Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
First of all if it bothers you, ignore it no matter how many times you are going to try to stop people from trolling/criticizing they just will not stop.
Secondly, you must understand some people who does it with a sarcastic tone is extremely disatisfied with what they are getting/experiencing and from their point of view and experience they express it that way.
Thirdly, as long as people do not violate any of the GTPlanet "terms and agreements" they can post and say whatever they feel the need to. Last of all the thread is called a discussion thread, so you should expect very harsh arguments towards the game mainly because of the frustration of lack of communication/not listening to feedback (thankfully now they do a bit) of PD themselves. So whether you enjoy the game for what it is and GT is GT will not change the fact or change peoples attitude towards it.
So it is best to find a way to defend your statement instead of just trying to make people understand your annoyance. Nobody should be looked down at, everyone has their right to post what they want and feel the need to say.:)
Ok. You must have had a long day. I forgive you. Maybe you thought I cared to tell anyone what to do, like you're telling me what I should have been doing. It's a harsh and hypercritical, even hypocritical, thing to hear.

Basically, all I was saying is that it's annoying for me and many others to hear people giving negative criticism using a particular attitude. Personally, that bothers me more than people who only seem to defend PD / Kaz. I never said they don't have a right to voice their opinions and feelings on any matter. After that, you're telling me what I should and shouldn't do? It doesn't seem reasonable. I understand you don't mean to offend me, but you're telling me these things as if I don't know any better than to restrict anyone's right to speak what's on their mind.

I've explained that it only bothers me as there's often a negative attitude which comes with most strongly felt opinions. Oftentimes, it's clear there are people who only post when there's something negative they want to say about Kaz. Their intentions aren't to create discussion, but sometimes it's to stir up emotions. Not saying it's like that with most people, but just as many people can be critical of the series and PD without crapping on them. Again, I'm only saying it ruins my mood. At least I'm not ragging on people for not being all kumbaya with me. That's a whole separate problem. :/

I should say, I have vented and gone on a few tangents. I was/am angry about Tokyo Expressway and about PD not utilizing the so-called future-proof resources they've acquired through GT5 and GT6, but it's not on my agenda to be critical any time something good happens to balance the scales.

Well.... it's not a complete surprise that you don't see or feel the Gran Turismo buzz, Mr Johnny Penso, sir. :lol:

However, you do have a point. 5 & 6 seem to have dulled the general enthusiasm for this game. I'm super interested to see how this entry fares, critically and sales-wise.

I honestly have no idea how that will pan out.
Yea. It's, I wouldn't say brave, but maybe, ballsy direction to take. It seems to be a revitalization of the series, and even more so if they don't make another number GT game. I'm gonna miss them. I expect GT Sport to do just as well as GT6 did. Considering the circumstances in which GT6 released and taking into account how vastly different GT Sport looks to be, I think a good 6 million in a year is possible. Entirely speculative, as @marcvic pointed out down below. I'd be surprised if it doesn't pass 4 million in the first year, I have to say. I wouldn't be surprise if it makes it to 8 million. I don't think it has a chance, based on how different it is, in passing GT2 with 9.3 million.

PD have dropped the ball. Not really. They physics changed drastically, for the worse and now they think it will be the definitive system and not a trial version for whatever reason Kaz decided to do it. They need to start spelling out everything and check it twice. They need to communicate enough and to the point that we know when Kaz's next poop and whiz will be.

A lot of people wanted a new, fresh GT and now that we're getting it, they're so angry. It's provisionally been a lose-lose ordeal. And now people (or at least one person) think I'm telling them what to do. I'm gonna have to change my identity. Or worse, my online identity.

edited for claritayyyyy
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Well.... it's not a complete surprise that you don't see or feel the Gran Turismo buzz, Mr Johnny Penso, sir. :lol:

However, you do have a point. 5 & 6 seem to have dulled the general enthusiasm for this game. I'm super interested to see how this entry fares, critically and sales-wise.

I honestly have no idea how that will pan out.

Yeah it's exciting to speculate. I'd BET on 5 million copies. I'm HOPING on 10 million copies.
because of the frustration of lack of communication/not listening to feedback (thankfully now they do a bit) of PD themselves.

