Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Its funny to me always read you comments, because its just make me smile! :) Why? Because You are that type of human being that will every time willing to find some negativity! For example: "Ouh today is fine and sunny day, we should go out and do something" And you will respond with this: '' Yeh, Its really sunny, but the sun is not healthy, You can get cancer or sunstroke!"
I think You get my point? I dont have issue with you but you are just that type of guy, and I just wanted to say that. Sure GT is not perfect, but which game is? I like GT in general, thats why I accept it the way it is, and I live in peace. But you constantly chicane about EVERYTHING! :) Have a good day man.

So you're the type of guy who can't refute the actual points being made so instead resort to attacks on my person and character? How about responding to the points I make?
FIA certified tracks are only for real life based tracks, fantasy tracks are not, why would they be certified ? GTS does not have to have only certified track and nothing else. I'm glad PD adds fantasy/original tracks, it adds variety. I'm still hoping for past GT tracks like El Capitan, Citta Di Aria, Grindelwald, Red Rock, etc to appear someday.

For FIA E-sports event, we don't know yet the complete track listing that will be used.
It's obviously very much a Japanese thing, not being into that I have no idea what the C1 loop even is. I have no problem with street tracks in general but this one just seems bizarre when you're creating an eSports game that is meant to mimic real life FIA events. It's not safe in the slightest, it has no deformable barriers, no catch fencing. If we do get realistic damage and crash physics are cars going to fall off the highway?


Those barriers on the left should be able to deform. There should be catch fencing on the right that deforms. I'm not seeing anything in this track that is alive, or takes advantage of new hardware. I bet those 'plastic' red and white barriers in the background have the properties of concrete as well. This could just be another PS2 or PS3 track, minus the overall graphics of course.

Sure, it could be the now common "not finished" but something we've seen must be finished at this stage. They must have had something finished to show after 2/3 years.

C1 loop is what a lot of the Tokyo Expressway track route is based on - with it being a route apart of the Shuto Expressway highway network within Tokyo.

I definitely agree with all your points. A track based off routes for illegal street racing seems quite odd for an FiA game, something more fitting for a 'general' release GT7, not to mention the track style is hardly of fitting merit for an eSports level. Passing is awkward and far and few between, not to mention the difference in specifications of cars becomes readily more apparent.
So you're the type of guy who can't refute the actual points being made so instead resort to attacks on my person and character? How about responding to the points I make?
As I said, We all are different and thats ok! Accept it or not, your choice. I choose accept it.
As I said, We all are different and thats ok! Accept it or not, your choice. I choose accept it.
Probably best if you accept that other people have different opinions to you ;)

You are preaching to people about being accepting of whatever PDI give us yet are not being accepting of the opinions of others. You are the one with the problem.

We get that some of you are perfectly happy with whatever PDI give you, that's your choice, your free to make it and no one says your wrong but have the grace to realise that some people don't think like you. You don't have to come to GT's rescue everytime someone has something negative to say.
What GT fantasy tracks are FIA certified for safety ?

It's unknown which tracks have been certified as they never said, although going by the pictures in the original article two of them could be Silverstone and Brands Hatch

It's probably unlikely any fantasy tracks are certified though, that might be difficult to do (whilst with an real world already-certified track you just need to check the accuracy of the virtual version to see everything matches up).
27 October 2015 GT SPORT announcement:

BETA early 2016
NO full-price title

SOUND highly evolved

Physics BEST IN THE BRANCH verbatim(most realistic and accessible driving simulator)

19 May 2016 GT Sport unveiling

NO beta
Full-price title
Sound slightly improved
Physics-one step ahead two steps backward

And now we have a brand new patch promises from KAZ 👍


E-sports based on video games is not the same as real sports IMO, there's no reason that E-sports event have to completely adhere or mimic real life rules. It's a virtual competitive activity with prizes involved.
True, but for a product that will be FIA branded it is little odd, particularly given the FIA road safety initiative.
E-sports based on video games is not the same as real sports IMO, there's no reason that E-sports event have to completely adhere or mimic real life rules. It's a virtual competitive activity with prizes involved.
I'd agree with you if such a song and dance hadn't been made over the FIA partnership. This is a FIA sanctioned game and the competitions within it will be FIA sanctioned comps therefore it and they should adhere to FIA rules. Plus we are told that our in game FIA licence will hold some weight in the real world.
The track honestly reminds me of how dead, empty, and dark SSR5 is in GT5 and GT6. It was a really lively track in GT1-GT4, being filled with spectators taking photos, crowds cheering, and grandstands. It's a shame.
Since the ps3 era, Poly tracks are so dull in terms of atmosphere. I sincerly hope with the ps4 "power" we will see flags, spectators and some movements around the track like pitlane activity.

Overall, less clinical please.
27 October 2015 GT SPORT announcement:

BETA early 2016
NO full-price title

SOUND highly evolved

Physics BEST IN THE BRANCH verbatim(most realistic and accessible driving simulator)

19 May 2016 GT Sport unveiling

NO beta
Full-price title
Sound slightly improved
Physics-one step ahead two steps backward

And now we have a brand new patch promises from KAZ 👍

View attachment 548652

Given that would make the physics worse than GT6 you now seem to have resorted to shouting something you have made up.
On the subject of FIA sanctioned comps, the vast majority of open MP lobbies I have been in in recent times for pretty much any game would result in a lifetime ban for the majority of the competitors as a result of their driving standards. Are we going to see anything put in place that will mean driving standards will be driven up. I know we saw a safety rating stat in the profile but does anyone know how this will manifest itself in game?
True, but for a product that will be FIA branded it is little odd, particularly given the FIA road safety initiative.

