Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Anyone else find it curious that at 3:14 the there is a huge gap from first to second and then, after 30 seconds of being flat out with no benefit of the draft, the gap is next to nothing?

Perhaps the FT-1 was just down on torque compared to the other cars. The stretch from Bergwerk to Karussell might look flat, but in reality it's one of the steepest sections of the whole circuit.

They certainly still have a long way to go before they reach their lofty PR claim.

The official races of “Sport Mode” where top players from around the world will compete, are hosted on weekends in a match that will be broadcast live. TV quality Live cameras and Live commentary, now in a video game.

You can watch live broadcasts of these races in real TV-like format, with spot-on track cameras

Yesterday was better than London but there was still poor cameras, twitchy cars and plus they had the benefit of only being 4 cars.
Well, I find that quite a normal footage. The Kesselchen climb consist of those two lefts that might interfere the drafting. After those, nearer Klostertal, the Mac seems to catch the #1 a bit. Dunno if the #3 does any disturbance to Mac's aero being so close to the rear. (I'm no Adrian Newey.)
More likely the guy in front just lifted slightly to close things up. That wasn't a serious competition, it was a race between devs to show off the game.

Anyways, graphics still look a bit rough and the physics looked a bit wonky, too.
Well, I find that quite a normal footage. The Kesselchen climb consist of those two lefts that might interfere the drafting. After those, nearer Klostertal, the Mac seems to catch the #1 a bit. Dunno if the #3 does any disturbance to Mac's aero being so close to the rear. (I'm no Adrian Newey.)
Much of the gap is made up before the first left hander. He's too far back for the draft to have any consequence whatsoever, assuming it's based on real world drafting physics.
Perhaps the FT-1 was just down on torque compared to the other cars. The stretch from Bergwerk to Karussell might look flat, but in reality it's one of the steepest sections of the whole circuit.

Nope. Torque is almost meaningless at that speed, it's HP that counts. Proof is in the pudding as they say. He doesn't seem to have any problem holding his own from Dottinger to Tiergarten where the cars get side by side. In fact, he starts out ahead at Dottinger, the others draft alongside but can't get by and he actually emerges ahead through Hohenrain. If torque or aero was an issue with that car it would have shown up there, but it doesn't. It doesn't make any sense when you put it all together.
Anyone else find it curious that at 3:14 the there is a huge gap from first to second and then, after 30 seconds of being flat out with no benefit of the draft, the gap is next to nothing?

They are different cars with different power with different areo and different weight and different drivers... It would only be curious if they were dead equal.
I'm a little surprised that at the London event 2? updated builds were delivered in hours (they made a point of new builds coming through all the time) and yet here there appear to be none after 2+ weeks. What is that about?
They are different cars with different power with different areo and different weight and different drivers... It would only be curious if they were dead equal.
I guess you can explain then why the cars were absolutely dead equal on the backstretch under full acceleration without the benefit of a draft. I assume you can also explain them how that same car was able to retain the lead on that same back stretch without the benefit of the draft when it lost so much time in another part of the course under the same conditions. I am curious to hear your answer.
I watched again the races from Japan event but now in 1080p quality and it seems that the graphics are much better than they were in London, specially trees and anti aliasing. Still some glitches in fences and tree shadows, but more polished than before.

Keep bringing new builds PD. With this pace I believe the e3 build will look awesome.
Is this supposed to be some snarky allusion to how physics aren't something physical you can actually see?

I'm saying the behavior of the cars looked quite dodgy.

It's hard to judge car behavior using the spectator mode of a multiplayer race. It's a lot different than a single player replay.

In the single player replays that are available the cars behavior is totally different.
People never see the spectator mode on GT6 ? Same issue here, so stop complain about physics

Can we 'complain' about that instead then? Because it's definitely a huge issue when you're promoting the races as being like real life. Nobody is going to want to watch a race with shoddy camera angles and cars glitching around all over the place unnaturally over a real world event.
It's hard to judge car behavior using the spectator mode of a multiplayer race. It's a lot different than a single player replay.