There is also a lot of feedback im hoping PDI doesnt listen.. :lol:

Sorry I don't see the buzz. Outside of this gaming site and a couple of articles here and there, who is talking about GTSport? Better question, who is raving about the beta beyond the graphics? The buzz for GT5 after Prologue was way beyond what you're seeing for GTSport, especially on GTPlanet.

I think its also a case of the field of competition changing since ps2 era. Back then it was just few games and GT way up there. Now the market is filled with choice, which doesnt always contribute just positively to gamers as resourses get divided.

Due to all the competition no one is buzzing about Coca Cola like they did in the 50s . That change is just exponentially faster with games.
PD is at a crossroads right now - I can't put it any clearer than that. The PS3 generation has divided the fanbase quite a bit, with some people getting a lot of enjoyment (and therefore staying with the franchise) whilst some have left the series completely, because it no longer stacks up against the competition. PD have to make GT Sport one of the best GT games ever if the series is to survive into the future. They cannot go back to the PS3 days where the fans weren't acknowledged and the content was underwhelming. GT5 and GT6 had some redeeming features but for the most part, it was a case of over-promise and under-deliver. I used to like GT6 but after playing Project Cars for about 3 years, it feels like an arcade game. I might've criticised Project Cars about the AI, progression and dodgy physics, but when the game works, it is an experience that a GT game cannot match. PD need to take huge steps forward if they are to become a formidable force in sim racing again.
Do we have the same tracks in Americas and Eur and is this the first time? N300 dragon trail, gr4 Brands GP, gr3 Nordschleife?

And are they going to go for cross continent races? :scared:
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It is exciting to see that GT still generates such a strong buzz though - it's a by-product (and consequence) of the legacy, which will continue to grow.

Not really. There are a lot of other games that are significantly overshadowing it in the second half of this year. RDR2 would have been the prime example until it got delayed, but we've still got Far Cry 5, CoD: WW2, Mario Odyssey, God of War, Days Gone, plus the obvious GTS competitors in FM7 and pC2. I hear mentions of GTS, and no doubt once it has an actual date it'll be more visible, but for now it's pretty under the radar.

To be fair, racing games (let alone sims) don't get a whole lot of coverage from media outlets.

Horizon 3 did. Because it was an incredible game. It was stunning to look at, and it had gameplay that appealed to a disgustingly wide range of people. Even non-racers can get into stuff like the showcases. Pure, visceral fun.

A lot of people wanted a new, fresh GT and now that we're getting it, they're so angry.

I'm not angry. I wanted them to take a fresh start because I didn't believe that they could catch up with the other games out there by iterating on what they had in GT6, especially given their somewhat slow development pace.

I think the concept that they settled on is an interesting one, although I think cutting single player entirely is a mistake. I think they should have had a short and highly curated career, maybe 20 hours tops, focused on building the feeling of being a rookie driver and teaching the skills that a player will need online. Tutorials and licenses are part of that too, but I don't think it should be the only part.

As far as what GTS has turned into, I feel that it's looking a bit shaky at the moment. It's aimed at almost exactly the same space as iRacing, albeit it's intended to be more inviting to the casual player. So unfortunately we've got a very mature product to compare it to in iRacing, and it doesn't fare particularly well. iRacing has struggled for years to get it's penalty systems right, and GTS seems to have ignored a lot of those lessons, in addition to so far forgoing mechanical damage. I know it's supposed to be in there, but it's also supposed to be a beta and we're at most 6 months from release. I'm not holding my breath for much there, historically Gran Turismo has been quite averse to damage, even within the confines of what manufacturers allow.

The photomode is interesting, but it's fairly niche and to me it's less technically impressive than what they were doing with modelled locations in GT5 and 6.

Which comes to the other problem; it appears to be very, very small. I fear that for those who don't find enjoyment in searching for that extra tenth, which is probably most GT players, the repetition is going to drive them away quite quickly. I fear that there could be a lot of undeserved bad press and reviews going on after release simply because people buy Gran Turismo for that broad experience, and this doesn't have it.

I also have a nasty suspicion that Polyphony have misread the Gran Turismo market. People who historically played Gran Turismo single player games did so because they could be a winner. We mock the awful AI, but that was part of the game. You picked the right car, and you went out there and stomped them into the ground. Online, only one person out of 16 or 24 can be a winner. Those of us who have played online seriously have adapted to that, and get pleasure from a well fought race, or finishing above someone who seems better even if it's down in 11th. But I'm not sure your average casual GT player feels the same.

