Original PS4
CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores @ 1.6GHz
GPU: AMD GCN, 18 CUs @ 800MHz
Memory: 8GB GDDR5, 176GB/s
CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores @ 2.1GHz
GPU: AMD GCN, 36 CUs @ 911MHz
Memory: 8GB GDDR5, 218GB/s
Notice how what you say spec-wise is completely wrong? You didn't even get the original specs correct.
But, as you see, those specs are a slight overclocking from original.
To put that into context for you, my ordinary laptop has 1.4GHz Intel Core i5-4200U (dual-core). That's how insignificant the spec change is.
A jump from PS4-Original to PS4-K is so minuscule in terms of gaming, you'll barely notice the difference. Only the fact that games will run slightly smoother, and particle acceleration may be smoother too, as well as a potential of a slight increase in anti-aliasing, but that one is unlikely with those specs to keep the permanent 60FPS they are striving for.
If the Neo had 12GB GDDR5, as well as a 2TB HDD, and an overclocking of 3.0GH/z then it'd be a jump in gaming quality, and would essentially be a PS5. That is why they've kept it at the same specs, for pricing, and generation sake. That is why it is pointless to say you want a PS4 Neo unless you want silky smooth Virtual Reality. It's essentially a PS3 Super-Slim in PS4 form.
Just, no.
The Witcher looks rough and not very smooth framerate wise compared to PC. I have The Witcher 3, and it doesn't look half as good as their website photos that were captured on PC. DriveClub doesn't look that impressive to me personally, but has nice weather graphics. However, doesn't look photo-realistic.
Battlefront (again, which I own) probably runs at 40 FPS, and about 20 when you all attack the AT-AT at once. The game is unstable and has framerate issues. Again, runs perfectly smooth on a 12GB PC. Killzone, again has framerate drops (funnily enough, I own that too) when loading larger areas and when explosions happen... I haven't played Uncharted 4 yet as I want to buy it, but I'm waiting for a drop in price. Naughty Dog have always managed to push the consoles in just the right way, The Last Of Us looked incredible on the PS3. However. Uncharted has little to no vehicle physics and is a game based around adventure exploration with some fantasy involved (with locations like Shangri la from Uncharted 2). Uncharted 4 does look good, but in a completely different way. It's meant to look like a game, and not meant to look photo-realistic like in PD's ventures. They can embellish on unrealistic lighting effects that Battlefield always use to make eye-candy (Lens Flares). The Human Eye doesn't have lens flares. But cameras do).
The GIF that someone posted earlier proves that GT Sport looks more photo-Realistic in terms of lighting.
I'm not defending PD's graphics for defending sake. I'm simply saying that the detail in the environments is the best that I have seen this generation (close competition with The Division). They have used so much intricacy in the environments to make them that more photo-realistic than other games. There will be massive drops in GT Sports framerate when it is released, and will suffer massively when on Nordshliefe with 16 cars. The PS4 and PS4 Neo will suffer from GT Sport as the PS3 suffered with GT6. I doubt that GT Sport will run at 60FPS on Neo, let alone the un-overclocked standard PS4. I also highly doubt the TechDemo's are being run on a PS4 anyway. They'll be on emulators on extra-high-spec PC's like all developers use. Ubisoft and EA being the main developers at fault there for misleading people so the game won't look as they show in their photos. Real Gameplay Footage is what's needed to judge GT Sport properly.
I'm not even going to tackle the Forza comment as it has nothing to do with this thread as it's about GT Sport, not Forza. Just leave it as I don't agree with you, and have posted in other threads with photo evidence and proof why. If you want my comments on that, try to find them elsewhere in GT vs Forza threads.
GT Sport will be right up there with other games when released. However, as mentioned, people are expecting more than what they can deliver because of the 'Next Gen' ideal. And that will be this game's downfall on GT Planet.