Its funny to me always read you comments, because its just make me smile!Why? Because You are that type of human being that will every time willing to find some negativity! For example: "Ouh today is fine and sunny day, we should go out and do something" And you will respond with this: '' Yeh, Its really sunny, but the sun is not healthy, You can get cancer or sunstroke!"
I think You get my point? I dont have issue with you but you are just that type of guy, and I just wanted to say that. Sure GT is not perfect, but which game is? I like GT in general, thats why I accept it the way it is, and I live in peace. But you constantly chicane about EVERYTHING!Have a good day man.
So you're the type of guy who can't refute the actual points being made so instead resort to attacks on my person and character? How about responding to the points I make?