Sorry this has turned into a wall of text, but I wanted to put some context behind what at least one of the people who wanted a "fresh, new GT" thought of GTS. It's not anger. I'm still hopeful, but from the beta and descriptions we've had so far I see a lot of things that could go wrong with this. That are going wrong with this. While Polyphony are very good at making pretty looking games, I'm still not sure that they can match the engaging gameplay of other entries into the genre.

As someone with a disgustingly powerful PC, I find that I no longer care that much about graphics. I can get that anywhere. What matters to me is gameplay. As someone who hasn't played the beta but has watched a lot of footage, it looks...frustrating to play. The weird penalties, the ghosting, the odd physics, it all adds up to something that's just not quite right for a primarily online racer.
Well.... it's not a complete surprise that you don't see or feel the Gran Turismo buzz, Mr Johnny Penso, sir. :lol:

However, you do have a point. 5 & 6 seem to have dulled the general enthusiasm for this game. I'm super interested to see how this entry fares, critically and sales-wise.

I honestly have no idea how that will pan out.
Sorry, I missed the part where I was talking about what buzz I felt personally. My remarks were about the buzz, or lack thereof, that I have observed in the larger gaming community and beyond.
Different circumstances between the pre-release of GT5 and GTSport. GT5 was after a rather enjoyable Prologue and arguably series favorite GT4. Plus the fact the marketing was insane for that game.

GTSport comes as part of "the years of dreams" era of a dominating Sony, so next to stuff like TLG, the last Uncharted, FF7R, and the incredible PS line up -- it's much harder to stand out. That coupled with the lackluster first showing and the lack of marketing makes it understandable.

I'm thinking the "Hype train" will pick up around E3. It's been a much positive year for the title so far.

I don't find this game appealing in the least. There's something about blending realistic graphics and cars in a fantasy world of driving just doesn't work for me. Maybe 15-20 years ago when I was playing NFS on PS1 I would have found this fun, but the unrealism of driving through trees and jumping trains with a highly detailed and rendered looking car with apparently very superficial damage is too far fetched. I'd rather mess around with a fantasy car in GTA to fill this desire.
Have anyone else experienced kinda "on/off bug" with their settings on GTS?

I have now more than few times experienced case at i.e.having all aids switched off and still getting help, TC, ASM, ABS..

But if switching settings back and forth from off to on and back off then it's off, so visually I'm seen setting isn't affecting until switched it position once.

Just did a online race with GTS, same on/off bug happened to FFB settings, had to move one up and back down to get FFB normalised.

So there's big problem on beta as settings aren't sticking as they should, what you see isn't always what you get.
Have anyone else experienced kinda "on/off bug" with their settings on GTS?

I have now more than few times experienced case at i.e.having all aids switched off and still getting help, TC, ASM, ABS..

But if switching settings back and forth from off to on and back off then it's off, so visually I'm seen setting isn't affecting until switched it position once.

Just did a online race with GTS, same on/off bug happened to FFB settings, had to move one up and back down to get FFB normalised.

So there's big problem on beta as settings aren't sticking as they should, what you see isn't always what you get.

ugh. If I had been still playing the beta I'd say no. Your relentless searching and over analyzing the physics and settings in almost every thread makes my head hurt. :boggled:

Doesn't yours?
Have anyone else experienced kinda "on/off bug" with their settings on GTS?

I have now more than few times experienced case at i.e.having all aids switched off and still getting help, TC, ASM, ABS..

But if switching settings back and forth from off to on and back off then it's off, so visually I'm seen setting isn't affecting until switched it position once.

Just did a online race with GTS, same on/off bug happened to FFB settings, had to move one up and back down to get FFB normalised.

So there's big problem on beta as settings aren't sticking as they should, what you see isn't always what you get.

I did notice something similar soon after 1.05 update as i very clearly had traction control at start even though it was off.

Also have noticed drivingline markers keep turning off between every race lately, but they are also clearly off in settings when this happens. Maybe an issue with main/default settings that would be in the start menu and which we dont have access to.
Ok. You must have had a long day. I forgive you. Maybe you thought I cared to tell anyone what to do, like you're telling me what I should have been doing. It's a harsh and hypercritical, even hypocritical, thing to hear.

