Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
That's me driving in that clip! :P
Was it with a wheel or controller? How much steering lock were you putting on? Did the car oversteer as easily as it appears? Did you experience any understeer at all? Sorry for all the questions but I spent a good chunk of time driving at the ring in the MX-5 in Assetto Corsa yesterday and my experience was very different to what shows in that video.
Wheel, more steering lock than shown in the video as it isn't 1:1. A lot of the oversteer was being provoked by me, the car was quite neutral if you drove it in a smoother manner. You did get a small amount of understeer but it was quite easy to overcome. I should add that the CM tyres I used in this lap felt less grippy than their GT6 equivalents, so it may be a case that the default (in this case CS) tyres now have more realistic grip levels. @PzR Slim

Sorry, I had to reload it! Here it is again:

It's quite a decent clip to get an idea of the upgraded AI.

Man the way the driver catches slides is so unrealistic :(

Alright guys, now that i decided to get myself a PS4, can you recommend me some games to play while waiting for GT Sport?

I already plan to get Driveclub with it but i wanna get some other games(not like my Xbox One, with only three One games and some 360 games.)

For racing PCars, else get TLOU or Dark souls 3...
Man the way the driver catches slides is so unrealistic :(
Yeah even during the livestream race with the Miatas everyone was complaining how cars slid a little too much, maybe it's from the same build.
I wouldn't hold my breath even if the 24h race would be the opportunity o show off actual nighttime racing with dynamic weather and such. Maybe i'm wrong and they'll just show off some old racecar model. I remember the PD guys were actually attracted to the opel manta and its following at the VLN last year, anyway we'll see.
Wheel, more steering lock than shown in the video as it isn't 1:1. A lot of the oversteer was being provoked by me, the car was quite neutral if you drove it in a smoother manner. You did get a small amount of understeer but it was quite easy to overcome. I should add that the CM tyres I used in this lap felt less grippy than their GT6 equivalents, so it may be a case that the default (in this case CS) tyres now have more realistic grip levels. @PzR Slim
Thanks man. That none 1:1 wheel movement really does make it difficult to gauge.
I'm actually ok with the weather being static. I never really payed much attention to the dynamic aspect anyway.
However, fans of the endurance races might be quite disappointed, since changing weather always makes tyre choice interesting.

One thing I'm worried about is the time of day. I'd rather it was static than not being in the game at all, but again, endurance racing will be a lot less authentic if there's no time change.

I am really curious about how the endurance races will work in GTS if everything is static.
Alright guys, now that i decided to get myself a PS4, can you recommend me some games to play while waiting for GT Sport?

I already plan to get Driveclub with it but i wanna get some other games(not like my Xbox One, with only three One games and some 360 games.)

If you dont want to wait for news about whether Neo will launch alongside GTS and would rather purchase a console now then I can recommend:

Bloodborne, MGS V, Uncharted 4, Resogun. These are titles I have no regrets purchasing at their respective launch prices. A few free to play games on the system too so something there might help pass the time in your 6 month wait for GTS.
After watching some of the direct feed videos(albeit still using poor encoding along with added Youtube compression...), I think that the engine sounds..............ARE actually improved. Noticeably.

The problem seems to be the mix right now. Engines are too quiet, tire squealing too loud and then of course everybody is racing with this god forsaken MUSIC on top of it all(music while sim racing, c'mon).

It's never going to sound like Raceroom. Frankly, everything out there sounds bad compared to Raceroom. But I think it can sound *respectable* going by the few examples I've seen so far. At least to the point where it isn't a severe distraction or in-your-face flaw all the time. I'd say it has the potential to at least sound near enough to Forza Motorsport, which is decent, but not spectacular.

What it needs is a volume slider for engine noise and one for tire noise. Tire noise is still too easily provoked, but it would be more bearable if you could lower it into the middle of the mix rather than have it dominating.

I think one of the things that made it hard for GT to have great sounds before is that they insisted on keeping car counts high, in keeping cars from older games. In other words, maybe you could update the sounds of new cars to a respectable point(still a massive undertaking if we're talking 100+ cars), but then how do you go about updating the previous 500+ cars to the same standard? It's basically impossible from a practical standpoint. I think this alone necessitates the decision to start from scratch on the car models. I think GT is going to have to compromise on car counts for the time being until everything can be brought up to par. I think it'll be worth it in the end.
After watching some of the direct feed videos(albeit still using poor encoding along with added Youtube compression...), I think that the engine sounds..............ARE actually improved. Noticeably.

The problem seems to be the mix right now. Engines are too quiet, tire squealing too loud and then of course everybody is racing with this god forsaken MUSIC on top of it all(music while sim racing, c'mon).

It's never going to sound like Raceroom. Frankly, everything out there sounds bad compared to Raceroom. But I think it can sound *respectable* going by the few examples I've seen so far. At least to the point where it isn't a severe distraction or in-your-face flaw all the time. I'd say it has the potential to at least sound near enough to Forza Motorsport, which is decent, but not spectacular.

What it needs is a volume slider for engine noise and one for tire noise. Tire noise is still too easily provoked, but it would be more bearable if you could lower it into the middle of the mix rather than have it dominating.

I agree, and it can be very easily fixed. Lowering tire squeal noise, highering wind effect like some previous GT5 (or GT6 I don't remember) update which gives a very intense feel of high speed, and some tiny tweaks. It really isn't that hard now, the samples are good imo.
Anyone met Darin from ISR there ? Heard/read a lot bad things about him :( The review incorrectly wrote Kaz name, Yamaguchi throughout the article :lol: Don't know if intentional or not, but hard to believe ISR could get Kaz name wrong.
I noticed that but in his defense, in the feed I watched, I'm pretty sure I heard the announcer on stage called him Kazunori Yamaguchi.
I noticed that but in his defense, in the feed I watched, I'm pretty sure I heard the announcer on stage called him Kazunori Yamaguchi.

That's not an excuse :rolleyes: , if an announcer spelled wrong, that means he just followed what he heard ( he didn't know his surname ? ) Anyway someone has pointed the error on the article and he already fixed it :P Surprised that Darin got an invite for GT event.
I'm absolutely satisfied with what I've heard of the audio quality within Gran Turismo Sport so far.

Whilst its not outstanding by any means, its clear they're trying to rectify one of the most prominent criticisms the series has received throughout its lifetime.
If anything, they're on the right track. Take the 458 sound for example. They got the notes right, but the crackles and roughness are still missing. And the Lancer Evo stutututu.
I had turbo spool in the 650s GT3 car. I had no engine noise which might just have been the build I was on, or the fact it's in development but everytime i changed gear the turbo noise gave me a smile :D
GT SPORT sort of reminds me back to GT1 and GT2 in a good way. GT1 had UK v Japan type races, license tests, world races and they played some GT1 music at event. GT2 had rally, manufacturer races, national races and the turbo sounds.