It's obviously very much a Japanese thing, not being into that I have no idea what the C1 loop even is. I have no problem with street tracks in general but this one just seems bizarre when you're creating an eSports game that is meant to mimic real life FIA events. It's not safe in the slightest, it has no deformable barriers, no catch fencing. If we do get realistic damage and crash physics are cars going to fall off the highway?
Those barriers on the left should be able to deform. There should be catch fencing on the right that deforms. I'm not seeing anything in this track that is alive, or takes advantage of new hardware. I bet those 'plastic' red and white barriers in the background have the properties of concrete as well. This could just be another PS2 or PS3 track, minus the overall graphics of course.
Sure, it could be the now common "not finished" but
something we've seen must be finished at this stage. They must have had something finished to show after 2/3 years.