Basically, all I was saying is that it's annoying for me and many others to hear people giving negative criticism using a particular attitude. Personally, that bothers me more than people who only seem to defend PD / Kaz. I never said they don't have a right to voice their opinions and feelings on any matter. After that, you're telling me what I should and shouldn't do? It doesn't seem reasonable. I understand you don't mean to offend me, but you're telling me these things as if I don't know any better than to restrict anyone's right to speak what's on their mind.

I've explained that it only bothers me as there's often a negative attitude which comes with most strongly felt opinions. Oftentimes, it's clear there are people who only post when there's something negative they want to say about Kaz. Their intentions aren't to create discussion, but sometimes it's to stir up emotions. Not saying it's like that with most people, but just as many people can be critical of the series and PD without crapping on them. Again, I'm only saying it ruins my mood. At least I'm not ragging on people for not being all kumbaya with me. That's a whole separate problem. :/

I should say, I have vented and gone on a few tangents. I was/am angry about Tokyo Expressway and about PD not utilizing the so-called future-proof resources they've acquired through GT5 and GT6, but it's not on my agenda to be critical any time something good happens to balance the scales.

Yea. It's, I wouldn't say brave, but maybe, ballsy direction to take. It seems to be a revitalization of the series, and even more so if they don't make another number GT game. I'm gonna miss them. I expect GT Sport to do just as well as GT6 did. Considering the circumstances in which GT6 released and taking into account how vastly different GT Sport looks to be, I think a good 6 million in a year is possible. Entirely speculative, as @marcvic pointed out down below. I'd be surprised if it doesn't pass 4 million in the first year, I have to say. I wouldn't be surprise if it makes it to 8 million. I don't think it has a chance, based on how different it is, in passing GT2 with 9.3 million.

PD have dropped the ball. Not really. They physics changed drastically, for the worse and now they think it will be the definitive system and not a trial version for whatever reason Kaz decided to do it. They need to start spelling out everything and check it twice. They need to communicate enough and to the point that we know when Kaz's next poop and whiz will be.

A lot of people wanted a new, fresh GT and now that we're getting it, they're so angry. It's provisionally been a lose-lose ordeal. And now people (or at least one person) think I'm telling them what to do. I'm gonna have to change my identity. Or worse, my online identity.

edited for claritayyyyy
I must apologize If you thought that I wanted you to do what I want sorry, but no that is not the case it is merely a suggestion/advice I would like to give to you as I see it gives you a "bad mood" when people gives negative critisicm with a type of attitude. What I merely suggest is to ignore that attitude of people for as you and I may not know whether they are just trolling/attention seeking/actually frustrated and speak in that "sarcastic" tone.

Way back I felt the same way towards those arguments and end up in a very heated discussion afterwards. But then I started to get over it because in the end you are only bringing it (the damage) to yourself while the other persons happily keeps doing what he/she is doing.

After all I did not say that you are hindering other people to voice their opinions no, I merely suggest for you to ignore those type of behaviour as a friendly advice. Take this post as you may please and you choose whether you want to take the advice or not.

Have a good day further sir :cheers:
Not most people, but many post with a sarcastic tone that bothers me. Even saying something along the lines of "typical PD" rubs me the wrong way. I've been critical of the more major decisions Kaz has made. Announcing the release date prematurely is one of them since he said he wouldn't make announcements, unless he was certain they would be carried out. I don't constantly complain with that sarcastic tone to bash PD though. People who defend everything are on the other biased end of the spectrum. I'm not ignoring the fact of there being two extremes. That's my issue with people, but there are other forums and sites who have it a thousand times worse. That's not to say it's the only reason I stick around.

This series is just one of my favorites, not just in the racing genre, for many reasons and the positives by far outweigh the negatives. This side of the forum seems like it would be for fans of the series, but there's enough bashing that it feels like an easy target to crap on. That's my perception and not based on my love for the series. It's based on objectivity, not out of loyalty to anyone.
There are just as many people that have a sarcastic tone your talking about that are also in support of the game. So what though? If it bothers you so much, than remove yourself from the situation instead of condemning people that have issues with the game and voice their opinion on it. If you don't like it, move on.

