Off-topic, so please excuse this digression.
But I might take the opportunity to quote someone whose posts I respect to get something off my chest.
Personally, I think it's time to let go of the reasonably consistent, fairly long term, passive aggressive remarks targeted towards one particular forumer.
I'm sure many/most here know what I'm refering to.
Peace. 👍
I'm kind of OK with it. The dude keeps posting stuff that borders between incredibly optimistic and outright lies. One could ignore it I suppose. Or one could simply correct him straight faced, but that gets hard when the same thing keeps turning up. Or one could correct him yet try and have a little fun with it, which unfortunately if you're on the other end tends to look passive aggressive.
It's actually more along the lines of wry sarcasm in that I almost always know roughly what answer I'm going to get, and any post is more for the purpose of making sure that other people are also mentally questioning what this member says instead of taking it at face value as accurate information.
The last thing that Gran Turismo needs at this point is the hype train getting out of control with people speculating. I remember GT5. I do understand the point that you're trying to make, but I also think that it's important as a community that we take at least some personal responsibility for the information that gets disseminated about the game.
We're probably the most well informed people on GTS, because we all actually care about what the game will be like. I think it's reasonable that we make at least some small effort to curb misinformation. And given that we have Kaz and his tendency to run his mouth I think it's reasonable that we also make an effort to attach the disclaimer to anything he claims for his game: "This guy has a tendency to talk about what he wants the game to be, not necessarily what it will be, take anything he says with a grain of salt."
But that's my take on the overly optimistic mindset. We've got a game that has had a beta cancelled and has been delayed. I've seen the damage overhype did to the brand with GT5 and GT6. I'd rather try and temper expectations so that when GTS comes out it's better than anyone expected.
GT5's sales is almost equal to FH3, Assetto Cora and Project Cars' sales .... Combined.
GT5 is a seven year old game that came after a very protracted wait for a game from a developer that was arguably coming off the back of the best game it ever made. With a demo and a Prologue that made the game look very appealing indeed.
Polyphony can't rely on getting the GT5 effect happening again. They need a good game, they can't rely on brand presence this time.
There's where my point stands: GT's advantages over PCars and AC lie in number of cars and diversity of gameplay. While in AC and PCars as far as I can tell you're mostly confined to race cars, in GT you can have tuners, concept cars and $1,000,000+ exotics without giving way to the overly arcade-y gameplay of, say, Need for Speed. All that without needing to give up the diversity of race cars and real world circuits, as you'd somewhat do with a Forza Motorsport game. That is what GT is in the current racing game meta: the best of all worlds in one game. Instead of getting PCars, DiRT, and Forza, you get one game for all your car needs. To me, that's always been the reason I love Gran Turismo.
But Gran Turismo Sport isn't that sort of game. It's far more like AC and pCARS. GTS is absolutely not a one stop shop for all your racing needs.
From what I've seen, I'm taking GTS as a sort of 7 Prologue. It's a smaller game, made to test the waters for a new platform. I think Kaz just realised "oh, I can actually make this a big thing with the whole FIA stuff and whatnot" instead of releasing a game that literally had "work in progress" written on the title.
If it takes them four years to make a Prologue, we're all boned. There won't be enough time to get the full size game out on PS4, and so before you know it we'll be on PS5 and they'll have to make another Prologue to test the waters again. Repeat ad infinitum.