuit came 2 years after GT3. Besides being a arcade game (and that's why I and most people don't even compare them as a whole), it sold a small fraction of GT3. NFS undergound was released 3 years after GT3 and sold half of GT3.

NFS was a monster series because it was very accessible and easy to play. Also it launched game after game, with some of them being pretty average in quality but selling either way because it was the biggest (and oldest?) arcade racing game on the market.

Find me a thread with a good discussion in GTplanet (or any other place on the internet for that matter) comparing GT3 to any other "racing game" from the early 2000s. The kind of threads we find for GT vs FM, GT vs PC, GT vs AC, etc.
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GTSport better impress. (that is Angela Merkel)
Oh look, the same posters trying their hardest at making a strawman :lol:
At this point I'm sure everyone on this forum knows the schtick you guys have against GT.
My shtick? What might that be, considering I'm actually purchasing the game? I have equal parts negative as I currently do positively for GTS, and have expressed both. Try adding to the actual discussion, and if you can't find something reasonable to respond with than maybe you should just let it be.
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Its not a subject for debate or discussion.

Do it again and you post gets deleted and you will get a warning, try and argue an exception for yourself and the same will happen.

The staff have had to do the same for posters of both 'sides' of the debate in this thread numerous times, you will not get a pass on it.

Argue the point, do not target the person.

Fair enough.

GT is way closer to iRacing for instance than NFS to GT imo (at least as how I see it and how I play it - looking for something closer to reality and closer to the races I see in real life and trying to replicate them in a game).

NFS Hot Persuit came 2 years after GT3. Besides being a arcade game (and that's why I and most people don't even compare them as a whole), it sold a small fraction of GT3. NFS undergound was released 3 years after GT3 and sold half of GT3.

NFS was a monster series because it was very accessible and easy to play. Also it launched game after game, with some of them being pretty average in quality but selling either way because it was the biggest (and oldest?) arcade racing game on the market.

Find me a thread with a good discussion in GTplanet (or any other place on the internet for that matter) comparing GT3 to any other "racing game" from the early 2000s. The kind of threads we find for GT vs FM, GT vs PC, GT vs AC, etc.

GT isn't just for sim fans. Its why it has massive sales that no other sims have reached: it appeals to racing fans in general. In that aspect NFS was far bigger competition back in the day, where arcade racers were quite popular.
GT isn't just for sim fans. Its why it has massive sales that no other sims have reached: it appeals to racing fans in general. In that aspect NFS was far bigger competition back in the day, where arcade racers were quite popular.
Arcade racers hit popularity first, and had a good standing for a while, but even than they did not put a dent on GT sales, and weren't really seen in competition with GT. The similarities just being the cars. It was in an area of the Genre, basically sitting on it's own in terms of competition, and that's why it was such a huge name back then. Actual competition in terms of style of game and aim came later with Forza, and after with the more current game. I feel the closest and more comparable game from back than would have been PGR. Looking at it, it looks like it even sold as much as NFS, yet VGChartz is apparently not the most reliable source.
Fair enough.

GT isn't just for sim fans. Its why it has massive sales that no other sims have reached: it appeals to racing fans in general. In that aspect NFS was far bigger competition back in the day, where arcade racers were quite popular.
Which is why I think this will be a sales failure. It is only appealing to online racers and not to all those racing fans in general which drove the sales...
Which is why I think this will be a sales failure. It is only appealing to online racers and not to all those racing fans in general which drove the sales...

There's only one winner in driving game sales this fall though. I can't imagine by how much, but it's definitely going to happen.

On a budget, I'm sticking to GT, all else can wait.
On the subject of GT3's competition versus GT Sport's: apologies, but I'm quoting @trustjab's post from a page ago as it seemed most relevant:

No competition? What about Ridge Racer V, Project Gotham Racing, Tokyo extreme racer, Burnout 2, Midnight Club, NFS Hot Pursuit 2, Auto Modelista (really cool game), Total Immersion racing (one my favs with those lmps), F1 2001/2002, Sega GT etc.? I think GT had more competition back then than it does now. I bet you could find games with more content than GT3 and ones with less but probably with better physics or this or that. I said it before (don't criticize on me on this) but GT doesn't need to be the best at everything. It never was.

A good chunk of those games were only competition to GT in the sense that they had cars. Sega GT is — unsurprisingly — the closest in spirit, but it had its own sets of issues (shameless plug: read @glassjaw's retrospective on it). PGR did pretty well back in the day, but it was more in the style of NFS (or Horizon/Driveclub these days).

But nothing on consoles really hit the mix of content/realism that GT did. SGT almost had the car count (and it got closest), but the physics were cack. TXR appealed to the folks obsessed with JDM stuff, but was a very different racing experience. F1 is F1.

You could make the argument that Grand Theft Auto is now more competition for GT than it was back then, too.

Now, there are plenty of realistic options. The first PCARS introduced a variety of motorsports features GT didn't have, but it suffered from a messy launch. Assetto Corsa moved the physics/feedback game on, but it can't match the graphics (and is a little light on content too). Forza has staked out the same ground between simulation and accessibility as GT over on Xbox (and now on PC).

GT Sport has a lower car count than either PCARS2 and FM7 — slightly and massively, respectively. It has far less tracks than either. GT3 was a small game in terms of car/track count in comparison to the rest of the franchise, but it was still a huge game when stacked against its contemporaries. It also featured variety in its car list that GT Sport doesn't.

It was also sixteen years ago. A lot has changed. With the announcement of this new GT Sport PS4, Sony has likely cemented GT Sport's sales victory in the genre this autumn. Depending on how limited this Limited Edition actually is, that could represent a bump of a few million sales.
AC have less than 100 cars, i don't know the numbers of tracks but...

Hell, i love the game!
Yesterday i was playing some Pcars, just to play with a friend that dont have AC, got into a Indy car race at Brands Hatch and it was amazing as well.

If i had to choose, i would stay with AC, Luckly, i don't need to do that.

So, there's a good chance of GTS to be a great game with less content than it's competition.
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This is off topic but this is one thing I wish PD had implemented in later GT games, and hopefully GTS:

At around the 0:40 mark and even before then, you see the spectators moving out of the way as the cars come by and even a person jumping out into the middle of track to take a picture, and quickly running back. This is something very minor but what happened to it?