Hell, the person I quoted blindly miss labels all those with a differing opinion as negatives or silly. That's the kind of people bringing down the thread, not those actually discussing negatively or positively.
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There are just as many people that have a sarcastic tone your talking about that are also in support of the game. So what though? If it bothers you so much, than remove yourself from the situation instead of condemning people that have issues with the game and voice their opinion on it. If you don't like it, move on.

Hell, the person I quoted blindly miss labels all those with a differing opinion as negatives or silly. That's the kind of people bringing down the thread, not those actually discussing negatively or positively.
I can see the world so much clearer now. Thanks!
I participated in some Pcars online championship and multi-class is good, but in those championships there was only 14 racers, two guys entered the race and at the start they abandon to the box and watch it to make comments and narrate the race, so a little more cars racing is good add too.

I don't find this game appealing in the least. There's something about blending realistic graphics and cars in a fantasy world of driving just doesn't work for me. Maybe 15-20 years ago when I was playing NFS on PS1 I would have found this fun, but the unrealism of driving through trees and jumping trains with a highly detailed and rendered looking car with apparently very superficial damage is too far fetched. I'd rather mess around with a fantasy car in GTA to fill this desire.

Sure, and there's always going to be people like that. Maybe it's just not the game for you. But I'd still say play it before you judge. It's more fun than you'd think, and even all the unrealistic stuff doesn't really detract that much. It's the car version of an action movie; we accept that it's not real but we enjoy it because it's OMGAWESOME.
Not really. There are a lot of other games that are significantly overshadowing it in the second half of this year. RDR2 would have been the prime example until it got delayed, but we've still got Far Cry 5, CoD: WW2, Mario Odyssey, God of War, Days Gone, plus the obvious GTS competitors in FM7 and pC2. I hear mentions of GTS, and no doubt once it has an actual date it'll be more visible, but for now it's pretty under the radar.

Horizon 3 did. Because it was an incredible game. It was stunning to look at, and it had gameplay that appealed to a disgustingly wide range of people. Even non-racers can get into stuff like the showcases. Pure, visceral fun.

I'm not angry. I wanted them to take a fresh start because I didn't believe that they could catch up with the other games out there by iterating on what they had in GT6, especially given their somewhat slow development pace.

I think the concept that they settled on is an interesting one, although I think cutting single player entirely is a mistake. I think they should have had a short and highly curated career, maybe 20 hours tops, focused on building the feeling of being a rookie driver and teaching the skills that a player will need online. Tutorials and licenses are part of that too, but I don't think it should be the only part.

As far as what GTS has turned into, I feel that it's looking a bit shaky at the moment. It's aimed at almost exactly the same space as iRacing, albeit it's intended to be more inviting to the casual player. So unfortunately we've got a very mature product to compare it to in iRacing, and it doesn't fare particularly well. iRacing has struggled for years to get it's penalty systems right, and GTS seems to have ignored a lot of those lessons, in addition to so far forgoing mechanical damage. I know it's supposed to be in there, but it's also supposed to be a beta and we're at most 6 months from release. I'm not holding my breath for much there, historically Gran Turismo has been quite averse to damage, even within the confines of what manufacturers allow.

The photomode is interesting, but it's fairly niche and to me it's less technically impressive than what they were doing with modelled locations in GT5 and 6.

Which comes to the other problem; it appears to be very, very small. I fear that for those who don't find enjoyment in searching for that extra tenth, which is probably most GT players, the repetition is going to drive them away quite quickly. I fear that there could be a lot of undeserved bad press and reviews going on after release simply because people buy Gran Turismo for that broad experience, and this doesn't have it.

I also have a nasty suspicion that Polyphony have misread the Gran Turismo market. People who historically played Gran Turismo single player games did so because they could be a winner. We mock the awful AI, but that was part of the game. You picked the right car, and you went out there and stomped them into the ground. Online, only one person out of 16 or 24 can be a winner. Those of us who have played online seriously have adapted to that, and get pleasure from a well fought race, or finishing above someone who seems better even if it's down in 11th. But I'm not sure your average casual GT player feels the same.