In the single player replays that are available the cars behavior is totally different.
I dunno, I saw the same thing there, too. Like the cars could just be turned on a dime with no respect for the weight transfer that needs to take place or the grip involved. Quick example:

That just looks like something out of Driveclub to me.

Maybe I've just been spoiled not having played GT in a long time with hundreds of hours of Assetto Corsa and the like since.
Can we 'complain' about that instead then? Because it's definitely a huge issue when you're promoting the races as being like real life. Nobody is going to want to watch a race with shoddy camera angles and cars glitching around all over the place unnaturally over a real world event.

Especially considering that others who have been doing this whole online sanctioned racing stuff don't have these problems. The issue is they're not backed by the FIA just the racing series themselves.
Anyone else find it curious that at 3:14 the there is a huge gap from first to second and then, after 30 seconds of being flat out with no benefit of the draft, the gap is next to nothing?
It seems to me they were catching consistently. The faster you go, the larger the physical separation is for a given time difference. At 200 km/h they were 1.5 seconds behind and by the time they'd hit 250 it was down to under a second. That's a separation of about 80 metres then 70 metres.
I dunno, I saw the same thing there, too. Like the cars could just be turned on a dime with no respect for the weight transfer that needs to take place or the grip involved. Quick example:

That just looks like something out of Driveclub to me.

Maybe I've just been spoiled not having played GT in a long time with hundreds of hours of Assetto Corsa and the like since.

Really a weird behavior in that gif. Maybe because it's a fantasy car.

But every other single player replay I saw the cars were behaving very realistic.

There's even a side by side replay video on YouTube comparing the sounds between GTS and Asset Corsa and in that video the car behavior in GTS looked more realistic to me. Maybe the replay do not represent the physics very well in AC?
I dunno, I saw the same thing there, too. Like the cars could just be turned on a dime with no respect for the weight transfer that needs to take place or the grip involved. Quick example:

That just looks like something out of Driveclub to me.

Maybe I've just been spoiled not having played GT in a long time with hundreds of hours of Assetto Corsa and the like since.
It is a race car with likely pretty stiff suspension settings so that's probably part of it. But I agree it still looks a little strange there.
There is a notorious threading of a needle on that climb, too, which is very easy to screw up even with downforce.

How close do you need to be to get the "benefit" of a dirty wake, anyway?

Regarding the horsepower / torque aspect, it's primarily dictated by the gearing in the sense that it determines where in the powerband you are for a given road speed. It's quite possible that once the Toyota gets up above 250, it has a hair more than the others, which may peak sooner and overrev. It was also on the inside of its immediate competitors at two crucial points (Antoniusbuche -> Tiergarten vs. the Jag and Macca and the Hohenrain chicane vs. the Renault).

The Bugatti likely has lots of aero, and the steering animation is probably not 1:1, still.
They could just be using boost, which makes sense, but i don't think we saw that option yet?

On the other hand, Bergwerk is one of the most difficult corners to get it right on the Nordschleife, if you exit about 5 km/h faster, you will close the gap on the climb. And is one of those sections that different torque/horsepower counts the most.
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In the Tokyo race, the fourth car was 12 seconds faster in the last lap. That´s a big rubber banding

Exactly forget the Ring, that was a clear sign of something fishy going on.

Just after the crash, miles behind.

4th place finished lap one, still behind by approx 13 seconds.


Then by the end of the 2nd lap...


Caught up completely and gone 10 seconds faster. The top three were barging around a bit but not enough to lose 10 seconds.
Can we 'complain' about that instead then? Because it's definitely a huge issue when you're promoting the races as being like real life. Nobody is going to want to watch a race with shoddy camera angles and cars glitching around all over the place unnaturally over a real world event.
Sure you can, but dont mix up with physic issue and connection issue
10% done, so it will be improved at the final build. But concerning the lag, i think it will not disappear completely, we dont know how the data work on spectator mode so
At this race we can see some interesting idea from replay, like the camera focus but it seem it doesnt work properly

And for the race itself, there is definely a boost option