- 11,660
- GTP_Orido
They seem content with the audience they currently hold.
Are you sure ? Sales number is declining on gt6, that alone should give PD something to think over of what causes it. PD may have data/chart of how the user base are divided between casual and serious players between GT5 and GT6.
Knowing that hardcore or serious players are the minority, PD should be worried that the GT6 sales dropped a lot even when they have done game design decision to cater casuals : short endurances, no tire wear/fuel consumption in arcade, and the worst of all, stock setup that defines the term "loco" - PD changed the spring rate on many cars ( usually higher, some car originally accurate in GT5, now way stiffer in GT6 with adjustment range still very limited on custom ), the stock alignment ( PD sure know the issue with camber, 0.60 rear toe in for safety ), and weight distribution nightmare ( Saleen S7 MR with 52/48, FWD with inaccurate FR like distribution, RUF CTR2 AWD with 48/52, PD even got the poster boy GTR wrong )