Sorry this has turned into a wall of text, but I wanted to put some context behind what at least one of the people who wanted a "fresh, new GT" thought of GTS. It's not anger. I'm still hopeful, but from the beta and descriptions we've had so far I see a lot of things that could go wrong with this. That are going wrong with this. While Polyphony are very good at making pretty looking games, I'm still not sure that they can match the engaging gameplay of other entries into the genre.

As someone with a disgustingly powerful PC, I find that I no longer care that much about graphics. I can get that anywhere. What matters to me is gameplay. As someone who hasn't played the beta but has watched a lot of footage, it looks...frustrating to play. The weird penalties, the ghosting, the odd physics, it all adds up to something that's just not quite right for a primarily online racer.

Horizon 3 was well received, but still didn't get a bunch of coverage through media outlets. It is also overshadowed by gamer's games similar to the ones you mentioned. Watch this year's E3 - there is a ton of racing games coming out, but they won't get much if any extended coverage. I agree though, Horizon 3 looks really fun. I'm impressed how Turn 10 took the NFS formula and absolutely took over on the open world arcade racing front.

My only concern for GTS at this point is, as you mentioned - the depth of the single player experience. There's rumors that the core modes mentioned at the Kaz Press Conference are not the only modes, but we don't know yet. Also, the game has been delayed from it's initial release date, so for all we know, they could be bolstering up the single player experience. Maybe seasonal events might supplement the offline racing. Whatever the case, let's hope that PD are aware of the need for a single player campaign of some type.

I picked up an ASUS Strix GL502 back in January, so once GT comes out, I may try out AC and PC2 (especially with all the features that PC2 promises). I have to wait til GT comes out because I gifted my Fanatec Carrera GT wheel/GT6 copy to a relative last year, and I've been waiting on GT Sport to buy a wheel/PS4 (leaning towards the T300 or T500). Currently, the racing games that I 100% intend to play are DriveClub, GT Sport and Dirt 4. I'm a huge gamer (as I'm sure many others here are), so my racing games have to be a very short list.

Side Note --> Concerning God of War 4 - I'm trying REALLY REALLY hard to keep an open mind on the new over-the-shoulder view... scratching my head on that move :odd:. But its GOW, and if I'm honest with myself, I'm going to play it just for that reason.
Horizon 3 was well received, but still didn't get a bunch of coverage through media outlets.

You don't think so? OK. My impression at the release of Horizon 3 was that it got a lot of hype for being one of the best reviewed racing games in years. It was also one of the first big cross-platform releases that Microsoft pushed between X1 and PC through the Windows Store, and I thought there was significant interest just in how well that would go after the problems with Quantum Break, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Gears of War.

I felt like it got a surprisingly large amount of coverage for what it was, but I guess it's hard to tell these days what with the way the internet learns one's tastes and curates itself towards them.

My only concern for GTS at this point is, as you mentioned - the depth of the single player experience. There's rumors that the core modes mentioned at the Kaz Press Conference are not the only modes, but we don't know yet.

I'd call that wishful thinking until I hear otherwise. You can find people on here who were sure that GTS was going to be GT7.

Also, the game has been delayed from it's initial release date, so for all we know, they could be bolstering up the single player experience.

Highly unlikely. You don't delay a game to add content unless it's a complete abortion without it. Polyphony had already cancelled the 2016 beta to gain development time, so we knew they were running behind. There was also hints in how little they'd shown off and how unpolished some of it was that it was going to be very difficult for them to hit a 2016 release date.

We're nearly halfway through 2017, and we haven't seen night racing or rain. We haven't seen damage. We've only seen a handful of tracks. We've probably seen most of the cars, but only if you count each separate Group version as a unique car. They're still working on matchmaking, physics and penalty systems. Consider that they need to finalise all that and then add on a couple of months of pure bug squashing, then another month of production and shipping before the release date.

I think that they've got plenty to work on just finishing what we know about so far. Adding more content would almost certainly be a mistake for them at this point. They need what they have already to shine like polished gold. The last thing they need is another half finished smorgasbord like GT5 and 6.
What! They changed the tracks again. N300 back at nordschleife (such a waste), gr4 back at Brands indy - thank god there isnt another oval on gr3.. But would have preferred nurb to brands gp.. :indiff:

Spendind less and less time with the beta.. Then again dont have access to beta forum so im not really contributing that much..