How far does the FIA branding will be ? Online events only or it will be tied into offline as well ?
How do FIA certify fantasy tracks when there's no equivalent real life track for reference ? I saw the old news about FIA certification on GT tracks, they were using real life safety certification on virtual tracks ( accuracy in visual representation only )
I think road safety initiative has no bearing on a online racing game which more focused on race tracks and race cars.

I'd agree with you if such a song and dance hadn't been made over the FIA partnership. This is a FIA sanctioned game and the competitions within it will be FIA sanctioned comps therefore it and they should adhere to FIA rules. Plus we are told that our in game FIA licence will hold some weight in the real world.

FIA sanctioned ? Where do you read that ? I haven't seen any statement from FIA that it will be sanctioned like real life event would. It's E-sports, not real life sports.

The FIA licence would hold weight for theory portion only, that's what I have read somewhere here. It's virtual activity, I doubt FIA will give the licence easily, you would need to pass actual test on local motoring authority.

Which FIA rule set will be used for the E-sports, anyone know this ? Has PD make announcement on this ?
@super_gt So you are going to completely ignore the fact the build we saw at the Copper Box is 50% complete? While I do realise the game needs work from what I played on Friday, I get the impression you think nothing will change between now and November.
How far does the FIA branding will be ? Online events only or it will be tied into offline as well ?
How do FIA certify fantasy tracks when there's no equivalent real life track for reference ? I saw the old news about FIA certification on GT tracks, they were using real life safety certification on virtual tracks ( accuracy in visual representation only )
I think road safety initiative has no bearing on a online racing game which more focused on race tracks and race cars.

FIA sanctioned ? Where do you read that ? I haven't seen any statement from FIA that it will be sanctioned like real life event would. It's E-sports, not real life sports.

The FIA licence would hold weight for theory portion only, that's what I have read somewhere here. It's virtual activity, I doubt FIA will give the licence easily, you would need to pass actual test on local motoring authority.

Which FIA rule set will be used for the E-sports, anyone know this ? Has PD make announcement on this ?
Check the news page.

The game will feature two FIA Online Championships which are going to run simultaneously: ‘Nations Cup’ and ‘Manufacturer Fan Cup’.
I saw some people said what GTS graphics looks like GT6. It's really interesting for me how it actually should look. Something like this, I guess? Raindrops are here, of course.
Yeah i don't know why they said it looks like GT6. The difference is quite significant imo. That comparison video proves it.
I never said fictional tracks were FIA certified. I just found it a strange contrast.

As I said, We all are different and thats ok! Accept it or not, your choice. I choose accept it.

Do you? I was hyped for the game before the announcement, this whole thread was. Look back if you don't believe me. Even during the press conference when details were being relayed everyone was mostly positive to what they were hearing and seeing. Then we later saw the game in action and my hype turned to disappointment in a lot of areas for many people. I was hoping for better. That is my opinion and one I am entitled to. Other people were too. Do you think they feigned disappointment for the fun of it?

When I make an opinionated post on this board I do not expect it to go unchallenged, that is the entire point of a discussion board. However what I expect are thought out responses directly to what I posted, not an attack on my character and not just a generic defence unrelated to the direct point being made. If you have no direct response to criticism except "Well, I like it, don't know why you don't" might I suggest just ignore the post instead.

This does go both ways as well though, if someone posts that they like something any counter should be with reason why they believe that exact thing isn't so good, not "It sucks, what are you taking about?". I want to see more constructive discussion all around.

PS this way not entirely directed at you in particular, just speaking generally.
This isn't a FIA game in the sense that it's about replicating real FIA events. That has never been the purpose of the collaboration. This is about FIA and Gran Turismo entering the world of e-sports together, so in a sense it's just as much about FIA embracing video gaming as it is about Gran Turismo embracing FIA regulations.

Do we know what 'brand central' in the menus is yet?

It's an expanded car dealership. In addition to the dealership I believe it will contain additional information and features about the brand, such as videos and maybe the museum feature as well?
Online championship, FIA digital licence, this is strictly virtual. Only 4 real world tracks have been certified according to the article.
No that article said when we first heard about the partnership, back in 2014, we were told 4 tracks had been certified. We have no idea how many will be certified at release. You also cleverly missed off 'FIA' from 'FIA Online Championship' in your reply. Which I think most would agree is a pretty glaring omission.
FIA sanctioned ? Where do you read that ? I haven't seen any statement from FIA that it will be sanctioned like real life event would. It's E-sports, not real life sports.

the first virtual race event to be organized and sanctioned by the world’s governing body of motorsport.

  • To be made accessible to all age groups.
  • A wide variety of racing categories.
  • Winner celebrated at FIA Prize Giving ceremony.
  • Delivery of a message emphasizing safety.
  • Final race to be supervised by FIA officials.
GT SPORT sort of reminds me back to GT1 and GT2 in a good way. GT1 had UK v Japan type races, license tests, world races and they played some GT1 music at event. GT2 had rally, manufacturer races, national races and the turbo sounds.

Totally agree with the GT1 stuff, although never played GT2 as I was to young to own it so I went from GT1 to GT3 :embarrassed:!