Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
No doubt the game will look good. Wonder how many offline players they'll lose percentage wise.

I can see how this would be a GTS"1" game:
Night with no transition(changing it at a pit stop doesn't count)
Smallish car count
Good graphics
Race cars
Road cars
That's about all I got.

Just solidifies what I've started to believe that GT is basically just becoming an eye candy car viewer.

That's what it is. With racing in between to make a bit of money to buy more eye-candy to check out.

I'm really trying not to be Negative Nancy here, but really, all I see is a game that will only please the hardcore, longtime GT Faithfuls, the ones that blindly defend Kazunori Yamauchi and PD no matter how much crap they shove in their face.

Not impressed at all. Nothing new but three cars were shown. And of course, it's all about the graphics and visuals again... Gotta capture dem REAL colours in a racing sim. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't really call that scene they showed us "dynamic". I believe they just wanted to show us the different time of day settings you can choose. (Hoping to be wrong, though.)
Yep, agree. At first I was too impressed by all this nice stuff, but now I see they just show it with different time settings.
That's what it is. With racing in between to make a bit of money to buy more eye-candy to check out.

I'm really trying not to be Negative Nancy here, but really, all I see is a game that will only please the hardcore, longtime GT Faithfuls, the ones that blindly defend Kazunori Yamauchi and PD no matter how much crap they shove in their face.

I consider (or considered) myself a pretty hardcore GT fan. I still bought GT6 despite the criticism and awful performance, that was pretty much the last straw. I do still play GT2 and GT4 on occasion because those are like the greatest hits, however crap the new ones might be I can still have solace in those ones.

GTS though, just ugh.

We already know it probably won't hit a locked 60FPS, it won't have good sounds, it will STILL have the awful chase cam and no sense of speed (and you can throw "being able to move the camera in chase cam" out the window too), and so on. The only reason I know we won't get them is because most of them are things PD has explicitly promised, and we all know how much a promise means from PD.

Sounds a bit ranty but it's true, I'm just sick of GT being stuck in 2001 in terms of gameplay, but enough people will still buy it because the pretty graphics make them go "ooooh".
Those avatars though. I'd like to know if avatars will be interacting with the environment, new animations pre race, post race, practice qualifying, warm up.

I tell you, this is a pretty good advert for 4k tvs.
Sony don't even seem bothered about it, nobody spoke about the game on stage. Just "here is a 60s trailer for our biggest selling franchise" and "moving on".

Yep. I would probably rather have seen DriveClub 2 than gts. ;)
Sony don't even seem bothered about it, nobody spoke about the game on stage. Just "here is a 60s trailer for our biggest selling franchise" and "moving on".

Yet they talk about The Show, a game I'd imagine nobody outside the U.S. gives a damn about. :odd:
Have stayed out of the GT threads for months as it's not good for my soul but thought we might get some new info today. Disappointed as ever. No doubt the game will look beautiful but there are so many more reasons most of us play. Wouldn't even like to hazard a guess at a release date? What are the chances of Scorpio and FM7 being here before GTS?