Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Certainly. The Map of GT4 is a bit like that.

God i love that map,it's so unique and the art style is so cool to look at,and the dirt & snow section is out of boundaries really cool.
Yes the game save every of your progress, online.

The local save data is only used for offline use. The game will always sync to the servers first before starting.

(I switch between home and office PS4s with same PSN account)

Thanx for the reply man. I got another PS4 and when I reinstalled the game all the progress was there. I can confirm that.

I only lost my scape pictures and replays, but those were saved in my PS4 not in an online save cloud. That I already knew.
When are they gonna add control mapping and an actual clutch system on controller? Forza does it just fine and so does projects cars....I want cars to actually feel adjustable like a real driving simulator is supposed to deliver
The 6C Biposto was apparently cancelled way back in GT6. I doubt this will ever happen since its been about 4 years since Alfa Romeo pulled out of Vision Gran Turismo.
Anything could happen, I guess, so might as well, never say never with this one. My likely theory was that as Bertone was no longer part of Vision GT, Alfa Romeo could've had to rely on them for their Vision car. But I guess since they're now all designed in-house, maybe they can consider again. But my hopes and expectations for an Alfa Romeo Vision car would've been more streamlined and more futuristic-looking.

But then again, it's still a highly aerodynamic roadster. As it was called "6C" it might most likely have an upgraded version of the Giulia's engine.

Honda at one point was removed in the Vision GT list some time in 2015 alongside Lamborghini but Honda came back with their Vision car that was revealed too early during GT Sport's release.
Anything could happen, I guess, so might as well, never say never with this one. My likely theory was that as Bertone was no longer part of Vision GT, Alfa Romeo could've had to rely on them for their Vision car. But I guess since they're now all designed in-house, maybe they can consider again. But my hopes and expectations for an Alfa Romeo Vision car would've been more streamlined and more futuristic-looking.

But then again, it's still a highly aerodynamic roadster. As it was called "6C" it might most likely have an upgraded version of the Giulia's engine.

Honda at one point was removed in the Vision GT list some time in 2015 alongside Lamborghini but Honda came back with their Vision car that was revealed too early during GT Sport's release.
Can you give me links on Honda and Lamborghini's temporary removal from VGT?
Lewis is probably tuning the car so they can use that as the default setup.
What happen the set up Lewis tuning don't fit what the people want ? Does it mean is PD fault or Lewis fault ? I hope update make people happy, but remember it Lewis set up. People don't know it will be easier or hard to use. If the set up by Lewis it too similar with first one come out. What does it mean ? Are people bad driving the car ? I wonder they will focus on the most tho, the wheel or controller player ? If they really want to be authentic with the car should focus on the wheel. But I think controller player will not be happy. That what my take on the matter for tuning.
What happen the set up Lewis tuning don't fit what the people want ? Does it mean is PD fault or Lewis fault ? I hope update make people happy, but remember it Lewis set up. People don't know it will be easier or hard to use. If the set up by Lewis it too similar with first one come out. What does it mean ? Are people bad driving the car ? I wonder they will focus on the most tho, the wheel or controller player ? If they really want to be authentic with the car should focus on the wheel. But I think controller player will not be happy. That what my take on the matter for tuning.
I think the tuning part is more than just the set up, but rather the fundamentals of the car (ie. when ERS kicks in, DRS, the wheelspin that before the update is too much, but post update is nonexistent)

I think they will try to tune the car so that it at least handles like a real life F1 car (ie. wheelspin if you smash the throttle like common sense tells us, but not too much like we had pre-update). I'm guessing it will be harder to drive, especially since the Mercedes is known as a diva, but I think as long as it's authentic that's all they're aiming for. And don't sell GTS' controller implementation short, it's amazing and the cars work just as well on either control scheme. As a testament to this some of the tunes I have in my car were made by tuners that use the DS4, but handle perfectly fine and just as how the tuner describes them. I think if controller players will not be happy with the new tweaks to the F1 but wheel users are, it will be another fundamental problem regarding the car itself rather than the setup it has
I think the tuning part is more than just the set up, but rather the fundamentals of the car (ie. when ERS kicks in, DRS, the wheelspin that before the update is too much, but post update is nonexistent)

I think they will try to tune the car so that it at least handles like a real life F1 car (ie. wheelspin if you smash the throttle like common sense tells us, but not too much like we had pre-update). I'm guessing it will be harder to drive, especially since the Mercedes is known as a diva, but I think as long as it's authentic that's all they're aiming for. And don't sell GTS' controller implementation short, it's amazing and the cars work just as well on either control scheme. As a testament to this some of the tunes I have in my car were made by tuners that use the DS4, but handle perfectly fine and just as how the tuner describes them. I think if controller players will not be happy with the new tweaks to the F1 but wheel users are, it will be another fundamental problem regarding the car itself rather than the setup it has
It will be interesting if we have compared controllers player and wheel use after tuning and see the set up, if they update it again for the f1.
At what track is setting it up? That hasx much to do about car performance. It goes for most fast, hyper cars where, running at Tsukuba is not ideal- Fuji would be best for fast cars.
Still, the average player won't tweek the F1. Set up at Brands Hatch, will be the same set up at Nurburgring.
At what track is setting it up? That hasx much to do about car performance. It goes for most fast, hyper cars where, running at Tsukuba is not ideal- Fuji would be best for fast cars.
Still, the average player won't tweek the F1. Set up at Brands Hatch, will be the same set up at Nurburgring.
It could be Suzuka perhaps?